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The sendMail
procedure can be used to send emails through an SMPT server.
To use it, a properly configured SMTP server is needed. An SMTP server can be configured using the setSmtpConfiguration
CALL "UTILS.sendMail"(
"Recipients" => 'string_Recipients',
"Subject" => 'string_Subject',
"Body" => 'string_Body',
"AttachmentName" => array('string_AttachmentName'),
"Attachment" => array(blob_Attachment),
"AttachmentMimeType" => array('string_AttachmentMimeType')
Parameter | Description |
hostname | New SMTP server hostname |
port | New SMTP server port |
ssl | New SSL setting |
starttls | New TLS setting |
username | New SMTP server username |
password | New SMTP server unencrypted password. To set an encrypted password, importSmtpConfiguration may be used |
fromAddr | New email address to be used as a "from" address; mandatory |
CALL "UTILS.sendMail"(
"Recipients" => '',
"Subject" => 'Testmail',
"Body" => 'Hello world.',
"Attachments" => array(
(SELECT file FROM (CALL "file.getFiles"() ) a WHERE a.filePath like 'currencyconvertor.asmx'),
(SELECT file FROM (CALL "file.getFiles"() ) a WHERE a.filePath like 'currencyconvertor.wsdl')
"AttachmentNames" => array('currencyconvertor.asmx', 'currencyconvertor.wsdl'),
"AttachmentMimeTypes" => array('application/asmx', 'application/wsdl')
) ;;