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CData Virtuality Server Sizing

The hardware requirements depend on the maximum number of concurrent queries. This is not a limit on the number of queries you can run with your colleagues or the number of concurrent connections: it means that only this number of queries will actually run at the same time, while other queries are waiting in the queue for a free slot.

A default installation is set to 25 concurrent queries to match the entry-level hardware recommendation. The number can be changed to suit your needs (see here how; you need the max-active-plans setting), but running more queries simultaneously requires more hardware resources.  Please consult the table to see RAM and CPU cores requirements for example values.

Number of concurrent queriesRAM sizeNumber of CPU cores
2516 GB4
10064 GB

Heavy data virtualization usage: 16

Low data visualization usage: 8
(work gets offloaded to analytical storage, which should be sized higher in this case)

200128 GB

Heavy data virtualization usage: 32

Low data visualization usage: 16
(work gets offloaded to analytical storage, which should be sized higher in this case)

Please note that free disk space of up to 200 GB is needed for buffering in certain cases, in addition to the space taken by the OS, CData Virtuality installation, etc. The disk needs a good seek time; therefore, SSDs or equivalent are recommended. You can also use Virtual Server, as the CData Virtuality Server does not need to run on a bare-metal server.

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