MS SQL Server as Analytical Storage
When MS SQL Server is used as analytic storage, certain performance aspects need special attention. To ensure performant execution of distributed joins and for using ORDER BY
, the CData Virtuality Server requires that all systems connected to it have a compatible sorting order; otherwise, it must run sorting internally.
MS SQL Server has no sorting order for string types compatible with other popular databases or operating systems. Therefore, the CData Virtuality Server is configured by default not to push down the string sorting operations to MS SQL Server for the STRING
types. This will lead to increased disk and memory usage and some performance deterioration if not enough memory is available. In such cases, the CData Virtuality Server requires more local resources (i.e. RAM) to avoid performance deterioration.
The default values for MS SQL Server are as follows:
Parameter | Default value |
CALL SYSADMIN.createConnection(name => 'dwh', jbossCliTemplateName => 'mssql', connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties => 'host=<host>,port=<port>,user-name=<user-name>,password=<password>');;
CALL SYSADMIN.createDatasource(name => 'dwh', translator => 'sqlserver', modelProperties => 'importer.TableTypes="TABLE,VIEW",importer.useFullSchemaName=false,importer.importIndexes=false,importer.schemaPattern=dbo,importer.catalog="DWH_DB,TEST%",importer.defaultCatalog=DWH_DB', translatorProperties => 'supportsNativeQueries=true', encryptedModelProperties => '', encryptedTranslatorProperties => '');;
CALL SYSADMIN.setCurrentDWH('dwh', 'dbo') ;;
In this analytical storage, data will be loaded from multiple catalogs, including "DWH_DB"
and those matching the pattern "TEST%"
. However, table creation and deletion will be performed in the default catalog "DWH_DB"
model property is available since v4.11