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Oracle ADWC

Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (ADWC) is a fully-managed, high-performance elastic cloud service providing analytical capability over data stored in the database and Oracle Object Store.

Type Name


Connection Properties

Template name: oracleadwc

Appropriate translator name: oracleadwc


  • tns (the service name of the Oracle ADWC instance, which can be found in the tnsnames.ora file within the wallet)
  • user-name
  • password (default: empty )
  • wallet ( a path to a ZIP file or a Base64 string presentation of the ZIP-file; see note below)
  • tns_admin ( a path to the unzipped wallet directory; default: dvserver/standalone/deployments/wallets/wallet_<tns>/; the path should end with '/')
  • jdbc-properties (arbitrary extra properties)
  • new-connection-sql (default: alter session set nls_sort = BINARY)
  • min-pool-size (default: 2)
  • max-pool-size (default: 70)

Note: The wallet property is stored in the SYSADMIN.Connections table as a Base64 string even when set as a path to a ZIP file. In the import script, it will also be presented as a Base64 string, therefore the ZIP file does not need backing up for migration.

tns_admin is available since v4.0.7
keyStorePWD and trustStorePWD removed in v4.0.7


1. Example with wallet as a path to a ZIP file:

CALL "SYSADMIN.createConnection"("name" => 'adwc', "jbossCLITemplateName" => 'oracleadwc', "connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties" => 'tns=<tns>, user-name=<user-name>, password=<password>, wallet=d:/', "encryptedProperties" => '') ;;

CALL "SYSADMIN.createDataSource"("name" => 'adwc', "translator" => 'oracleadwc', "modelProperties" => 'importer.useFullSchemaName=false, importer.TableTypes="TABLE,VIEW", importer.importIndexes=false, importer.schemaPattern="ADMIN",importer.defaultSchema="ADMIN"', "translatorProperties" => 'trustStorePWD=<trustStorePWD>, keyStorePWD=<keyStorePWD>', "encryptedModelProperties" => '', "encryptedTranslatorProperties" => '');;

2. Example with wallet as a Base64 string:

CALL "SYSADMIN.createConnection"("name" => 'adwc', "jbossCLITemplateName" => 'oracleadwc', "connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties" => 'tns=<tns>, user-name=<user-name>, password=<password>, wallet=<Base64 string>', "encryptedProperties" => '') ;;

CALL "SYSADMIN.createDataSource"("name" => 'adwc', "translator" => 'oracleadwc', "modelProperties" => 'importer.useFullSchemaName=false, importer.TableTypes="TABLE,VIEW", importer.importIndexes=false, importer.schemaPattern="ADMIN",importer.defaultSchema="ADMIN"', "translatorProperties" => 'trustStorePWD=<trustStorePWD>, keyStorePWD=<keyStorePWD>', "encryptedModelProperties" => '', "encryptedTranslatorProperties" => '');;

Translator Properties

Translator Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors

(Properties listed in alphabetical order)

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner



Default value


Sets a template to convert WHERE clauses on strings


-- no conversion will be applied

comparisonStringConversion=binary %s
-- WHERE binary someStringExpression LIKE someOtherStringExpression

comparisonStringConversion=(%s COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS)
-- WHERE (someStringExpression COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS LIKE someOtherStringExpression)

  • MS SQL Server:
    (%s COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS)
  • MySQL, SingleStore:
    binary %s
  • Others:


Database time zone, used when fetching date, time, or timestamp values

System default time zone


Specific database version, used to fine-tune pushdown support

Automatically detected by the server through the data source JDBC driver, if possible

forbidNonMatchingNamesOnly considered when importer.tableNamePattern is set. When set to FALSE, allows creation of tables with names that do not match the tableNamePattern. Tables with non-matching names will only be accessible until the server restartsTRUE

If TRUE, all identifiers in the final query (that is being generated by a translator to be sent directly to the target DBMS) will be quoted



Maximum size of prepared insert batch



Sets a template to convert ORDER BY clauses on strings


-- no conversion will be applied

OrderByStringConversion=(binary %s)
-- ORDER BY (binary someStringExpression)

OrderByStringConversion=cast((%s) as varchar(2000) ccsid 1208)
-- ORDER BY cast((someStringExpression) as varchar(2000) ccsid 1208)
  • DB2 for AS/400:
    cast((%s) as varchar(2000) ccsid 1208)
  • DB2 for zOS:
    cast((%s) as varchar(2000) ccsid ASCII)
  • MS SQL Server:
    (cast(cast(%s as varchar) as varbinary)
  • MySQL, SingleStore:
    (binary %s)
  • PostgreSQL:
    (%s COLLATE \"C\")
  • Others:
supportsConvertFromClobToString If TRUE, indicates that the translator supports the CONVERT/CAST function from clob to string
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Greenplum, Oracle, MS SQL Server:
  • Others:


Forces a translator to issue a native() system procedure that can be used to pass native queries directly to an underlying DBMS


FROM table
    CALL "dwh.native"("request" => 'SELECT query, pid, elapsed, substring FROM svl_qlog ORDER BY STARTTIME DESC LIMIT 200') 
  ) w
  , ARRAYTABLE( w.tuple COLUMNS query string, pid integer , elapsed string, "substring" string ) x;

More usage examples

  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Snowflake, Oracle, MS SQL Server; Exasol, Vertica, Bigquery, SingleStore, Azure:
  • Others:

If FALSE, the CData Virtuality Server does not generate aliases in the ORDER BY clause.

If TRUE, indicates that the source supports aliases in the ORDER BY clause

  • PostgreSQL:
  • Others:
    • if OrderByStringConversion is not set, same as supportsOrderBy
    • if OrderByStringConversion is set, default for supportsOrderByAlias is  FALSE

If FALSE, the CData Virtuality Server does not push down the ORDER BY clause if it contains at least one expression of string type.

If TRUE, indicates that the source supports strings in the ORDER BY clause


If TRUE, trims trailing whitespace from fixed-length character strings. Please note that the CData Virtuality Server only has string or varchar type that treats trailing whitespace as meaningful



if TRUE, indicates that PreparedStatements should be used and that literal values in the source query should be replaced with bind variables. If FALSE, only LOB values will trigger the use of PreparedStatements



Embeds a / comment / leading comment with session/request id in the source SQL query for informational purposes


The names of the translator properties are case-sensitive.

Translator Properties Specific for Oracle ADWC

NameDescriptionDefault value
dateAsTimestampWhen set to TRUE, the Data Virtuality Server treats Oracle date data type as timestamp data typeFALSE
maxTableNameLength Maximum length of a table name30

Maximum length of a column name. Please note that five chars of defined maximum length will be reserved for internal purposes and cannot be used for column identifier

OracleSuppliedDriver Indicates that the Oracle-supplied driver (typically prefixed by ojdbc) is being used. Set to FALSE when using DataDirect or other Oracle JDBC driversTRUE

Data Source Properties

Data Source Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors

(Properties listed in alphabetical order)

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner




importer.autoCorrectColumnNames Replaces . in a column name with _ as the period character is not supported by the CData Virtuality Server in column names TRUE

Database catalogs to use. Can be used if the db connection property is omitted.

Only for Microsoft SQL Server and Snowflake:

  • Multiple catalogs (multiple databases) usage is supported;
  • '%' as a wildcard is allowed: for example, importer.catalog="foo%" will import foo, foobar, etc.
  • To specify several catalog names or/and patterns, values should be comma-separated and enclosed within double quotes: importer.catalog="schema1,schema2,pattern1%,pattern2%";
  • To use all catalogs, the value should be '%': importer.catalog="%"
  • To escape a wildcard in a catalog name, use the '\' escape character. The value should be as follows: importer.catalog="test\_tables"



All others: empty

  • Only for data sources that are also supported as Analytical Storage (SQLServer, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redshift);
  • When the property is correctly set, SELECT INTO, CREATE, and DROP TABLE commands are enabled for that data source;
  • Must point to the original schema name in the DBMS (e.g. importer.defaultSchema=public);
  • Needs specifying where tables will be created or dropped in the source DBMS;
  • Not meant to be used with Analytical Storage data source

Please note that writing into a data source is only possible if this parameter is set.

importer.enableMetadataCache Turns on metadata cache for a single data source even when the global option is turned off. Together with importer.skipMetadataLoadOnStartup=true, it allows using materialized views after server restart when the original source is unavailable
importer.excludeProcedures Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified procedure name from import
importer.excludeSchemas Comma-separated list of schemas (no % or ? wildcards allowed) to exclude listed schemas from import. A schema specified in defaultSchema or schemaPattern will be imported despite being listed in excludeSchemas. Helps to speed up metadata loading



All others: empty


Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified table name from import. Does not speed up metadata loading. Here are some examples:

1. Excluding all tables in the (source) schemas sys and INFORMATION_SCHEMA:


2. Excluding all tables except the ones starting with "" and "" using a negative lookahead: 


3. Excluding "tablename11" from the list ["tablename1", "tablename11", "company", "companies"]:

  • ".*\." will match the schema portion of the table name;
  • "\b" is a word boundary. It is used to define the boundary between text characters and non-character text;
  • "\btablename1\b" will only match tablename1 and not tablename11 because of the use of "\b";
  • "\bcompan" will match "company" and "companies" because we did not use "\b" at the end to delimit a word boundary;
  • ".*" at the end is necessary to match the trailing characters after the name



Fetch size assigned to a resultset on loading metadata

No default value


If set to TRUE, imports approximate index information


importer.importIndexes If set to TRUE, imports index/unique key/cardinality information FALSE
importer.importKeys If set to TRUE, imports primary and foreign keys FALSE


If set to TRUE, imports procedures and procedure columns. Overloaded procedures can be imported with an additional option useProcedureSpecificName.

Please note that it is currently not possible to import procedures which use the same name for more than one parameter (e.g. same name for IN and OUT parameters). Such procedures can be excluded from import with the parameter excludeProcedures.
Please note that it is not always possible to import procedure result set columns due to database limitations


TRUE only for CData connector

importer.loadColumnsTableByTableSet to TRUE to force table by table metadata processingFALSE/TRUE only for Netsuite and SAP Advantage Database Server
importer.loadMetadataWithJdbc If set to TRUE, turns off all custom metadata load ways FALSE
importer.loadSourceSystemFunctionsIf set to TRUE, data source-specific functions are loaded. Supported for Microsoft SQL Server and AzureFALSE
importer.procedureNamePattern Procedure(s) to import. If omitted, all procedures will be imported. % as a wildcard is allowed: for example, importer.procedureNamePattern=foo% will import foo , foobar, etc. W orks only in combination with importProcedures Empty


If set to FALSE, directs the Data Virtuality Server to create source queries using unquoted identifiers


importer.renameDuplicateColumns If set to TRUE,  renames duplicate columns caused by either mixed case collisions or autoCorrectColumnNames replacing . with _. The suffix _n where n is an integer will be added to make the name unique TRUE
importer.renameDuplicateTables If set to TRUE, renames duplicate tables caused by mixed case collisions. The suffix _n where n is an integer will be added to make the name unique TRUE
importer.replaceSpecSymbsInColNamesIf set to TRUE, replaces all special symbols (any symbols not in the ^A-Za-z0-9_ sequence) to the _ symbol in column names of tables FALSE / TRUE only for BigQuery
importer.schemaPattern Schema(s) to import. If omitted or has "" value, all schemas will be imported. % as wildcard is allowed: for example, importer.schemaPattern=foo% will import foo, foobar, etc. To specify several schema names or/and patterns, values should be comma-separated and enclosed within double quotes: importer.schemaPattern="schema1,schema2,pattern1%,pattern2%". For proper escaping of special characters depending on the type of data source, check Escaping special characters in schema names or use wildcards instead: "[schema_name]" can be rewritten as "%schema%name%". Helps to speed up metadata loadingEmpty

If set to TRUE, allows skipping metadata loading on server startup if there's cached metadata for the data source. . Together with importer.enableMetadataCache=true, it allows using materialized views after server restart when the original source is unavailable

importer.tableNamePattern Table(s) to import. If omitted, all tables will be imported. % as a wildcard is allowed: for example, importer.tableNamePattern=foo% will import foo, foobar, etcEmpty

Comma-separated list (without spaces) of table types to import. Available types depend on the DBMS. Usual format: "TABLE,VIEW".


importer.useCatalogName If set to TRUE, uses any non-null/non-empty catalogue name as part of the name in source, e.g. "catalogue"."table"."column", and in the CData Virtuality Server runtime name if useFullSchemaName is TRUE. If set to FALSE, will not use the catalogue name in either the name in source or the CData Virtuality Server runtime name. Should be set to FALSE for sources that do not fully support a catalogue concept, but return a non-null catalogue name in their metadata - such as HSQL TRUE / FALSE only for Hive and EXASOL

If set to FALSE, directs the importer to drop the source catalogue/schema from the CData Virtuality Server object name so that the CData Virtuality Server fully qualified name will be in the form of <model name>.<table name>.

Please note that this may lead to objects with duplicate names when importing from multiple schemas, which results in an exception

importer.useProcedureSpecificName If set to TRUE, allows the import of overloaded procedures (which will normally result in a duplicate procedure error) by using the unique procedure specific name in the CData Virtuality Server. This option will only work with JDBC 4.0 compatible drivers that report specific names FALSE
importer.widenUnsignedTypes If set to TRUE, converts unsigned types to the next widest type. For example, SQL Server reports tinyint as an unsigned type. With this option enabled, tinyint would be imported as a short instead of a byte TRUE
The names of the data source properties are case-sensitive.

Escaping wildcards in importer.catalog available since v4.0.8

Default values importer.catalog='EXA_DB' and importer.useCatalogName=FALSE available since v4.4

importer.loadSourceSystemFunctions is available since v4.6

importer.importProcedures set to TRUE by default for CData connector since v4.7

Data Source Properties Specific for Oracle ADWC

NameDescriptionDefault value
importer.loadAllOracleTableCommentsSet to FALSE to prevent importing table comments during data source creationTRUE
importer.loadAllOracleColumnCommentsSet to FALSE to prevent importing column comments during data source creationTRUE
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