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To allow participation of the CData Virtuality Server in Kerberos authentication, the following pre-requisites have to be met:

  • On the side of the CData Virtuality Server:

    • The Server must be configured to run with a domain account.

      • This configuration is done in the services configuration in Windows;

      • Use serviceuser@realm (example: dvsvc01@KRBTEST.DV) notation in the services configuration interface. Windows will try to use a different notation if the account is picked via search. The notation needs to be changed manually to serviceuser@realm - otherwise, the account will not be found by Windows;

      • Avoid @ and % in the password for this account.

    • This account needs full access to the CData Virtuality folder.

    • The service name for CData Virtuality Server is DVServer.

      • Windows might show the name in all uppercase in the service details;

      • The real name can be verified in the registry key "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\".

  • On the side on Active Directory (or the Kerberos server your organization uses):

    • The Service Principal Name (SPN) is mapped to the CData Virtuality Server service account;

    • The ktpass command (used to create a keytab file) will automatically map/create the SPN. Other tools that can create a keytab file may not automatically create/map the SPN;

    • A keytab file has been created and is available:

      ktpass /princ DVServer/<dvserver host machine name - fqdn>@REALM /pass *** /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto All /mapuser dvsvc01 /out <keytab file name>.keytab 
      ktpass /princ DVServer/<dvserver host machine name>@REALM /pass *** /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto All /mapuser <service account name> /in <keytab file name> /out <keytab file name>

Please note that in many organizations, only Active Directory administrators can do this.

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