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Public API


This procedure returns information about the state of shipment items, as it is available via the public DHL Tracking (DHL Sendungsverfolgung für Jedermann) API / website:

getStatusForPublicUser(String <i_appname>, String <i_password>,String <i_code>, String <i_codename>, String <i_fromdate>, String  <i_todate>, String <i_zipcode>, String <i_international_shipment>)


Required parameters
i_appnameUser name
i_passwordUser password

Piece code or piece customer reference. You can provide up to 15 piece codes or piece customer references (separated by a semicolon) per call when providing null as the international shipment and null as the zip code value. Otherwise, only 1 piece code/piece customer reference allowed

i_code-name'piece-code' or 'piece-customer-reference'
Optional parameters
i_from_dateStarting date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
i_to_dateEnding date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
i_zip_codeReceiver zip code (5 digits or more)
i_internation_shipmentTRUE or FALSE

DHL Track and Trace web service checks the number format of the piece-code / piece-customer-reference. If the number format is not valid, searching for this shipment data will be cancelled.

A piece code or piece customer reference can be ambiguous if null is provided for the zip code and/or the international shipment parameters. In this case, no shipment state will be delivered and the request will be cancelled. Ambiguity will be denoted through a respective state-code. The returned state-code has to be interpreted as shown below:

CodeDetailed search
78For identification of national shipments, at least a zip-code must be provided
79For identification of national and international shipments, at least a zip-code and the international-shipment must be provided
80For identification of international national shipments at least the international-shipment and (if existing) a zip-code with not less than 5 digits must be provided

To avoid ambiguity, please provide the zip code and/or the international shipment parameters.

CALL DHL_TnT.getstatusForPublicUser('john.doe','fxeiu483','23454664553','piece-code','2012-01-01','2012-05-01','','true')


This procedure returns the current state of one or more shipment items. Compared to getStatusForPublicUser, it delivers more detailed information:

dGetPiece(String <i_appname>, String <i_password>,String <i_code>, String <i_codename>, String <i_fromdate>, String  <i_todate>)


Required parameters
i_appnameUser name
i_passwordUser password

Piece code or piece customer reference or an order number of a single pickup from a pickup-station ("tas-order-no"). You can provide up to 20 piece codes or piece customer references (separated by a semicolon) per call

i_code-name'piece-code' or 'piece-customer-reference' or 'tas-order-no'
Optional parameters
i_from_dateStarting date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
i_to_dateEnding date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd

DHL Track and Trace web service checks the number format of the piece-code / piece-customer-reference / order number. If the number format is not valid, searching for this shipment data will be cancelled

CALL DHL_TnT.dGetPiece('john.doe','fxeiu483','23454664553','piece-code','2012-01-01','2012-05-01')

Aside from the state info, this request also delivers a temporary valid piece-id, which is needed for requesting the route (single piece events) of the shipped item via dGetPieceEvent.


This procedure returns the route - containing single events for a single shipped item:

dGetPieceEvent(String <i_appname>, String <i_password>,String <i_code>)


Required parameters
i_appnameUser name
i_passwordUser password

Piece code or piece customer reference or an order number of a single pickup from a pickup-station ("tas-order-no"). You can provide up to 20 piece codes or piece customer references (separated by a semicolon) per call

CALL DHL_TnT.dGetPieceEvent('john.doe','fxeiu483','487hfs86293u402652ih3',)


This procedure returns the state of shipped items and events associated with them:

dGetPieceDetail(String <i_appname>, String <i_password>,String <i_code>, String <i_codename>, String <i_fromdate>, String  <i_todate>)


Required parameters
i_appnameUser name
i_passwordUser password

Piece code or piece customer reference or an order number of a single pickup from a pickup-station ("tas-order-no"). You can provide up to 20 piece codes or piece customer references (separated by a semicolon) per call

i_code-name'piece-code' or 'piece-customer-reference' or 'tas-order-no'
Optional parameters
i_from_dateStarting date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
i_to_dateEnding date. Format: yyyy-MM-dd

The dGetPieceDetail procedure is a combination of requesting the state of shipped items (dGetPiece) and requesting the events associated with a single shipped item (dGetPieceEvent). It provides the opportunity to request all information about a shipped item in one request.

CALL dGetPiece('john.doe','fxeiu483','23454664553','piece-code','2012-01-01','2012-05-01')
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