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There are four different types of schedules - you can choose the one better suited for the task at hand:

Type of scheduleDescription
ONCEStarts the job exactly one time, immediately after defining the schedule or after a given interval. After doing so, the schedule will be deleted
ONCE_AND_REMOVEStarts the job exactly one time, immediately after defining the schedule or after a given interval. After doing so, the schedule will be deleted. If the assigned job has no other schedule, it will be deleted as well
INTERVALStarts within given intervals
CRONBehaviour can be defined via a cron expression
CHAINEDExecution of a job is linked to the execution (successful or failed) of another job

Schedules can be disabled by deactivating them without deleting them.

For managing schedules, the CData Virtuality Server has dedicated system procedures which are described in Schedule Management.

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