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System Functions

System functions provide access to information in the CData Virtuality Server system via a query. Here's an overview of them:

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Return value type

Retrieves the name of the user executing the query.

For jobs: when runAs = OWNER, CALLER() returns the owner of the job

For procedures: when EXECUTE AS = OWNER, CALLER() returns the name of the user who calls the procedure

CURRENT_DATABASE()Retrieves the catalog name of the databaseString
CURRENT_SCHEMAS(boolean include_system_schemas)

Returns a list of schemas (data sources and virtual schemas).

  • If the include_system_schemas parameter is set to TRUE, the list of schemas including system schemas is returned;
  • If include_system_schemas is set to FALSE, a list of schemas excluding system schemas is returned
String Array
DV_SESSION_SET('name', value)Sets the indicated session variable to the indicated valueObject
DV_SESSION_GET('name')Retrieves the value (null if no value has been set)Object
ENV('key')Retrieves the system (i.e. CData Virtuality Server) property specified by keyString
SESSION_ID()Retrieves current session ID in string formString

Retrieves the current request ID

USER()Retrieves the name of the user owning the queryString

Retrieves the oldest materialization timestamp from all query components. fqn can be the fully qualified name of a table/view or column. Returns NULL  if no component is materialized.


SELECT LASTUPDATED('schema_name.view_name'), LASTUPDATED('schema_name.view_name.column_name');;


CURRENT_SCHEMAS function is available since v4.10

Calling any system function is very simple - here's how to run USER(), for example:

System functions' names are not case-sensitive: both USER() and user() will work.

Special Note on ENV('key')

One important thing to remember about this function is that it is not enabled by default for security reasons to prevent untrusted access to system properties. To enable it, you'll need to use the following command and restart the CData Virtuality Server:

CALL SYSADMIN.executeCli('/subsystem=teiid:write-attribute(name=allow-env-function,value=true)');;

Special Note on DV_SESSION_SET('name', value) and DV_SESSION_GET('name')

Unlike other system functions described above, these two go together, and their purpose is to set and read variables at the session level. 

The first function sets the indicated variable to the indicated value and returns the old value, and the second retrieves the current value (if no value has been set previously, null will be returned). Variables are key-value pairs; the name is a string, the value and the return value are objects. 

A special case is the dv.maxRecursion session variable: it is a session variable per se, with a fixed default value which can be modified using DV_SESSION_SET('name', value)

SELECT DV_SESSION_SET('dv.maxRecursion', 25);;

CALLER function is available since v4.1

USER function is nondeterministic since v4.1

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