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System Properties

Some parts of CData Virtuality Server behaviour can be configured via system properties. System properties may be set in the dvserver/bin/standalone.conf.props(.bat) file and have the format -Dproperty=value.

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System PropertyDescriptionDefault Value


For usage with the CData Virtuality REST API pagination.

Specifies the maximum number of buffered connections (one connection corresponds to one cursor or requestId)



For usage with the CData Virtuality REST API pagination.

Specifies the duration a requestId created once will stay valid. After that time requestId  will be expired. Time is measured from the last usage of the requestId and will be reset with each usage.

The actual lifetime may differ depending on buffer usage for pagination queries.

Value is specified in minutes



Enables caching of the metadata to the configuration database on adding or refreshing the data sourceFALSE
dv.encryptionKeyPathDefines the path to the key file. The key is used to encrypt/decrypt credentials and other parameters that must be encrypted. Please contact support for more details


If set to TRUE, the Server will start in the maintenance mode FALSE
  • dv.proxy (possible values: NONE, HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5)


  • dv.proxy.port

  • dv.proxy.user

  • dv.proxy.pwd

Used by the following:



If set to FALSE, disables the metadata refresh on bootstrapping for all the data sources having a cached copy of their metadata in the configuration database. Such a copy is created automatically for each data source added or refreshed after the dv.enablemetadatacache property is set to TRUETRUE


If set to TRUE, prevents initialization of modular connectors metadata on server startup FALSE


Used to generate valid links in the OData and REST responses in case the server is configured behind a proxy server, or a load balancer is used. The value of this property is used if not overridden by the dv.webservice.public.url environment variable or by setting the WEBSERVICE_PUBLIC_URL  default optionempty value


If set to TRUE, makes the CData Virtuality Server keep the buffer files more compact (minimizing sparse regions) FALSE


If set to TRUE, enables blob and clob column values to be comparable in the CData Virtuality Server. Source type metadata will determine if the comparison can be pushed down TRUE


Controls whether the optimizer will by default unnest subqueries FALSE

Specifies the timeout for JBoss CLI in milliseconds 20000

Specifies the default CLI timeout for JBoss CLI in milliseconds20000


Specifies the default STRING data type length in the CData Virtuality viewsInteger.MAX_VALUE


Used for internal cache size calculation4000


REST API timeout in milliseconds600000


Specifies a Unique Connection String Identifier for Snowflake data sourcesDataVirtuality_DV

dv.webservice.public.url property is available since v3.4

dv.encryptionKeyPath property is available since v4.4


1. Example for setting system property via standalone.conf.props.bat (Windows):

SET "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -D<system property>=<system property value>"

2. Example for setting system property via standalone.conf.props (Linux):

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -D<system property>=<system property value>"

3. Example for setting the dv.maintenance system property via standalone.conf.props.bat (Windows):

SET "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Ddv.maintenance=true"

4. Example for setting the dv.maintenance system property via standalone.conf.props (Linux):

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Ddv.maintenance=true"
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