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Timeout Settings

There are three types of timeouts you can set up: transaction timeout, job timeout, and query timeout.

Transaction Timeout

It specifies the default transaction timeout to be used for new transactions. The default value is 24 hours, and you can change it via default-timeout in dvserver/standalone/configuration/dvserver-standalone.xml. Please note that the value is specified in seconds - in our example, we are using the default value, 24 hours, which corresponds to 86,400 seconds:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:transactions:1.1">
	<coordinator-environment default-timeout="86400"/>

Job Timeout

It can be configured either individually for each job or as a global setting applied to all jobs without their own specified timeout. The value is specified in minutes.

Individual Job Timeout

To set a timeout for a given job, you can use the runTimeout parameter when creating or changing a job. Individual timeouts take precedence over the global setting.

Global Job Timeout Setting

To set a global job timeout, you can use the JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT option set as a default option value. This option has 0 as default, meaning that there is no timeout for jobs. In this example call, we are setting the timeout for all jobs (except jobs with their own timeouts specified as described above) to 10 minutes:

CALL SYSADMIN.setDefaultOptionValue( 'JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT', '10' )

Query Timeout

Please see Query Termination.

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