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This procedure retrieves data from a source and performs UPDATE (on existing entries) or INSERT (on new entries) operations on a target table.


dwh_tableThis parameter is obsolete. This is the target table, not necessarily in DWH. Use target_table for further development
source_tableSource object; mandatory
keyColumnsArrayColumns that identify new and existing rows. keyColumns will never be updated; mandatory
updateColumnsSet of columns that influence what will be updated
invertUpdateColumnsParameter that decides whether all updateColumns will be updated (FALSE) or all except the updateColumns will be updated (TRUE); default: TRUE
target_tableTarget table

How to calculate the surrogate key. Can have one of the following values:

  • COUNTER (column type long)
  • UUID (column type string)
  • NULL (no surrogate key is generated); default
surrogateKeyNameIf surrogateKeyType is not null, an additional column with the surrogate key will be added to the target table. Type of column depends on surrogateKeyType
dbmsTableCreationOptionsRedshift table creation options
checkMaxFieldCheck field or expression in the UPDATE statement
defaultvalueIfCheckMaxFieldIsNullDefault value if check field or expression variable is null

If invertUpdateColumns is set to TRUE, key columns will be implicitly excluded from the columns to update. Nevertheless, you can never enumerate the same columns in keyColumnsArray and updateColumns.


CALL "UTILS.upsert"(
    "dwh_table" => 'string_dwh_table',
    "source_table" => 'string_source_table',
    "keyColumnsArray" => object_keyColumnsArray,
    "updateColumns" => object_updateColumns,
    "invertUpdateColumns" => boolean_invertUpdateColumns,
    "target_table" => 'string_target_table',
    "surrogateKeyType" => 'string_surrogateKeyType',
    "surrogateKeyName" => 'string_surrogateKeyName',
    "dbmsTableCreationOptions" => 'string_dbmsTableCreationOptions',
    "checkMaxField" => 'string_checkMaxField',
    "defaultvalueIfCheckMaxFieldIsNull" => 'string_defaultvalueIfCheckMaxFieldIsNull'



CALL "UTILS.upsert"
		source_table => '"mssql.AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee"',
		keyColumnsArray => array ('EmployeeID'),
		updateColumns => array ('EmployeeID'),
		invertUpdateColumns => TRUE,
		target_table => '"oracle.employee"',
		surrogateKeyType => 'UUID',
		surrogateKeyName => 'SurrogateUUID',
		dbmsTableCreationOptions => NULL,
		checkMaxField => 'ModifiedDate',
		defaultvalueIfCheckMaxFieldIsNull => '''2000-01-01'''

See Also

Using the Upsert Stored Procedure to Reproduce the SQL MERGE for performing multiple inserts and updates to the data from a source table to a target table

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