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Metadata Visibility

You can show or hide all objects (schemas, tables, views, procedures and columns) in metadata using role permissions.

The object is shown if the user has a role with:

  • R permission for a data source, schema, table, view, table, or view column;
  • E permission for a procedure.

The object is hidden if the user has a role with permission for the object and this permission does not have:

  • R permission for a data source, schema, table, view, table, or view column;
  • E permission for a procedure.

Here are several examples:

1. Hiding the pg_test_tables data source:

SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', '*', 'CRUDEAL');;
SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', 'pg_test_tables', '');;

2. Showing the pg_test_tables data source and hide the test_table_1 table:

SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', 'pg_test_tables ', 'CRUDEAL');;
SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', 'pg_test_tables.test_table_1', '');;

3. Hiding the test_proc_1 procedure in test_schema:

SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', '*', 'CRUDEAL');;
SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', 'test_schema.test_proc_1', '');;

4. Hiding the col_1 column in test_view_1 view:

SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', '*', 'CRUDEAL');;
SYSADMIN.setPermissions('user_role', 'test_schema.test_view_1.col_1', '');;

Please note that visibility inheritance, transitivity, and permission overlap; please refer to Permissions for more detail.

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