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Keepa API Reference

The public API procedures use internal procedures, that should not be used directly as they can be changed without an explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_ prefix in their name. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.


ASIN list of the most popular products based on sales in a specific category or product group
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. The Brazil locale is not applicable for this request. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<categoryId> (required): The category node id of the category you want to request the best sellers list for. You can find category node ids via the category search request, via the deals (search/select the category and click on "Show API query") or on Amazon. Alternatively, you can also provide a product group (e.g. "Beauty"), which can be found in the productGroup field of product object
<range> (optional): Can optionally be specified to retrieve a best-seller list based on a sales rank average instead of the current sales rank. Valid values: [ 0: use current rank | 30: 30 day average | 90: 90-day average | 180: 180 day average ]
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product



The category node id used in the request. Represents the identifier of the category



The domainId of the products Amazon locale



Field name



States the time of our last update of this seller, in Keepa Time minutes


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_BestSellers AS 
		CALL keepa.BestSellers (
			"range" => NULL,
			domainId => 1,
			categoryId => 281053
	) AS x


Products that recently changed and match your search criteria
<domainId> (required): The domainId of the Amazon locale to retrieve deals for. Possible values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<priceTypes> (optional): Determines the type of the deal. Even though it is an integer array, it can contain only one entry. Multiple types per query are not yet supported. Possible values:
<dateRange> (optional): Our deals are divided into different sets, determined by the time interval in which the product changed. The shorter the interval, the more recent the change; which is good for big price drops but bad for slow incremental drops that accumulate over a longer period. For most deals, the shorter intervals can be considered as subsets of the longer intervals. To find more deals use the longer intervals. Possible values:
<isFilterEnabled> (optional): Switch to enable the filter options. Example: true
<excludeCategories> (optional): Used to exclude products that are listed in these categories. If it is a subcategory the product must be directly listed in this category. It will not exclude products in child categories of the specified ones unless it is a root category. Array with up to 500 category node ids. Example: 77028031,186606
<includeCategories> (optional): Used to only include products that are listed in these categories. If it is a subcategory the product must be directly listed in this category. It will not include products in child categories of the specified ones unless it is a root category. Array with up to 500 category node ids. Example: 3010075031,12950651,355007011
<isLowest> (optional): Only include products for which the specified price type is at its lowest value (since we started tracking it). If true, "isRisers" must be false. Example: true
<isLowestOffer> (optional): Only include products if the selected price type is the lowest of all New offers (applicable to Amazon and Marketplace New). Not applicable if "isRisers" is true. Example: true
<isOutOfStock> (optional): Only include products that were available to order within the last 24 hours and are now out of stock. Example: false
<hasReviews> (optional): If true excludes all products with no reviews. If false the filter is inactive. Example: false
<filterErotic> (optional): Excludes all products that are listed as adult items. Example: false
<minRating> (optional): Limit to products with a minimum rating (A rating is an integer from 0 to 50 (e.g. 45 = 4.5 stars)). If -1 the filter is inactive. Example: 20 (= min. rating of 2 stars)
<isRangeEnabled> (optional): Switch to enable the range options. Example: true
<currentRange> (optional): Limit the range of the current value of the price type. Example: 105,50000 (= minimum price $1.05, maximum price $500, or a rank between 105 and 50000)
<deltaRange> (optional): Limit the range of the absolute difference between the current value and the one at the beginning of the chosen dateRange interval. Example: 0,999 (= no minimum difference, the maximum difference of $9.99)
<deltaPercentRange> (optional): Same as deltaRange, but given in percent instead of absolute values. The minimum percentage is 10, for Sales Rank it is 80. Example: 30,80 (= between 30% and 80%)
<deltaLastRange> (optional): Limit the range of the absolute difference between the current value and the previous one. Example: 100,500 (= last change between one $1 and $5)
<salesRankRange> (optional): Limit the Sales Rank range of the product. Identical to currentRange if price type is set to Sales Rank. If you want to keep the upper bound open, you can specify -1 (which will translate to the maximum signed integer value). Important note: Once this range option is used all products with no Sales Rank will be excluded. Set it to null (or leave it out from the JSON) to not use it. Examples: 0,5000 (= only products which have a sales rank between 0 and 5000) 5000,-1 (= higher than 5000)
<titleSearch> (optional): Select deals by a keywords based product title search. The search is case-insensitive and supports up to 50 keywords which, if specified and separated by a space, must all match. Examples: "samsung galaxy" matches all products which have the character sequences "samsung" AND "galaxy" within their title
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product



An array of Amazon category node ids this product is listed in. Can be empty



States the time this deal was found, in Keepa Time minutes








The name of the primary image of the product. null if not available



States the time of our last update of this seller, in Keepa Time minutes



States the time this lightning deal is scheduled to end, in Keepa Time minutes. Only applicable to lightning deals. 0 otherwise



States the time this lightning deal is scheduled to start, in Keepa Time minutes. Only applicable to lightning deals. 0 otherwise



Category node id of the product's root category. 0 or 9223372036854775807 if no root category is known



The count of sales rank drops (from high value to low value) within the last 180 days which are considered to indicate sales



The count of sales rank drops (from high value to low value) within the last 30 days which are considered to indicate sales



The count of sales rank drops (from high value to low value) within the last 365 days which are considered to indicate sales



The count of sales rank drops (from high value to low value) within the last 90-days which are considered to indicate sales



Title of the product. Caution: may contain unescaped HTML markup in rare cases



The offer condition of the cheapest warehouse deal of this product


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_BrowsingDeals AS 
		CALL keepa.BrowsingDeals (
			titleSearch => NULL,
			salesRankRange => NULL,
			priceTypes => '1',
			minRating => NULL,
			isRangeEnabled => NULL,
			isOutOfStock => NULL,
			isLowestOffer => NULL,
			isLowest => NULL,
			isFilterEnabled => NULL,
			includeCategories => '172282',
			hasReviews => NULL,
			filterErotic => NULL,
			excludeCategories => NULL,
			domainId => 1,
			deltaRange => NULL,
			deltaPercentRange => NULL,
			deltaLastRange => NULL,
			dateRange => NULL,
			currentRange => NULL
	) AS x


Category objects and (optional) their parent tree using a category id
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<categoryId> (required): The category node id of the category you want to request. For batch requests a comma separated list of ids (up to 10, the token cost stays the same). Alternatively you can specify the value 0, which will retrieve a list of all root categories
<includeParents> (optional): Whether or not to include the category tree for each category. Valid values: 1 = include, 0 = do not include
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






(Long): the category id productCount (Integer): the number of products this merchant sells in this category avg30SalesRank (Integer): the 30-day average sales rank of these products productCountWithAmazonOffer (Integer): how many of these products have an Amazon offer sellerBrandStatistics Statistics about the primary brands of this seller. Based on our often incomplete and outdated product offers data. Each object in the array contains the following fields:





List of all subcategories



The context-free category name



The domainId of the products Amazon locale



The highest (root category) sales rank we have observed of a product that is listed in this category. Note: Estimate, as the value is from the Keepa product database and not retrieved from Amazon



The lowest (root category) sales rank we have observed of a product that is listed in this category. Note: Estimate, as the value is from the Keepa product database and not retrieved from Amazon



The name of the category



The parent category's Id. Always a positive Long value. If it is 0 the category is a root category and has no parent category



(Integer): the number of products this merchant sells with this brand avg30SalesRank (Integer): the 30 day average sales rank of these products productCountWithAmazonOffer (Integer): how many of these products have an Amazon offer


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_CategoryLookup AS 
		CALL keepa.CategoryLookup (
			includeParents => 1,
			domainId => 1,
			categoryId => 281053
	) AS x


All current and upcoming lightning deals
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<ASIN> (optional): The ASIN of the lightning deal you want to request. If not specified the whole list will be provided
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product



The regular price of this product. Available once the deal has started. -1 if the deal's state is upcoming. The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



A unique ID for this deal



The discounted price of this deal. Available once the deal has started. -1 if the deal's state is upcoming. The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



The state of the deal. Possible values:



The domainId of the products Amazon locale



The end time of this lighting deal, in Keepa Time minutes



The name of the primary image of the product. null if not available



Whether or not the deal is fulfilled by Amazon



If the price of this offer is hidden on Amazon due to a MAP ("minimum advertised price") restriction. Even if so, the offer object will contain the price and shipping costs



Whether or not the deal is Prime eligible



States the time of our last update of this seller, in Keepa Time minutes



The percentage claimed of the lighting deal. Since lightning deals have limited stock, this number may change fast on Amazon, but due to the delay of our data collection the provided value may be outdated



The provided discount of this deal, according to Amazon. May be in reference to the list price, not the current price



The rating of the product. A rating is an integer from 0 to 50 (e.g. 45 = 4.5 stars)



The seller id of the merchant



The name of the seller



The start time of this lighting deal, in Keepa Time minutes. Note that due to the delay in our data collection the deal price might not be available immediately once the deal has started on Amazon



Title of the product. Caution: may contain unescaped HTML markup in rare cases



The product's review count



The dimension attributes of this deal


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_LightningDeals AS 
		CALL keepa.LightningDeals (
			domainId => 2,
	) AS x


Seller ID list of the most rated Amazon marketplace sellers
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_MostRatedSellerList AS 
		CALL keepa.MostRatedSellerList (
			domainId => 1
	) AS x


Query to keepa product database to find products matching your criteria
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<rootCategory> (optional): Category node id of the product's root category. Example: 562066
<categories_include> (optional): Only include products that are listed directly in these sub-categories. Array with up to 50 category node ids. Example: 3010075031,12950651,355007011
<categories_exclude> (optional): Exclude products that are listed directly in these sub-categories. Array with up to 50 category node ids. Example: 77028031,186606
<title> (optional): Title of the product. Works on a keyword basis, which means the product's title must contain the specified string's keywords, which are to be separated by white space. Supports up to 50 keywords. The search is case-insensitive. Partial keyword matches are not supported. Examples: Digital Camera Canon - Title must contain all three keywords, in any order or position. "Digital Camera" Canon - Title must contain the keyword Digital Camera and Canon. -digital camera - Title must not contain the keyword digital and must contain the word camera
<productType> (optional): Determines what data for the product is available. Possible filter values:
<singleVariation> (optional): If set to true only one variation of a product will be returned
<hasReviews> (optional): Whether or not the product has reviews
<manufacturer> (optional): Names of manufacturers. Example: Canon
<brand> (optional): Names of brands. Example: Canon
<productGroup> (optional): Names of productGroups. Example: apparel
<model> (optional): Names of models. Example: 2016
<color> (optional): Names of colors. Example: black
<size> (optional): Names of sizes. Example: large
<edition> (optional): Names of editions. Example: first edition
<format> (optional): Names of formats. Example: cd-rom
<author> (optional): Names of authors. Example: anonymous
<binding> (optional): Names of bindings. Example: paperback
<languages> (optional): Names of languages. Example: english
<partNumber> (optional): Names of partNumbers. Example: DSC-H300/BM-RB
<lastPriceChange_gte> (optional): The last time we have registered a price change (any price type), in Keepa Time minutes (greater than or equal)
<lastPriceChange_lte> (optional): The last time we have registered a price change (any price type), in Keepa Time minutes (less than or equal)
<trackingSince_gte> (optional): States the time we have started tracking this product, in Keepa Time minutes (greater than or equal). Example: 3411319
<trackingSince_lte> (optional): States the time we have started tracking this product, in Keepa Time minutes (less than or equal). Example: 3411319
<lightningEnd_gte> (optional): Find current and upcoming lightning deals that end in the defined range (greater than or equal). In Keepa Time minutes
<lightningEnd_lte> (optional): Find current and upcoming lightning deals that end in the defined range (less than or equal). In Keepa Time minutes
<packageHeight_gte> (optional): The package's height in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<packageHeight_lte> (optional): The package's height in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<packageLength_gte> (optional): The package's length in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<packageLength_lte> (optional): The package's length in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<packageWidth_gte> (optional): The package's width in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<packageWidth_lte> (optional): The package's width in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<packageWeight_gte> (optional): The package's weight in gram (greater than or equal). Example: 1500 (= 1,5 kg)
<packageWeight_lte> (optional): The package's weight in gram (less than or equal). Example: 1500 (= 1,5 kg)
<itemHeight_gte> (optional): The item's height in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<itemHeight_lte> (optional): The item's height in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<itemLength_gte> (optional): The item's length in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<itemLength_lte> (optional): The item's length in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<itemWidth_gte> (optional): The item's width in millimeter (greater than or equal). Example: 144
<itemWidth_lte> (optional): The item's width in millimeter (less than or equal). Example: 144
<itemWeight_gte> (optional): The item's weight in gram (greater than or equal). Example: 1500 (= 1,5 kg)
<itemWeight_lte> (optional): The item's weight in gram (less than or equal). Example: 1500 (= 1,5 kg)
<outOfStockPercentage90_gte> (optional): 90-day Amazon out of stock percentage (greater than or equal). Examples: 0 = never was out of stock, 100 = was out of stock 100% of the time, 25 = was out of stock 25% of the time
<outOfStockPercentage90_lte> (optional): 90-day Amazon out of stock percentage (less than or equal). Examples: 0 = never was out of stock, 100 = was out of stock 100% of the time, 25 = was out of stock 25% of the time
<numberOfItems_gte> (optional): The number oFf items of this product (greater than or equal). Example: 1
<numberOfItems_lte> (optional): The number of items of this product (less than or equal). Example: 1
<numberOfPages_gte> (optional): The number of pages of this product (greater than or equal). Example: 514
<numberOfPages_lte> (optional): The number of pages of this product (less than or equal). Example: 514
<publicationDate_gte> (optional): The item's publication date, in Keepa Time minutes (greater than or equal). Example: 3411319
<publicationDate_lte> (optional): The item's publication date, in Keepa Time minutes (less than or equal). Example: 3411319
<releaseDate_gte> (optional): The item's release date, in Keepa Time minutes (greater than or equal). Example: 3411319
<releaseDate_lte> (optional): The item's release date, in Keepa Time minutes (less than or equal). Example: 3411319
<lastOffersUpdate_gte> (optional): The time we have updated the offers (see the product request's offers parameter), in Keepa Time minutes (greater than or equal). Can be used to retrieve only products with fresh offers related data. Example: 3411319
<lastOffersUpdate_lte> (optional): The time we have updated the offers (see the product request's offers parameter), in Keepa Time minutes (less than or equal). Can be used to retrieve only products with fresh offers related data. Example: 3411319
<isPrimeExclusive> (optional): A Prime exclusive offer can only be ordered if the buyer has an active Prime subscription. Example: true
<isAdultProduct> (optional): Indicates if the item is considered to be for adults only. Example: true
<isEligibleForTradeIn> (optional): Whether or not the product is eligible for trade-in. Example: true
<isEligibleForSuperSaverShipping> (optional): Whether or not the product is eligible for super saver shipping by Amazon. Example: true
<isSNS> (optional): If the product's Buy Box is available for subscribe and save. Example: true
<current_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<current_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the current price or value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<delta30_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta30_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<delta90_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the absolute difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have increased and a positive value filters for decreased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent30_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (greater than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaPercent90_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the relative difference between the current value and the 30 or 90-day average value (less than or equal). In percentage between 0 and 100%. A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<deltaLast_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the difference between the current value and previous value (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen). A negative value filters for the prices/values that have decreased and a positive value filters for increased ones. A 0 filters products with no change
<avg180_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg180_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg30_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg7_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_AMAZON_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_AMAZON_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_COUNT_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_LISTPRICE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_LISTPRICE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_FBA_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_FBA_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_NEW_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_RATING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_RATING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_REFURBISHED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_REFURBISHED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_SALES_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_SALES_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_TRADE_IN_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_TRADE_IN_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_USED_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_WAREHOUSE_gte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (greater than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<avg90_WAREHOUSE_lte> (optional): Filter for the average price or value of the respective last x days (less than or equal). The price is an integer of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)
<backInStock_AMAZON> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COLLECTIBLE> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COUNT_NEW> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COUNT_REFURBISHED> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COUNT_REVIEWS> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_COUNT_USED> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_LIGHTNING_DEAL> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_LISTPRICE> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_NEW> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_NEW_FBA> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_RATING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_REFURBISHED> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_SALES> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_TRADE_IN> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_USED> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_USED_ACCEPTABLE_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_USED_NEW_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<backInStock_WAREHOUSE> (optional): Whether or not the price/value was out of stock in the last 60 days and now has an offer again
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_ProductFinder AS 
		CALL keepa.ProductFinder (
			avg30_NEW_FBA_gte => NULL,
			trackingSince_lte => NULL,
			avg30_LISTPRICE_lte => NULL,
			trackingSince_gte => NULL,
			avg30_LISTPRICE_gte => NULL,
			title => NULL,
			avg30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte => NULL,
			size => NULL,
			avg30_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte => NULL,
			singleVariation => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_USED_gte => NULL,
			rootCategory => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte => NULL,
			releaseDate_lte => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte => NULL,
			releaseDate_gte => NULL,
			publicationDate_lte => NULL,
			publicationDate_gte => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_NEW_lte => NULL,
			productType => NULL,
			avg30_COUNT_NEW_gte => NULL,
			productGroup => NULL,
			partNumber => NULL,
			avg30_COLLECTIBLE_lte => NULL,
			avg30_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
			packageWidth_lte => NULL,
			avg30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			packageWidth_gte => NULL,
			avg30_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			packageWeight_lte => NULL,
			avg30_AMAZON_lte => NULL,
			avg30_AMAZON_gte => NULL,
			packageLength_lte => NULL,
			avg180_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			packageLength_gte => NULL,
			avg180_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
			packageHeight_lte => NULL,
			avg180_USED_lte => NULL,
			packageHeight_gte => NULL,
			avg180_USED_gte => NULL,
			outOfStockPercentage90_lte => NULL,
			outOfStockPercentage90_gte => NULL,
			numberOfPages_lte => NULL,
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			numberOfPages_gte => NULL,
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			avg180_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			numberOfItems_gte => NULL,
			avg180_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			model => NULL,
			manufacturer => NULL,
			lightningEnd_lte => NULL,
			avg180_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
			lightningEnd_gte => NULL,
			avg180_TRADE_IN_gte => NULL,
			lastPriceChange_lte => NULL,
			avg180_SALES_lte => NULL,
			lastPriceChange_gte => NULL,
			avg180_SALES_gte => NULL,
			lastOffersUpdate_lte => NULL,
			avg180_REFURBISHED_lte => NULL,
			lastOffersUpdate_gte => NULL,
			avg180_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
			languages => NULL,
			itemWidth_lte => NULL,
			itemWidth_gte => NULL,
			avg180_RATING_lte => NULL,
			itemWeight_lte => NULL,
			avg180_RATING_gte => NULL,
			itemWeight_gte => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_lte => NULL,
			itemLength_lte => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_gte => NULL,
			itemLength_gte => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			itemHeight_lte => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			itemHeight_gte => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL,
			isSNS => NULL,
			avg180_NEW_FBA_gte => NULL,
			isPrimeExclusive => NULL,
			avg180_LISTPRICE_lte => NULL,
			isEligibleForTradeIn => NULL,
			avg180_LISTPRICE_gte => NULL,
			isEligibleForSuperSaverShipping => NULL,
			avg180_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte => NULL,
			isAdultProduct => NULL,
			avg180_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte => NULL,
			hasReviews => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_USED_lte => NULL,
			format => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_USED_gte => NULL,
			edition => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte => NULL,
			domainId => 1,
			avg180_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_REFURBISHED_lte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_NEW_lte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_NEW_gte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_USED_VERY_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg180_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_lte => NULL,
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			avg180_COUNT_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
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			avg180_COLLECTIBLE_lte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg180_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
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			avg180_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
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			avg180_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
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			author => NULL,
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			deltaPercent90_REFURBISHED_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			deltaPercent90_RATING_lte => NULL,
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			deltaPercent90_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL,
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			deltaPercent90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
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			deltaPercent30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			deltaPercent30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
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			deltaPercent30_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_NEW_gte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			deltaLast_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL,
			deltaLast_NEW_FBA_gte => NULL,
			deltaLast_LISTPRICE_lte => NULL,
			deltaLast_LISTPRICE_gte => NULL,
			deltaLast_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte => NULL,
			deltaLast_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_COUNT_USED_gte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_COUNT_NEW_gte => NULL,
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			deltaLast_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
			deltaLast_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			deltaLast_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			deltaLast_AMAZON_lte => NULL,
			deltaLast_AMAZON_gte => NULL,
			delta90_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			delta90_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
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			delta90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			delta90_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
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			current_NEW_gte => NULL,
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			current_AMAZON_gte => 1000,
			color => NULL,
			categories_include => NULL,
			categories_exclude => NULL,
			brand => NULL,
			binding => NULL,
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			backInStock_RATING => NULL,
			backInStock_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING => NULL,
			backInStock_NEW_FBA => NULL,
			backInStock_NEW => NULL,
			backInStock_LISTPRICE => NULL,
			backInStock_LIGHTNING_DEAL => NULL,
			backInStock_COUNT_USED => NULL,
			backInStock_COUNT_REVIEWS => NULL,
			backInStock_COUNT_NEW => NULL,
			backInStock_COLLECTIBLE => NULL,
			backInStock_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING => NULL,
			backInStock_AMAZON => NULL,
			avg90_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			avg90_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg90_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg90_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
			avg90_TRADE_IN_gte => NULL,
			avg90_SALES_lte => NULL,
			avg90_SALES_gte => NULL,
			avg90_REFURBISHED_lte => NULL,
			avg90_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
			avg90_RATING_lte => NULL,
			avg90_RATING_gte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_lte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_gte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL,
			avg90_NEW_FBA_gte => NULL,
			avg90_LISTPRICE_lte => NULL,
			avg90_LISTPRICE_gte => NULL,
			avg90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte => NULL,
			avg90_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_NEW_lte => NULL,
			avg90_COUNT_NEW_gte => NULL,
			avg90_COLLECTIBLE_lte => NULL,
			avg90_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
			avg90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg90_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg90_AMAZON_lte => NULL,
			avg90_AMAZON_gte => NULL,
			avg7_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			avg7_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
			avg7_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg7_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg7_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg7_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg7_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
			avg7_TRADE_IN_gte => NULL,
			avg7_SALES_lte => NULL,
			avg7_SALES_gte => NULL,
			avg7_REFURBISHED_lte => NULL,
			avg7_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
			avg7_RATING_lte => NULL,
			avg7_RATING_gte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_lte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_gte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL,
			avg7_NEW_FBA_gte => NULL,
			avg7_LISTPRICE_lte => NULL,
			avg7_LISTPRICE_gte => NULL,
			avg7_LIGHTNING_DEAL_lte => NULL,
			avg7_LIGHTNING_DEAL_gte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_REVIEWS_lte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_REVIEWS_gte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_NEW_lte => NULL,
			avg7_COUNT_NEW_gte => NULL,
			avg7_COLLECTIBLE_lte => NULL,
			avg7_COLLECTIBLE_gte => NULL,
			avg7_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg7_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg7_AMAZON_lte => NULL,
			avg7_AMAZON_gte => NULL,
			avg30_WAREHOUSE_lte => NULL,
			avg30_WAREHOUSE_gte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_lte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_gte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_NEW_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg30_USED_GOOD_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg30_TRADE_IN_lte => NULL,
			avg30_TRADE_IN_gte => NULL,
			avg30_SALES_lte => NULL,
			avg30_SALES_gte => NULL,
			avg30_REFURBISHED_lte => NULL,
			avg30_REFURBISHED_gte => NULL,
			avg30_RATING_lte => NULL,
			avg30_RATING_gte => NULL,
			avg30_NEW_lte => NULL,
			avg30_NEW_gte => NULL,
			avg30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_lte => NULL,
			avg30_NEW_FBM_SHIPPING_gte => NULL,
			avg30_NEW_FBA_lte => NULL
	) AS x


Product object for the specified ASIN and domain
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<productCode> (optional): The product code of the product you want to request. We currently allow UPC, EAN and ISBN-13 codes. For batch requests a comma separated list of codes (up to 100). Multiple ASINs can have the same product code, so requesting a product code can return multiple products
<searchTerm> (optional): The term you want to search for. Should be URL encoded
<stats> (optional): No extra token cost. If specified the product object will have a stats field with quick access to current prices, min/max prices and the weighted mean values. If the offers parameter was used it will also provide buy box information. Last x days (positive integer value): calculates the stats of the last x days, where x is the value of the stats parameter
<update> (optional): Additional token cost: 0 or 1 per product. If the product's last update is older than update hours force a refresh. The default value the API uses is 1 hour. This parameter also works in conjunction with the offers parameter
<history> (optional): No extra token cost. If specified and has the value 0 the product object will not include the csv, salesRanks and salesRankReferenceHistory fields. If you do not need them use this to have them removed from the response. This will improve processing time and considerably decrease the size of the response
<days> (optional): No extra token cost. If specified and has positive value X the product object will limit all historical data to the recent X days
<offers> (optional): Token cost: 6 for every found offer page (contains max. 10 offers) per product
Positive integer value. If specified it must be between 20 and 100. Determines the number of up-to-date marketplace offers to retrieve. The additional token cost is calculated by the number of found offers, not the requested amount (as a product can have less offers than requested). When using the offers parameter the basic 1 token cost per ASIN of the product request does not apply
<only_live_offers> (optional): No extra token cost. If specified and has the value 1 the product object will only include live marketplace offers (when used in combination with the offers parameter). If you do not need historical offers use this to have them removed from the response. This can improve processing time and considerably decrease the size of the response
<rental> (optional): No extra token cost. Boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true). Can only be used in conjunction with the offers parameter. If specified and has the value 1 the rental price will be collected when available. Note: Rental prices are only available for Amazon US and only for books (not for eBooks)
<rating> (optional): Up to 1 extra token per product. If specified and has the value 1 the product object will include our existing RATING and COUNT_REVIEWS history of the csv field, regardless if the offers parameter is used. The extra token will only be consumed if our last update to both data points is less than 14 days ago
<buybox> (optional): Additional token cost: 2 per product. If specified and has the value 1 the product and statistics object will include all available buy box related data
<asin> (optional): The ASIN of the product you want to request. For batch requests a comma separated list of ASINs
<asin_table> (optional): Table that contains asins in the column named asin
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ASIN of the product



The item's author. null if not available



Availability of the Amazon offer. Possible values:



The item's binding. null if not available. If the item is not a book it is usually the product category instead



The brand (in all lower-case)



Array of Amazon category node ids this product is listed in. Can be empty



The item's color. null if not available



Contains coupon details if any are available for the product. null if not available



A description of the product. null if not available. May contain HTML markup and newlines. We limit the product description to a maximum of 4000 characters (if the description is longer it will be cut off). This limitation may change in the future without prior notice. To request live data for this field the offers parameter must be used



The domainId of the products Amazon locale



A list of EAN assigned to this product. The first index is the primary EAN. null if not available



Contains the lowest priced matching eBay listing Ids. Always contains two entries, the first one is the listing id of the lowest priced listing in new condition, the second in used condition. null or 0 if not available



The item's edition. null if not available



Providing the FBA pick & pack fees of this product. null if not available. Fees are integers of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



Providing the FBA pick & pack fee tax for the product. null if not available. Fees are integers of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



Providing the FBA storage fees of this product. null if not available. Fees are integers of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



Providing the FBA storage fee tax for the product. null if not available. Fees are integers of the respective Amazon locale's smallest currency unit (e.g. euro cents or yen)



A list of up to 5 product features / bullet points. null if not available. An entry can contain HTML markup in rare cases. We currently limit each entry to a maximum of 1000 characters (if the feature is longer it will be cut off). This limitation may change in the future without prior notice



The item's format. null if not available



One or two "Frequently Bought Together" ASINs. null if not available. Field is updated when the offers parameter was used



Contains the weighted averages in the respective date range and price type. Note: The day interval (index 0) is actually the average of the last 48 hours, not 24 hours. This is due to the way our deals work



Whether or not the product has reviews



CSV list of Amazon image names of the product. Make sure you own the rights to use these images. null if not available. Note that the variant images (all images after the primary/first one) are not necessarily in the same order as on Amazon



Indicates if the item is considered to be for adults only



Indicates if the item is business to business



Whether or not the product's buy box is eligible for free shipping



Whether or not the product is eligible for trade-in



Only valid if the offers parameter was used in the Product Request. Boolean indicating if the ASIN will be redirected to another one on Amazon (example: the ASIN has the color black variation, which is not available and is redirected on Amazon to the color red)



Only valid if the offers parameter was used in the Product Request. Boolean indicating if the product's Buy Box is available for subscribe and save 16



The item's height in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



The item's length in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



The item's weight in gram. 0 or -1 if not available



The item's width in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



An item can have one or more languages. Each language entry has a name and most also have a type. null if not available



States the last time we have updated the eBay prices for this product, in Keepa Time minutes. If no matching products were found the integer is negative



States the last time we have registered a price change (any price type), in Keepa Time minutes



States the last time we have updated the product rating and review count, in Keepa Time minutes



States the time of our last update of this seller, in Keepa Time minutes



Indicates if the item is listed in the launchpad category. If so the salesRankReference will not be available



States the time the item was first listed on Amazon, in Keepa Time minutes. This timestamp is only available for some products. If not available the field has the value 0 or -1



Optional field. Only set if the offers parameter was used in the Product Request. Contains an ordered array of index positions in the offers array for all Marketplace Offer Objects 807 retrieved for this call. If no offers were found the field will be null. The sequence of integers reflects the ordering of the offers on the Amazon offer page (for all conditions). Since the offers field contains historical offers as well as current offers, one can use this array to look up all offers that are currently listed on Amazon in the correct order. Note: If there are identical offers (same seller, same condition, same shipping type and same condition text) we only track the lowest priced one. If this happens there will be duplicate offer indexes in the liveOffersOrder field at the position of the omitted duplicate (higher priced) offer - all pointing to the lowest priced offer's index



Name of the manufacturer. null if not available



The item's model. null if not available



Whether or not the lowest new price (either price type AMAZON or NEW) is restricted by MAP (Minimum Advertised Price). Use this to differentiate out of stock (price = -1) vs. MAP restriction



The number of items of this product. -1 if not available



The number of pages of this product. -1 if not available



Only valid if the offers parameter was used in the Product Request. Boolean indicating if the system was able to retrieve fresh offer information. Retrieval of fresh offers will always fail if the product has no offers



The package's height in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



The package's length in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



Package quantity



The package's weight in gram. 0 or -1 if not available



The package's width in millimeter. 0 or -1 if not available



The ASIN of the parent product (if the product has variations, otherwise null)



The item's partNumber. null if not available



The item's productGroup. null if not available



Determines what data for the product is available



The item's publication date



The item's release date. Same format as publicationDate. -1 if not available



Category node id of the product's root category. 0 if no root category known. The id 9223372036854775807 (max signed long value) denotes a blank category with the name "?". We use this in cases where a product is listed in no or non-existent categories



The category node id of the main sales rank. -1 if not available. -2 if listed in launchpad





An object containing sub-category rank histories. Each key represents the categoryId of the rank with the history in the corresponding value. Example:



The item's size. null if not available



Title of the product. Caution: may contain unescaped HTML markup in rare cases



States the time we have started tracking this seller, in Keepa Time minutes



Type of the product



A list of UPC assigned to this product. The first index is the primary UPC. null if not available



CSV list of up to 1800 variation ASINs of the product if available, otherwise null. To request live data for this field the offers parameter must be used



The referral fee percent based on a sales price of 100.00, null if not available


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_Products AS 
		CALL keepa.Products (
			domainId => 1,
			productCode => NULL,
			ASIN => 'B076JTQR66'
	) AS x


Amazon category names
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<searchTerm> (optional): The term you want to search for. Should be URL encoded. Multiple space separated keywords are possible and if provided must all match. The minimum length of a keyword is 3 characters
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






(Long): the category id productCount (Integer): the number of products this merchant sells in this category avg30SalesRank (Integer): the 30 day average sales rank of these products productCountWithAmazonOffer (Integer): how many of these products have an Amazon offer sellerBrandStatistics Statistics about the primary brands of this seller. Based on our often incomplete and outdated product offers data. Each object in the array contains the following fields:



List of all subcategories



The context-free category name



The domainId of the products Amazon locale



The highest (root category) sales rank we have observed of a product that is listed in this category. Note: Estimate, as the value is from the Keepa product database and not retrieved from Amazon



The lowest (root category) sales rank we have observed of a product that is listed in this category. Note: Estimate, as the value is from the Keepa product database and not retrieved from Amazon



The name of the category



The parent category's Id. Always a positive Long value. If it is 0 the category is a root category and has no parent category



(Integer): the number of products this merchant sells with this brand avg30SalesRank (Integer): the 30-day average sales rank of these products productCountWithAmazonOffer (Integer): how many of these products have an Amazon offer


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_SearchforCategories AS 
		CALL keepa.SearchforCategories (
			searchTerm => 'Box',
			domainId => 4
	) AS x


Seller object via the seller id
<domainId> (required): Integer value for the Amazon locale you want to access. Valid values: [ 1: com | 2: | 3: de | 4: fr | 5: | 6: ca | 8: it | 9: es | 10: in | 11: ]
<storefront> (optional): Valid values: 0 (false) and 1 (true). If specified the seller object will contain additional information about what items the seller is listing on Amazon: a list of ASINs as well as the total number of items the seller has listed. The following seller object fields will be set if data is available: asinList, asinListLastSeen, totalStorefrontAsinsCSV. If no data is available no additional tokens will be consumed. The ASIN list can contain up to 100,000 items. As using the storefront parameter does not trigger any new collection it does not increase the processing time of the request, though the response may be much bigger in size. The total storefront ASIN count will not be updated, only historical data will be provided (when available)
<sellerId> (optional): The seller id of the merchant you want to request. For batch requests, a comma-separated list of sellerIds (up to 100). The seller id is part of the offer object and can also be found on Amazon on seller profile pages in the seller parameter of the URL. Example: A2L77EE7U53NWQ ( Warehouse Deals)
<sellerId_table> (optional): Table that contains seller id in the column named sellerId
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The seller id of the merchant



The name of the seller







The domainId of the products Amazon locale



Boolean value indicating whether or not the seller currently has FBA listings. This value is usually correct but could be set to false even if the seller has FBA listings since we are not always aware of all seller listings. This can especially be the case with sellers with only a few listings consisting of slow-selling products



Boolean value indicating whether or not our system identified that this seller attempts to scam users



States the time of our last update of this seller, in Keepa Time minutes





Boolean value indicating whether or not this seller ships from China



Last update of that metric



Contains the number of storefront ASINs



States the time we have started tracking this product, in Keepa Time minutes


CREATE VIEW keepa_examples.example_SellerInformation AS 
		CALL keepa.SellerInformation (
			domainId => 1
	) AS x
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