Public Amazon MWS Connector API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Returns a count of the feeds submitted in the previous 90 days.
<FeedTypeList> (optional): A structured list of one or more FeedType values by which to filter the list of feed submissions
<FeedProcessingStatusList> (optional): A structured list of one or more feed processing statuses by which to filter the list of feed submissions
<SubmittedFromDate> (optional): The earliest submission date that you are looking for, in ISO8601 date format. Default: 90 days ago
<SubmittedToDate> (optional): The latest submission date that you are looking for, in ISO8601 date format. Default: Now
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Count | integer | The total number of feed submissions that match the request parameters. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetFeedSubmissionCount AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetFeedSubmissionCount (
SubmittedFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Returns a list of all feed submissions submitted in the previous 90 days (not earlier, filtered by date as requested).
<FeedSubmissionIdList> (optional): A structured list of no more than 100 FeedSubmmissionId values. If you pass in FeedSubmmissionId values in a request, other query conditions are ignored.
<FeedTypeList> (optional): A structured list of one or more FeedType values by which to filter the list of feed submissions.
<FeedProcessingStatusList> (optional): A structured list of one or more feed processing statuses by which to filter the list of feed submissions.
<SubmittedFromDate> (optional): The earliest submission date that you are looking for, in ISO8601 date format. Default: 90 days ago
<SubmittedToDate> (optional): The latest submission date that you are looking for, in ISO8601 date format. Default: Now
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
FeedProcessingStatus | string |
FeedType | string |
FeedSubmissionId | string |
StartedProcessingDate | timestamp |
SubmittedDate | timestamp |
CompletedProcessingDate | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetFeedSubmissionList AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetFeedSubmissionList (
SubmittedFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Financial event groups opened during a time frame specified
<FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter> (required): A date used for selecting financial event groups that opened after (or at) a specified time
<FinancialEventGroupStartedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting financial event groups that opened before (but not at) a specified time
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
FinancialEventGroupId | string | A unique identifier for the financial event group |
ProcessingStatus | string | The processing status of the financial event group indicates whether the balance of the financial event group is settled |
FundTransferStatus | string | The status of the fund transfer |
OriginalTotalAmount | bigdecimal | The total amount in the currency of the marketplace in which the transactions occurred |
OriginalTotalCurrency | string | Original total currency |
ConvertedTotalAmount | bigdecimal | The total amount in the currency of the marketplace in which the funds were disbursed |
ConvertedTotalCurrency | string | Converted total currency |
FundTransferDate | timestamp | The date when the disbursement or charge was initiated. Only present for closed settlements |
TraceId | string | The trace ID used by sellers to look up transactions externally |
AccountTail | string | The account tail of the payment instrument |
StartingBalanceAmount | bigdecimal | The balance at the starting of the settlement period |
StartingBalanceCurrency | string | Starting balance currency |
FinancialEventGroupStart | timestamp | The time at which the financial event group is opened |
FinancialEventGroupEnd | timestamp | The time at which the financial event group is closed |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListFinancialEventGroups AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListFinancialEventGroups(
FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter => Cast('2015-05-01' AS date)
Financial events that match the filter specified in the request. You can filter by financial event group ID, date range, or order ID. If you specify a financial event group ID in the request, then all financial events in that financial event group are returned. If you specify a time range in the request, then all financial events that are posted between the time ranges are returned. If you specify an order ID in the request, then all financial events that are part of the order are returned
<AmazonOrderId> (optional): The identifier of the order for which you want to obtain all financial events. Any valid Amazon order identifier in 3-7-7 format. You can only specify one of the following filter criteria: AmazonOrderId, FinancialEventGroupId, PostedAfter and optionally PostedBefore
<FinancialEventGroupId> (optional): The identifier of the financial event group for which you want to obtain all financial events
<PostedAfter> (optional): A date used for selecting financial events posted after (or at) a specified time. Any valid date no later than two minutes before the request was submitted
<PostedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting financial events posted before (but not at) a specified time. Any valid date later than PostedAfter and no later than two minutes before the request was submitted
<showZeros> (optional): Set this parameter to true if you wish to remove the rows with zero values in charge and fee values
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<batchSize> (optional): Maximum batch size. Default 149, maximum 180. Amazon tends to throw internal server errors, when too much data is requested, in this case please decrease this value.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
lastDate | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_FinancialEvents AS
CALL AmazonMWS.FinancialEvents(
PostedAfter => '2017-10-23 12:00:00',
PostedBefore => '2017-10-23 14:00:00',
showZeros => false,
preview => true,
target_table => 'dwh.AmazonFinancialEvents'
Operational status of the Finances API section
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Status | string | Service status |
OperationTimestamp | timestamp | Indicates the time at which the operational status was evaluated |
MessageId | string | An Amazon-defined message identifier |
Messages | clob | The parent element of one or more Message elements |
Message | string | The operational status message. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_FinancesGetServiceStatus AS
CALL AmazonMWS.FinancesGetServiceStatus ()
Fulfillment Inbound Shipment
Returns pre-order information, including dates, that a seller needs before confirming a shipment for pre-order. Also indicates if a shipment has already been confirmed for pre-order
<ShipmentId> (required): A shipment identifier originally returned by the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ShipmentContainsPreorderableItems | boolean | Indicates whether the shipment contains items that have been enabled for pre-order. |
NeedByDate | string | Date that the shipment would need to arrive at an Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items if this shipment is later confirmed for pre-order. |
ConfirmedFulfillableDate | timestamp | Date that determines which pre-order items in the shipment are eligible for pre-order. |
ShipmentConfirmedForPreorder | boolean | Indicates whether this shipment has been confirmed for pre-order. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetPreorderInfo AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetPreorderInfo(
ShipmentId => 'FBAZ9PYZF'
Preparation instructions to help with item-sourcing decisions
<ASINList> (optional): A list of ASIN values. Used to identify items for which you want item preparation instructions to help with item sourcing decisions
<SellerSKUList> (optional): A list of SellerSKU values
<ShipToCountryCode> (required): The country code of the country the items will be shipped to. Note that item preparation instructions can vary by country
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
SellerSKU | string | The Seller SKU of the item |
BarcodeInstruction | string | Labeling requirements for the item |
PrepGuidance | string | Item preparation instructions |
PrepInstruction | string | Preparation instructions for shipping items to the Amazon Fulfillment Network |
AmazonPrepFeePerUnit | bigdecimal | A fee for Amazon to prep goods for shipment. Per 1 unit |
AmazonPrepFeeCurrency | string | Currency code for the previous item |
AmazonPrepInstruction | string | Amazon fee-related preparation instructions for shipping an item to the Amazon Fulfillment Network |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetPrepInstructionsForASIN AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetPrepInstructions(
ASINList => 'B01M7MQZ4T',
ShipToCountryCode => 'US'
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetPrepInstructionsForSKU AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetPrepInstructions(
SellerSKUList => '201600005442-FBA,201600006865-FBA.amzn1,xx,abc,def',
ShipToCountryCode => 'DE'
Returns current transportation information about an inbound shipment.
<ShipmentId> (required): A shipment identifier originally returned by the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
SellerId | string | Your Amazon seller identifier. |
ShipmentId | string | A shipment identifier originally returned by the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation. |
IsPartnered | boolean | Indicates whether a PutTransportContent request is for a partnered carrier. |
ShipmentType | string | Specifies the carrier shipment type in a PutTransportContent request. |
PartneredSmallLength | bigdecimal | Length. This and the next alike Columns indicate properties of packages, including shipping information from the Amazon-partnered carrier. |
PartneredSmallWidth | bigdecimal | Width |
PartneredSmallHeight | bigdecimal | Height |
PartneredSmallDimensionsUnit | string | Dimension units |
PartneredSmallWeight | bigdecimal | Weight |
PartneredSmallWeightUnit | string | Weight units |
PartneredSmallTrackingId | string | The tracking number of the package, provided by the carrier. |
PartneredSmallPackageStatus | string | The shipment status of the package. |
PartneredSmallCarrierName | string | The carrier specified with a previous call to PutTransportContent. |
PartneredSmallEstimateAmount | string | The estimated shipping cost using an Amazon-partnered carrier. The amount that the Amazon-partnered carrier will charge to ship the inbound shipment. |
PartneredSmallEstimateCurrency | string | Currency code for the previous column. |
PartneredSmallEstimateConfirmDeadline | string | The date by which this estimate must be confirmed. After this date the estimate is no longer valid and cannot be confirmed. |
PartneredSmallEstimateVoidDeadline | string | The date after which a confirmed transportation request can no longer be voided. |
NonPartneredSmallCarrierName | string | The carrier that you are using for your inbound shipment. Non partnered here and two further. |
NonPartneredSmallTrackingId | string | The tracking number of the package, provided by the carrier. |
NonPartneredSmallPackageStatus | string | The shipment status of the package. |
PartneredLtlContactName | string | Contact information for the person in your organization who is responsible for the shipment. Used by the carrier if they have questions about the shipment. Parthered less than truckload, here and further. |
PartneredLtlContactPhone | string | The phone number of the contact person. |
PartneredLtlContactEmail | string | The e-mail address of the contact person. |
PartneredLtlContactFax | string | The fax number of the contact person. |
PartneredLtlBoxCount | integer | The number of boxes in the shipment. |
PartneredLtlSellerFreightClass | string | The freight class of the shipment. For information about determining the freight class, contact your carrier. |
PartneredLtlFreightReadyDate | string | The date that the shipment will be ready to be picked up by the carrier. |
PartneredLtlPalletLength | bigdecimal | The length of the pallet. |
PartneredLtlPalletWidth | bigdecimal | The width of the pallet. |
PartneredLtlPalletHeight | bigdecimal | The height of the pallet. |
PartneredLtlPalletDimensionsUnit | string | The pallet dimensions units. |
PartneredLtlPalletWeight | bigdecimal | The weight of the pallet. |
PartneredLtlPalletWeightUnit | string | Pallet weight units. |
PartneredLtlPalletIsStacked | boolean | Indicates whether pallets will be stacked when carrier arrives for pick-up. |
PartneredLtlTotalWeight | bigdecimal | The total weight of the shipment. |
PartneredLtlTotalWeightUnit | string | Total weight units. |
PartneredLtlSellerDeclaredValue | string | Your declaration of the total value of the inventory in the shipment. |
PartneredLtlSellerDeclaredCurrency | string | Declaration currency code. |
PartneredLtlAmazonCalculatedValue | string | Estimate by Amazon of the total value of the inventory in the shipment. |
PartneredLtlAmazonCalculatedCurrency | string | Amazon estimation currency code. |
PartneredLtlPreviewPickupDate | string | The estimated date that the shipment will be picked up by the carrier. |
PartneredLtlPreviewDeliveryDate | string | The estimated date that the shipment will be delivered to an Amazon fulfillment center. |
PartneredLtlPreviewFreightClass | string | The freight class of the shipment as estimated by Amazon if you did not include a freight class when you called the PutTransportContent operation. |
PartneredLtlAmazonReferenceId | string | A unique identifier created by Amazon that identifies this Amazon-partnered, Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload (LTL/FTL) shipment. |
PartneredLtlIsBillOfLadingAvailable | boolean | Indicates whether the bill of lading for the shipment is available. |
PartneredLtlEstimateAmount | string | The estimated shipping cost using an Amazon-partnered carrier. |
PartneredLtlEstimateCurrency | string | Currency code for the previous column. |
PartneredLtlEstimateConfirmDeadline | string | The date by which this estimate must be confirmed. After this date the estimate is no longer valid and cannot be confirmed. |
PartneredLtlEstimateVoidDeadline | string | The date after which a confirmed transportation request can no longer be voided. |
PartneredLtlCarrierName | string | The carrier that you are using for your inbound shipment. |
NonPartneredLtlCarrierName | string | The carrier that you are using for your inbound shipment. Non-partnered, less than truckload, this and next column. |
NonPartneredLtlProNumber | string | The PRO number assigned to your shipment by the carrier. |
TransportStatus | string | Status of the Amazon-partnered carrier shipment. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetTransportContent AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetTransportContent(
ShipmentId => 'FBAQSPX8Y'
Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify
<ShipmentStatusList> (optional): A list of ShipmentStatus values. Used to select shipments with a current status that matches the status values that you specify
<ShipmentIdList> (optional): A list of ShipmentId values. Used to select shipments with ShipmentId values that match the ShipmentId values that you specify
<LastUpdatedAfter> (optional): A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller
<LastUpdatedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ShipmentId | string | The ShipmentId submitted in the request |
ShipmentName | string | A unique name that you provide for your inbound shipment |
ShipFrom | string | Your return address. The name or business name |
AddressLine1 | string | The street address information |
AddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
City | string | The city |
DistrictOrCounty | string | The district or county |
StateOrProvinceCode | string | The state or province code |
CountryCode | string | The country code |
PostalCode | string | The postal code |
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId | string | An Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon |
LabelPrepType | string | The type of label preparation that is required for your inbound shipment |
ShipmentStatus | string | The status of your inbound shipment |
AreCasesRequired | boolean | Indicates whether or not an inbound shipment contains case-packed boxes |
ConfirmedNeedByDate | string | Date that the shipment must arrive at an Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items |
BoxContentsSource | string | Where the seller provided box contents information for a shipment. This is only returned for shipments to US fulfillment centers |
EstimatedBoxContentsFeeTotalUnits | integer | An estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. This is only returned when BoxContentsSource is NONE. The number of units to ship |
EstimatedBoxContentsPerUnitFee | string | The manual processing fee per unit |
EstimatedBoxContentsPerUnitFeeCurrency | string | Currency code for the previous column |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotal | string | The total manual processing fee for the shipment |
EstimatedBoxContentsTotalCurrency | string | Currency code for the previous column |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListInboundShipments AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListInboundShipments(
ShipmentStatusList => 'CLOSED'
Returns a list of items in a specified inbound shipment, or a list of items that were updated within a specified time frame
<ShipmentId> (optional): A shipment identifier used for selecting items in a specific inbound shipment.
<LastUpdatedAfter> (optional): A date used for selecting inbound shipment items that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller.
<LastUpdatedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting inbound shipment items that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ShipmentId | string | A shipment identifier originally returned by the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation |
SellerSKU | string | The Seller SKU of the item |
FulfillmentNetworkSKU | string | The Amazon Fulfillment Network SKU of the item |
QuantityShipped | integer | The item quantity that you are shipping |
QuantityReceived | integer | The item quantity that has been received at an Amazon fulfillment center |
QuantityInCase | integer | The item quantity in each case, for case-packed items |
PrepInstruction | string | Preparation instructions for shipping an item to the Amazon Fulfillment Network |
PrepOwner | string | Indicates who will prepare the item |
ReleaseDate | string | The date that a pre-order item will be available for sale |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListInboundShipmentItems AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListInboundShipmentItems(
LastUpdatedAfter => Cast('2017-01-01' AS date),
LastUpdatedBefore => Cast('2018-01-01' AS date)
Operational status of the Fulfillment Inbound Shipment API section
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Status | string | Service status |
OperationTimestamp | timestamp | Indicates the time at which the operational status was evaluated |
MessageId | string | An Amazon-defined message identifier |
Messages | clob | The parent element of one or more Message elements |
Message | string | The operational status message. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_InboundGetServiceStatus AS
CALL AmazonMWS.InboundGetServiceStatus ()
Fulfillment Inventory
Information about the availability of inventory that a seller has in the Amazon Fulfillment Network and in current inbound shipments. You can check the current availabilty status for your Amazon Fulfillment Network inventory as well as discover when availability status changes. This operation does not return availability information for inventory that is Unsellable or Bound to a customer order
<SellerSkus> (optional): A list of seller SKUs for items that you want inventory availability information about. Required if QueryStartDateTime is not specified. Specifying both QueryStartDateTime and SellerSkus returns an error. Maximum 50. Passed as CSV without double quotes
<QueryStartDateTime> (optional): A date used for selecting items that have had changes in inventory availability after (or at) a specified time. Required if SellerSkus is not specified. Specifying both QueryStartDateTime and SellerSkus returns an error
<ProvideSupplyDetail> (optional): Indicates whether or not you want the ListInventorySupply operation to return the SupplyDetail element, that contains specific information about the availability of inventory for a single SKU, including the number of units that are in an Amazon fulfillment center, in an inbound shipment, or being transferred between Amazon fulfillment centers. True if not specified
<MarketplaceId> (optional): North America ONLY. An encrypted Amazon defined marketplace identifier. It is used to limit the scope of a request or response to a specific marketplace.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | Amazon defined marketplace identifier |
SellerSKU | string | The Seller SKU of the item |
FNSKU | string | The Fulfillment Network SKU (FNSKU) of the item. The FNSKU is a unique identifier for each inventory item stored in an Amazon fulfillment center |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
Condition | string | The condition of the item. Possible values: NewItem, NewWithWarranty, NewOEM, NewOpenBox, UsedLikeNew, UsedVeryGood, UsedGood, UsedAcceptable, UsedPoor, UsedRefurbished, CollectibleLikeNew, CollectibleVeryGood, CollectibleGood, CollectibleAcceptable, CollectiblePoor, RefurbishedWithWarranty, Refurbished, Club |
TotalSupplyQuantity | integer | The total item quantity in the Amazon Fulfillment Network supply chain. This includes item quantity currently in an Amazon fulfillment center, item quantity currently in an inbound shipment, and item quantity being transferred between Amazon fulfillment centers in the Amazon Fulfillment Network |
InStockSupplyQuantity | integer | The item quantity available for fulfillment. This does not include item quantity currently in an inbound shipment or item quantity being transferred between Amazon fulfillment centers in the Amazon Fulfillment Network |
EarliestAvailability | string | The earliest date that your inventory is expected to be available for picking. If the value of TotalSupplyQuantity is zero, then the EarliestAvailability element is null |
Supply_Quantity | integer | The quantity of inventory for a specific item |
Supply_Type | string | The current inventory status for a specific item. SupplyType values: InStock - Inventory is in an Amazon fulfillment center, Inbound - Inventory is in an inbound shipment to an Amazon fulfillment center, Transfer - Inventory is being transferred from one Amazon fulfillment center to another. Note: InStock inventory items might not be immediately available for picking. For example, inventory in a reserve location in an Amazon fulfillment center might take up to 12 hours to become available for picking |
Supply_EarliestAvailableToPick | timestamp | The earliest date that your inventory is expected to be available for picking. If the value of the Supply_EarliestAvailableToPickTimepointType element is Immediately or Unknown, then the value of the DateTime element is null |
Supply_EarliestAvailableToPickTimepointType | string | Indicates whether inventory is immediately available for picking, whether inventory availability is unknown, or whether inventory is expected to be available for picking by a specific date. TimepointType values: Immediately - The seller's inventory is immediately available for picking, DateTime - The seller's inventory is expected to be available for picking at a specific date, represented by the DateTime element, Unknown - The seller's inventory is expected to be available for picking at some point in the future, but it is not known with confidence when that will be |
Supply_LatestAvailableToPick | timestamp | The latest date that your inventory is expected to be available for picking. If the value of the Supply_LatestAvailableToPickTimepointType element is Immediately or Unknown, then the value of the DateTime element is null |
Supply_LatestAvailableToPickTimepointType | string | Indicates whether inventory is immediately available for picking, whether inventory availability is unknown, or whether inventory is expected to be available for picking by a specific date. TimepointType values: Immediately - The seller's inventory is immediately available for picking, DateTime - The seller's inventory is expected to be available for picking at a specific date, represented by the DateTime element, Unknown - The seller's inventory is expected to be available for picking at some point in the future, but it is not known with confidence when that will be |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_InventorySupply AS
CALL AmazonMWS.InventorySupply(
QueryStartDateTime => Cast('2017-09-30' AS date),
ProvideSupplyDetail => false,
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
preview => true
Fulfillment Outbound Shipment
Fulfillment orders that were updated after (or at) a specified date, or the specified order. This operation returns general fulfillment order information but does not return item-level or shipment-level information. The ListAllFulfillmentOrders operation returns a maximum of 50 fulfillment orders. If there are additional fulfillment orders to return, NextToken is returned in the response. To retrieve all of the fulfillment orders, pass the value of NextToken to the ListInboundShipmentItemsByNextToken operation and repeat until NextToken is no longer returned
<SellerFulfillmentOrderId> (optional): A fulfillment order identifier that was assigned by the seller with a previous call to the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. Maximum: 40 characters
<QueryStartDateTime> (optional): A date used for selecting fulfillment orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in fulfillment order status, including the creation of a new fulfillment order. default: Now minus 36 hours
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | string | The fulfillment order identifier that you created and submitted using the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation |
MarketplaceId | string | The marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against |
DisplayableOrderId | string | A fulfillment order identifier that you created when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays as the order identifier in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
DisplayableOrderDateTime | timestamp | A date that you created when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays as the order date in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
DisplayableOrderComment | string | A text block that you created when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
ShippingSpeedCategory | string | The shipping method that you selected when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. ShippingSpeedCategory values: Standard - Standard shipping method, Expedited - Expedited shipping method, Priority - Priority shipping method, ScheduledDelivery - Scheduled Delivery shipping method. For more information, see Scheduled Delivery. Note: Shipping method service level agreements vary by marketplace. See the Amazon Seller Central website in your marketplace for shipping method service level agreements and fulfillment fees |
DeliveryWindowStartDateTime | timestamp | The time range within which your Scheduled Delivery fulfillment order should be delivered. The date and time of the start of the Scheduled Delivery window |
DeliveryWindowEndDateTime | timestamp | The time range within which your Scheduled Delivery fulfillment order should be delivered. The date and time of the end of the Scheduled Delivery window |
DestinationAddressName | string | The destination address that you created when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. Recipient's name |
DestinationAddressLine1 | string | Recipient's street address information |
DestinationAddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
DestinationAddressLine3 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
DestinationAddressDistrictOrCounty | string | Recipient's district or county |
DestinationAddressCity | string | Recipient's city |
DestinationAddressStateOrProvinceCode | string | Recipient's state or province code |
DestinationAddressCountryCode | string | Recipient's two-digit country code |
DestinationAddressPostalCode | string | The postal code (required for shipments to the U.S.) |
DestinationAddressPhoneNumber | string | Recipient's phone number |
FulfillmentPolicy | string | The FulfillmentPolicy value that you chose when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation. FulfillmentPolicy values: FillOrKill - If an item in a fulfillment order is determined to be unfulfillable before any shipment in the order has acquired the status of Pending (the process of picking units from inventory has begun), then the entire order is considered unfulfillable. However, if an item in a fulfillment order is determined to be unfulfillable after a shipment in the order has acquired the status of Pending, Amazon cancels as much of the fulfillment order as possible. FillAll - All fulfillable items in the fulfillment order are shipped. The fulfillment order remains in a processing state until all items are either shipped by Amazon or cancelled by the seller, FillAllAvailable - All fulfillable items in the fulfillment order are shipped. All unfulfillable items in the order are cancelled by Amazon. default: FillOrKill |
ReceivedDateTime | timestamp | The date that the fulfillment order was received by the Amazon fulfillment center |
FulfillmentOrderStatus | string | The current status of the fulfillment order. FulfillmentOrderStatus values: RECEIVED - The fulfillment order was received by Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) and validated. Validation includes determining that the destination address is valid and that Amazon's records indicate that the seller has enough sellable (undamaged) inventory to fulfill the order. The seller can cancel a fulfillment order that has a status of RECEIVED; INVALID - The fulfillment order was received by Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) but could not be validated. The reasons for this include an invalid destination address or Amazon's records indicating that the seller does not have enough sellable inventory to fulfill the order. When this happens, the fulfillment order is invalid and no items in the order will ship; PLANNING - The fulfillment order has been sent to the Amazon Fulfillment Network to start shipment planning, but no unit in any shipment has been picked from inventory yet. The seller can cancel a fulfillment order that has a status of PLANNING; PROCESSING - The process of picking units from inventory has begun on at least one shipment in the fulfillment order. The seller cannot cancel a fulfillment order that has a status of PROCESSING; CANCELLED - The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the seller; COMPLETE - All item quantities in the fulfillment order have been fulfilled; COMPLETE_PARTIALLED - Some item quantities in the fulfillment order were fulfilled; the rest were either cancelled or unfulfillable; UNFULFILLABLE - No item quantities in the fulfillment order could be fulfilled because the Amazon fulfillment center workers found no inventory for those items or found no inventory that was in sellable (undamaged) condition |
StatusUpdatedDateTime | timestamp | The date that the status of the fulfillment order last changed |
NotificationEmailList | string | The NotificationEmailList value that you created when you submitted the CreateFulfillmentOrder operation |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_FulfillmentOrders AS
CALL AmazonMWS.FulfillmentOrders(
QueryStartDateTime => Cast('2016-11-01' AS date),
preview => true
Fulfillment order previews based on shipping criteria that you specify
<MarketplaceId> (required): The marketplace identifier for the marketplace from which you want to retrieve recommendations
<AddressName> (required): The destination address for the fulfillment order preview: Name
<AddressLine1> (required): Street address
<AddressLine2> (optional): Additional address details, if any
<AddressLine3> (optional): Additional address details, if any
<AddressDistrictOrCounty> (optional): District or county
<AddressCity> (required): City
<AddressStateOrProvinceCode> (required): State or province code
<AddressCountryCode> (required): Country code
<AddressPostalCode> (optional): Postal code
<AddressPhoneNumber> (optional): Phone number at the address
<Items> (optional): Identifying information and quantity information for the items in the fulfillment order preview. Strictly in comma-separated list of value triplets of SellerSKU|SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId|Quantity, where SellerSKU is The seller SKU of the item, SellerFulfillmentOrderItemId is A fulfillment order item identifier that you create to track items in your fulfillment preview, Quantity is The item quantity. No spaces allowed, an item separator | should be used at all times, properties should be sumbitted in the specified order
<ShippingSpeedCategories> (optional): A comma-separated list of shipping methods used for creating fulfillment order previews
<IncludeCODFulfillmentPreview> (optional): Specifies whether to return fulfillment order previews that are for COD (Cash On Delivery)
<IncludeDeliveryWindows> (optional): Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response element, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ShippingSpeedCategory | string | The shipping method for your fulfillment order. |
IsFulfillable | boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is fulfillable. |
IsCODCapable | boolean | Indicates whether this fulfillment order preview is for COD (Cash On Delivery). |
MarketplaceId | string | The marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against. |
EstimatedShippingWeight | bigdecimal | Estimated shipping weight for this fulfillment order preview. |
EstimatedShippingWeightUnit | string | Estimated weight units. |
EstimatedFeeName | string | The estimated fulfillment fee for this fulfillment order preview, if applicable. |
EstimatedFeeAmount | bigdecimal | Fulfillment fee amount. |
EstimatedFeeCurrency | string | Fee currency. |
FulfillmentPreviewShipmentsEarliestShipDate | timestamp | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center. |
FulfillmentPreviewShipmentsLatestShipDate | timestamp | The latest date that the shipment is expected to be sent from the fulfillment center. |
FulfillmentPreviewShipmentsEarliestArrivalDate | timestamp | The earliest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. |
FulfillmentPreviewShipmentsLatestArrivalDate | timestamp | The latest date that the shipment is expected to arrive at its destination. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsSellerSKU | string | The seller SKU of the item. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsSellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | string | A fulfillment order item identifier that you created with a call to the GetFulfillmentPreview operation. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsQuantity | integer | The item quantity. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsEstimatedShippingWeight | bigdecimal | The estimated shipping weight of the item quantity for a single item, as identified by SellerSKU, in a shipment. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsEstimatedShippingWeightUnit | string | Weight units. |
FulfillmentPreviewItemsShippingWeightCalculationMethod | string | The method used to calculate EstimatedShippingWeight. |
UnfulfillableSellerSKU | string | The seller SKU of the unfulfillable item. |
UnfulfillableSellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | string | A fulfillment order item identifier that you created with a call to the GetFulfillmentPreview operation. |
UnfulfillableQuantity | integer | The item quantity. |
ItemUnfulfillableReason | string | Error code associated with the fulfillment order preview that indicate why the item is unfulfillable. |
OrderUnfulfillableReason | string | Error code associated with the fulfillment order preview that indicate why the order is not fulfillable. |
ScheduledDeliveryTimeZone | string | The time zone of the destination address for the fulfillment order preview. |
ScheduledDeliveryWindowStartDateTime | timestamp | The date and time of the start of the Scheduled Delivery window. |
ScheduledDeliveryWindowEndDateTime | timestamp | The date and time of the end of the Scheduled Delivery window. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetFulfillmentPreview AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetFulfillmentPreview(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
AddressName => 'name',
AddressLine1 => 'line1',
AddressCity => 'Leipzig',
AddressStateOrProvinceCode => 'Saxony',
AddressPostalCode => '04416',
AddressCountryCode => 'DE',
Items => '201600005442-FBA|itemid|1',
ShippingSpeedCategories => 'Standard',
IncludeDeliveryWindows => true
Delivery tracking information for a package in an outbound shipment for a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order
<PackageNumber> (required): Unencrypted package identifier returned by the GetFulfillmentOrder operation
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
PackageNumber | integer | The package identifier |
TrackingNumber | string | The tracking number for the package |
CarrierCode | string | The name of the carrier |
CarrierPhoneNumber | string | The phone number of the carrier |
CarrierURL | string | The URL of the carrier's website |
ShipDate | timestamp | The shipping date for the package |
ShipToAddressCity | string | The destination city for the package |
ShipToAddressState | string | Destination state |
ShipToAddressCountry | string | Destination country |
CurrentStatus | string | The current delivery status of the package |
SignedForBy | string | The name of the person who signed for the package |
EstimatedArrivalDate | timestamp | The estimated arrival date |
EventDate | timestamp | The date and time that the delivery event took place |
EventAddressCity | string | The city where the delivery event took place |
EventAddressState | string | Delivery event state |
EventAddressCountry | string | Delivery event address |
EventCode | string | The event code for the delivery event |
AdditionalLocationInfo | string | Additional location information |
Merchant Fulfillment
Existing shipment for the ShipmentId value that you specify. You can use this operation to get document data for shipping labels in case the label document data originally returned by the CreateShipment operation is lost. For limitations on getting new shipping labels, see "Reprint a Shipping Label" on Seller Central (Europe) (US). Get the ShipmentId value from a previous call to the CreateShipment operation
<ShipmentId> (required): Amazon-defined shipment identifier
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ShipmentId | string | Amazon-defined shipment identifier |
AmazonOrderId | string | An Amazon-defined order identifier in 3-7-7 format |
SellerOrderId | string | A seller-defined order identifier |
ShipsFromName | string | The address from which the shipment ships. The name or business name |
ShipsFromAddressLine1 | string | The street address information |
ShipsFromAddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information |
ShipsFromAddressLine3 | string | Additional street address information |
ShipsFromDistrictOrCounty | string | The district or county |
ShipsFromEmail | string | The email address |
ShipsFromCity | string | The city |
ShipsFromStateOrProvinceCode | string | The state or province code |
ShipsFromPostalCode | string | The zip code or postal code |
ShipsFromCountryCode | string | The country code |
ShipsFromPhone | string | The phone number |
ShipsToName | string | The destination address of the shipment. The name or business name |
ShipsToAddressLine1 | string | The street address information |
ShipsToAddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information |
ShipsToAddressLine3 | string | Additional street address information |
ShipsToDistrictOrCounty | string | The district or county |
ShipsToEmail | string | The email address |
ShipsToCity | string | The city |
ShipsToStateOrProvinceCode | string | The state or province code |
ShipsToPostalCode | string | The zip code or postal code |
ShipsToCountryCode | string | The country code |
ShipsToPhone | string | The phone number |
PackageLength | bigdecimal | The package length |
PackageWidth | bigdecimal | The package width |
PackageHeight | bigdecimal | The package height |
PackageUnit | string | The package dimensions unit of measurement |
PackagePredefinedDimensions | string | A parcel token that specifies pre-defined package dimensions |
Weight | bigdecimal | The package weight |
WeightUnit | string | The package weight unit |
InsuranceAmount | bigdecimal | If DeclaredValue was specified with a previous call to the CreateShipment operation, then Insurance indicates the amount that the carrier will insure the shipment for. If DeclaredValue was not specified with a previous call to the CreateShipment operation, then the shipment will be insured for the carrier's minimum insurance amount, or the combined sale prices that the items in the shipment are listed for, whichever is less |
InsuranceCurrency | string | The insurance currency |
ShippingServiceName | string | A plain text representation of a carrier's shipping service. For example, "UPS Ground" or "FedEx Standard Overnight" |
ShippingServiceCarrierName | string | The name of the carrier |
ShippingServiceId | string | An Amazon-defined shipping service identifier |
ShippingServiceOfferId | string | An Amazon-defined shipping service offer identifier |
ShippingServiceShipDate | timestamp | The date that the carrier will ship the package |
ShippingServiceEarliestEstimatedDeliveryDate | timestamp | The earliest date by which the shipment will be delivered |
ShippingServiceLatestEstimatedDeliveryDate | timestamp | The latest date by which the shipment will be delivered |
ShippingServiceRate | bigdecimal | The amount that the carrier will charge for the shipment |
ShippingServiceRateCurrency | string | The currency used for the amount that the carrier will charge for the shipment |
ShippingServiceOptionsDeliveryExperience | string | The delivery confirmation level |
ShippingServiceOptionsDeclaredValue | string | The declared value of the shipment. The carrier uses this value to determine how much to insure the shipment for. If DeclaredValue is greater than the carrier's minimum insurance amount, the seller is charged for the additional insurance as determined by the carrier |
ShippingServiceOptionsDeclaredValueCurrency | string | Currency of the declared value |
ShippingServiceOptionsCarrierWillPickUp | boolean | Indicates whether the carrier will pick up the package. Note: Scheduled carrier pickup is available only in the US using Dynamex |
ShippingServiceOptionsLabelFormat | string | The seller's preferred label format |
ShippingServiceAvailableLabelFormats | xml | The available label formats for a carrier |
LabelCustomTextForLabel | string | Custom text to print on the label |
LabelLength | bigdecimal | Dimensions for printing a shipping label: Length |
LabelWidth | bigdecimal | Dimensions for printing a shipping label: Width |
LabelUnit | string | Dimensions for printing a shipping label: Unit of measurement |
LabelFileContents | string | Data for printing labels, in the form of a Base64-encoded, GZip-compressed string |
LabelFileContentsFileType | string | The file type for a label |
LabelFileContentsChecksum | string | An MD5 hash to validate the PDF document data, in the form of a Base64-encoded string |
LabelLabelFormat | string | The seller's preferred label format |
LabelStandardIdForLabel | string | The type of standard identifier to print on the label |
Status | string | The shipment status |
TrackingId | string | The shipment tracking identifier provided by the carrier |
CreatedDate | timestamp | The date that the shipment was created |
LastUpdatedDate | timestamp | The date that the shipment status last changed |
Items_OrderItemId | string | An Amazon-defined identifier for an individual item in an order. Used in the xml response to an order query request (Order API/Order xml) |
Items_Quantity | integer | The number of items |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetShipment AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetShipment(
ShipmentId => '11111111-2222-2222-2222-111222333444'
List of orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify. You define that time frame using the CreatedAfter parameter or the LastUpdatedAfter parameter. You must use one of these parameters, but not both. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders that is returned. The ListOrders operation includes order information for each order returned, including AmazonOrderId, OrderStatus, FulfillmentChannel, and LastUpdateDate.
<AmazonOrderIds> (optional): A list of AmazonOrderId values. An AmazonOrderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. Maximum: 50. Passed as CSV without double quotes.
<CreatedAfter> (optional): A date used for selecting orders created after (or at) a specified time. Required, if LastUpdatedAfter is not specified. Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error. Must be no later than two minutes before the time that the request was submitted. In ISO 8601 date time format.
<CreatedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting orders created before (or at) a specified time. Must be later than CreatedAfter. Must be no later than two minutes before the time that the request was submitted. default: Now minus two minutes. In ISO 8601 date time format.
<LastUpdatedAfter> (optional): A date used for selecting orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. Required, if CreatedAfter is not specified. Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error. If LastUpdatedAfter is specified, then BuyerEmail and SellerOrderId cannot be specified. Must be no later than two minutes before the time that the request was submitted. In ISO 8601 date time format.
<LastUpdatedBefore> (optional): A date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. Must be later than LastUpdatedAfter. Must be no later than two minutes before the time that the request was submitted. default: Now minus two minutes. In ISO 8601 date time format.
<OrderStatuses> (optional): A list of OrderStatus values. Used to select orders with a current status that matches one of the status values that you specify in form of a CSV or a string array. OrderStatus values: Pending (The order has been placed but payment has not been authorized. The order is not ready for shipment. Note that for orders with OrderType = Standard, the initial order status is Pending), Unshipped (Payment has been authorized and order is ready for shipment, but no items in the order have been shipped), PartiallyShipped (One or more (but not all) items in the order have been shipped), Shipped (All items in the order have been shipped), Canceled (The order was canceled), Unfulfillable (The order cannot be fulfilled. This state applies only to Amazon-fulfilled orders that were not placed on Amazons retail web site). Unshipped and PartiallyShipped must be used together in this version of the Orders API section. Using one and not the other returns an error. default: All
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of MarketplaceId values. Used to select orders that were placed in the Marketplaces that you specify. This is any Marketplace in which the seller is registered to sell. An error is returned if the value is not a Marketplace in which the seller is registered to sell. Maximum: 50, CSV or a string array.
<FulfillmentChannels> (optional): A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled. FulfillmentChannel values: AFN (Fulfilled by Amazon), MFN (Fulfilled by the seller). default: All. CSV or a string array.
<BuyerEmail> (optional): The e-mail address of a buyer. Used to select only the orders that contain the specified e-mail address. If BuyerEmail is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and SellerOrderId cannot be specified. The e-mail address that you provide in your request can be anonymized (by Amazon), or non-anonymized. default: All
<SellerOrderId> (optional): An order identifier that is specified by the seller. Not an Amazon order identifier. Used to select only the orders that match a seller-specified order identifier. If SellerOrderId is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and BuyerEmail cannot be specified.
<loopOrderItems> (optional): Download order items
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
LatestShipDate | timestamp | The end of the time period that you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned for MFN and Amazon Fulfillment Network (AFN) orders. Note: LatestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013. |
OrderType | string | The type of the order. OrderType values: StandardOrder (An order that contains items for which you currently have inventory in stock), Preorder (An order that contains items with a release date that is in the future). Note: Preorder is a possible OrderType value only in Japan (JP). |
PurchaseDate | timestamp | The date when the order was created. |
BuyerEmail | string | The e-mail address of a buyer. Used to select only the orders that contain the specified e-mail address. If BuyerEmail is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and SellerOrderId cannot be specified. The e-mail address that you provide in your request can be anonymized (by Amazon), or non-anonymized. default: All |
AmazonOrderId | string | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. |
LastUpdateDate | timestamp | The date when the order was last updated. Note: LastUpdateDate is returned with an incorrect date for orders that were last updated before 2009-04-01. |
ShipServiceLevel | string | The shipment service level of the order. |
NumberOfItemsShipped | integer | The number of items shipped. |
OrderStatus | string | The current order status. |
SalesChannel | string | The sales channel of the first item in the order. |
EarliestDeliveryDate | timestamp | The start of the time period that you have commited to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for MFN orders that do not have a PendingAvailability, Pending, or Canceled status. |
LatestDeliveryDate | timestamp | The end of the time period that you have commited to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for MFN orders that do not have a PendingAvailability, Pending, or Canceled status. |
NumberOfItemsUnshipped | integer | The number of items unshipped. |
BuyerName | string | The name of the buyer. |
OrderTotalCurrency | string | The total charge for the order. Three-digit currency code. |
OrderTotalAmount | bigdecimal | The total charge for the order. The currency amount. |
IsPremiumOrder | boolean | Indicates that the order has a Premium Shipping Service Level Agreement. For more information about Premium Shipping orders, see "Premium Shipping Options" in the Seller Central Help for your marketplace. |
EarliestShipDate | timestamp | The start of the time period that you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for Merchant Fulfillment Network (MFN) orders. Note: EarliestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013. |
MarketplaceId | string | The anonymized identifier for the Marketplace where the order was placed. |
FulfillmentChannel | string | How the order was fulfilled: by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN). |
PaymentMethod | string | The main payment method of the order. |
ShippingAddress_Name | string | The shipping address for the order: name |
ShippingAddress_AddressLine1 | string | The shipping address for the order: street address |
ShippingAddress_AddressLine2 | string | The shipping address for the order: additional street address information, if necessary |
ShippingAddress_AddressLine3 | string | The shipping address for the order: additional street address information, if necessary |
ShippingAddress_City | string | The shipping address for the order: city |
ShippingAddress_County | string | The shipping address for the order: county |
ShippingAddress_District | string | The shipping address for the order: district |
ShippingAddress_StateOrRegion | string | The shipping address for the order: state or region |
ShippingAddress_PostalCode | string | The shipping address for the order: postal code |
ShippingAddress_CountryCode | string | The shipping address for the order: country code |
ShippingAddress_Phone | string | The shipping address for the order: phone |
IsPrime | char | Indicates that the order is a seller-fulfilled Amazon Prime order. |
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory | string | The shipment service level category of the order. ShipmentServiceLevelCategory values: Expedited, FreeEconomy, NextDay, SameDay, SecondDay, Scheduled, Standard |
SellerOrderId | string | An order identifier that is specified by the seller. Not an Amazon order identifier. Used to select only the orders that match a seller-specified order identifier. If SellerOrderId is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and BuyerEmail cannot be specified. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_Orders AS
CALL AmazonMWS.Orders(
CreatedAfter => Cast('2017-11-01' AS date),
CreatedBefore => Cast('2017-11-05' AS date),
MarketplaceIds => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
preview => true
Order item information for an AmazonOrderId that you specify. The order item information includes Title, ASIN, SellerSKU, ItemPrice, ShippingPrice, as well as tax and promotion information. You can retrieve order item information by first using the ListOrders operation to find orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify. An AmazonOrderId is included with each order that is returned. You can then use these AmazonOrderId values with the ListOrderItems operation to get detailed order item information for each order. Note: When an order is in the Pending state (the order has been placed but payment has not been authorized), the ListOrderItems operation does not return information about pricing, taxes, shipping charges, gift wrapping, or promotions for the order items in the order. After an order leaves the Pending state (this occurs when payment has been authorized) and enters the Unshipped, Partially Shipped, or Shipped state, the ListOrderItems operation returns information about pricing, taxes, shipping charges, gift wrapping, and promotions for the order items in the order
<AmazonOrderId> (required): An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AmazonOrderId | string | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
OrderItemId | string | An Amazon-defined order item identifier |
SellerSKU | string | The seller SKU of the item |
CustomizedURL | string | The location of a zip file containing Amazon Custom data |
Title | string | The name of the item |
QuantityOrdered | integer | The number of items in the order |
QuantityShipped | integer | The number of items shipped |
ItemPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The selling price of the order item. Note that an order item is an item and a quantity. This means that the value of ItemPrice is equal to the selling price of the item multiplied by the quantity ordered. Note that ItemPrice excludes ShippingPrice and GiftWrapPrice |
ItemPrice_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Item Price |
ShippingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The shipping price of the item |
ShippingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Shipping Price |
GiftWrapPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The gift wrap price of the item |
GiftWrapPrice_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Gift Wrap Price |
ItemTax_Amount | bigdecimal | The tax on the item price |
ItemTax_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Item Tax |
ShippingTax_Amount | bigdecimal | The tax on the shipping price |
ShippingTax_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Shipping Tax |
GiftWrapTax_Amount | bigdecimal | The tax on the gift wrap price |
GiftWrapTax_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Gift Wrap Tax |
ShippingDiscount_Amount | bigdecimal | The discount on the shipping price |
ShippingDiscount_CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the Shipping Discount |
PromotionDiscount_Amount | bigdecimal | The total of all promotional discounts in the offer |
PromotionDiscount_CurrencyCode | string | Currency Code for the Promotion Discount |
GiftMessageText | string | A gift message provided by the buyer |
GiftWrapLevel | string | The gift wrap level specified by the buyer |
ConditionNote | string | The condition of the item as described by the seller |
ConditionId | string | The condition of the item. ConditionId values: (New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Preorder, Club) |
ConditionSubtypeId | string | The subcondition of the item. ConditionSubtypeId values: (New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, Any, Other) |
PriceDesignation | string | Indicates that the selling price is a special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders. Note that the Amazon Business Seller Program is available only in the US |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_OrderItems AS
CALL AmazonMWS.OrderItems(
AmazonOrderId => '305-5303393-2454721'
Products and their attributes, ordered by relevancy, based on: a search query / / list of product identifier values, that you specify. Your search query can be a phrase that describes the product or it can be a product identifier such as a GCID, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or JAN. If your query does not return any matching products, the query will be broadened using spelling correction or the removal of keywords to find matches. This operation returns a maximum of ten products and does not return non-buyable products.
<MarketplaceId> (optional): A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace from which products are returned
<Query> (optional): A search string with the same support as that provided on Amazon marketplace websites
<QueryContextId> (optional): An identifier for the context within which the given search will be performed. A marketplace might provide mechanisms for constraining a search to a subset of potential items. For example, the Amazon retail marketplace allows queries to be constrained to a specific category. The QueryContextId parameter specifies such a sub-set. If it is omitted, the search will be performed using the default context for the marketplace, which will typically contain the largest set of items
<IdType> (optional): Possible product identifiers are ASIN, GCID, SellerSKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, and JAN
<IdList> (optional):
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | Part of the MarketplaceASIN combination that uniquely identifies a product: MarketplaceId |
ASIN | string | Part of the MarketplaceASIN combination that uniquely identifies a product: ASIN |
Actor | string | Actor |
Artist | string | Artist |
AspectRatio | string | AspectAspectRatioRatio |
AudienceRating | string | Audience Rating |
Author | string | Author |
BackFinding | string | Back Finding |
BandMaterialType | string | Band Material Type |
Binding | string | Binding |
BlurayRegion | string | Bluray Region |
Brand | string | Brand |
CEROAgeRating | string | CERO Age Rating |
ChainType | string | Chain Type |
ClaspType | string | Clasp Type |
Color | string | Color |
CPUManufacturer | string | CPU Manufacturer |
CPUSpeed | bigdecimal | CPU Speed |
CPUSpeedUnits | string | CPU Speed Units |
CPUType | string | CPU Type |
Creator | string | Creator |
Department | string | Department |
Director | string | Director |
DisplaySize | bigdecimal | Display Size |
DisplaySizeUnits | string | Display Size Units |
Edition | string | Edition |
EpisodeSequence | string | Episode Sequence |
ESRBAgeRating | string | ESRB Age Rating |
Feature | string | Feature |
Flavor | string | Flavor |
Format | string | Format |
GemType | string | Gem Type |
Genre | string | Genre |
GolfClubFlex | string | Golf Club Flex |
GolfClubLoft | bigdecimal | Golf Club Loft |
GolfClubLoftUnits | string | Golf Club Loft Units |
HandOrientation | string | Hand Orientation |
HardDiskInterface | string | Hard Disk Interface |
HardDiskSize | bigdecimal | Hard Disk Size |
HardDiskSizeUnits | string | Hard Disk Size Units |
HardwarePlatform | string | Hardware Platform |
HazardousMaterialType | string | Hazardous Material Type |
ItemDimensionsHeight | bigdecimal | Item Dimensions Height |
ItemDimensionsHeightUnits | string | Item Dimensions Height Units |
ItemDimensionsLength | bigdecimal | Item Dimensions Length |
ItemDimensionsLengthUnits | string | Item Dimensions Length Units |
ItemDimensionsWidth | bigdecimal | Item Dimensions Width |
ItemDimensionsWidthUnits | string | Item Dimensions Width Units |
ItemDimensionsWeight | bigdecimal | Item Dimensions Weight |
ItemDimensionsWeightUnits | string | Item Dimensions Weight Units |
IsAdultProduct | boolean | Is Adult Product |
IsAutographed | boolean | Is Autographed |
IsEligibleForTradeIn | boolean | Is Eligible For Trade In |
IsMemorabilia | boolean | Is Memorabilia |
IssuesPerYear | string | Issues Per Year |
ItemPartNumber | string | Item Part Number |
Label | string | Label |
LanguageName | string | Language Name |
LegalDisclaimer | string | Legal Disclaimer |
ListPrice | bigdecimal | List Price |
ListPriceCurrency | string | List Price Currency |
Manufacturer | string | Manufacturer |
ManufacturerMaximumAge | bigdecimal | Manufacturer Maximum Age |
ManufacturerMaximumAgeUnits | string | Manufacturer Maximum Age Units |
ManufacturerMinimumAge | bigdecimal | Manufacturer Minimum Age |
ManufacturerMinimumAgeUnits | string | Manufacturer Minimum Age Units |
ManufacturerPartsWarrantyDescription | string | Manufacturer Parts Warranty Description |
MaterialType | string | Material Type |
MaximumResolution | bigdecimal | Maximum Resolution |
MaximumResolutionUnits | string | Maximum Resolution Units |
MediaType | string | Media Type |
MetalStamp | string | Metal Stamp |
MetalType | string | Metal Type |
Model | string | Model |
NumberOfDiscs | integer | Number Of Discs |
NumberOfIssues | integer | Number Of Issues |
NumberOfItems | integer | Number Of Items |
NumberOfPages | integer | Number Of Pages |
NumberOfTracks | integer | Number Of Tracks |
OperatingSystem | string | Operating System |
OpticalZoom | bigdecimal | Optical Zoom |
OpticalZoomUnits | string | Optical Zoom Units |
PackageHeight | bigdecimal | Package Height |
PackageHeightUnits | string | Package Height Units |
PackageLength | bigdecimal | Package Length |
PackageLengthUnits | string | Package Length Units |
PackageWidth | bigdecimal | Package Width |
PackageWidthUnits | string | Package Width Units |
PackageWeight | bigdecimal | Package Weight |
PackageWeightUnits | string | Package Weight Units |
PackageQuantity | integer | Package Quantity |
PartNumber | string | Part Number |
PegiRating | string | Pegi Rating |
Platform | string | Platform |
ProcessorCount | integer | Processor Count |
ProductGroup | string | Product Group |
ProductTypeName | string | Product Type Name |
ProductTypeSubcategory | string | Product Type Subcategory |
PublicationDate | string | Publication Date |
Publisher | string | Publisher |
RegionCode | string | Region Code |
ReleaseDate | string | Release Date |
RingSize | string | Ring Size |
RunningTime | bigdecimal | Running Time |
RunningTimeUnits | string | Running Time Units |
ShaftMaterial | string | Shaft Material |
Scent | string | Scent |
SeasonSequence | string | Season Sequence |
SeikodoProductCode | string | Seikodo Product Code |
Size | string | Size |
SizePerPearl | string | Size Per Pearl |
SmallImageURL | string | Small Image URL |
SmallImageHeight | bigdecimal | Small Image Height |
SmallImageHeightUnits | string | Small Image Height Units |
SmallImageWidth | bigdecimal | Small Image Width |
SmallImageWidthUnits | string | SmallImage Width Units |
Studio | string | Studio |
SubscriptionLength | integer | Subscription Length |
SubscriptionLengthUnits | string | Subscription Length Units |
SystemMemorySize | bigdecimal | System Memory Size |
SystemMemorySizeUnits | string | System Memory Size Units |
SystemMemoryType | string | System Memory Type |
TheatricalReleaseDate | string | Theatrical ReleaseDate |
Title | string | Title |
TotalDiamondWeight | bigdecimal | Total Diamond Weight |
TotalDiamondWeightUnits | string | Total Diamond Weight Units |
TotalGemWeight | bigdecimal | Total Gem Weight |
TotalGemWeightUnits | string | Total Gem Weight Units |
Warranty | string | Warranty |
WEEETaxValue | bigdecimal | WEEE Tax Value |
WEEETaxValueCurrency | string | WEEE Tax Value Currency |
Relationship_MarketplaceId | string | MarketplaceId of a related product |
Relationship_ASIN | string | ASIN of a related product |
SalesRankProductCategoryId | string | Identifies the product category that the sales rank is taken from |
SalesRank | integer | The sales rank of the product within the product category |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_MatchingProducts AS
CALL AmazonMWS.MatchingProducts(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
Query => 'mark webber book',
QueryContextId => 'Books'
Current competitive pricing of a product, based on the ASIN / SellerSKU and MarketplaceId that you specify. Note that SellerSKU is qualified by your SellerId, which is included with every Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) operation that you submit. This operation returns pricing for active offer listings based on two pricing models: New Buy Box Price and Used Buy Box Price. These pricing models are equivalent to the main Buy Box Price and the subordinate Buy Box Price, respectively, on a detail page from an Amazon marketplace website. Note that products with active offer listings might not return either of these prices. This could happen, for example, if none of the sellers with offer listings for a product are qualified for the New Buy Box or the Used Buy Box. Also note that your own price for the SellerSKU that you specify is not excluded from the response, so your price will be returned if it is the lowest listed price. The number of offer listings, the trade-in value, and the sales rankings for the SellerSKU that you specify are also returned. Note: If you specify a SellerSKU that identifies a variation parent ASIN, this operation returns an error. A variation parent ASIN represents a generic product that cannot be sold. Variation child ASINs represent products that have specific characteristics (such as size and color) and can be sold
<MarketplaceId> (required): A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace from which products are returned
<ASINList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of ASIN values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. Maximum: 20 ASIN values
<SellerSKUList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of SellerSKU values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by your SellerId, which is included with every Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) operation that you submit. Maximum: 20 SellerSKU values
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
ASIN | string | ASIN |
SKU_MarketplaceId | string | MarketplaceId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerId | string | SellerId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerSKU | string | SellerSKU for the SKU identifier |
CompetitivePriceId | string | The pricing model for each price that is returned. Valid values: 1, 2. Value definitions: 1 = New Buy Box Price, 2 = Used Buy Box Price |
LandedPrice | bigdecimal | ListingPrice plus Shipping. Note that if the landed price is not returned, the listing price represents the product with the lowest landed price |
LandedPriceCurrency | string | Landed Price currency |
ListingPrice | bigdecimal | The listing price of the item |
ListingPriceCurrency | string | Listing price currency |
Shipping | bigdecimal | The shipping cost of the product. Note that the shipping cost is not always available |
ShippingCurrency | string | Shipping currency |
condition | string | Indicates the condition of the item whose pricing information is returned. Possible values are: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
subcondition | string | Indicates the subcondition of the item whose pricing information is returned. Possible values are: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
belongsToRequester | boolean | Indicates whether or not the pricing information is for an offer listing that belongs to the requester. The requester is the seller associated with the SellerId that was submitted with the request. Possible values are: true and false |
OfferListingCondition | string | Possible listing condition values are: Any, New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
OfferListingCount | integer | The number of active offer listings for the product that was submitted |
TradeInValue | bigdecimal | The trade-in value of the product in Amazon's Trade-In program |
TradeInValueCurrency | string | The currency of the trade-in value |
SalesRankProductCategoryId | string | Identifies the product category that the sales rank is taken from |
SalesRank | integer | The sales rank of the product within the product category |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetCompetitivePricingForASIN AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetCompetitivePricing(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
ASINList => 'B01H5S65WQ'
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetCompetitivePricingForSKU AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetCompetitivePricing(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
SellerSKUList => '201500003661,201400005218,201400005209,201400005208,201400005210,201400005213,201400005216'
Pricing information for the lowest-price active offer listings for up to 20 products, based on ASIN or SKU
<MarketplaceId> (required): A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace from which products are returned
<ASINList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of ASIN values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. Maximum: 20 ASIN values
<SellerSKUList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of SellerSKU values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by your SellerId, which is included with every Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) operation that you submit. Maximum: 20 SellerSKU values
<ItemCondition> (optional): New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club
<ExcludeMe> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AllOfferListingsConsidered | boolean | Indicates whether or not all of the active offer listings for the specified product and ItemCondition were considered when the listings were placed into their corresponding offer listing groups. When there are a large number of active offer listings for the specified product and ItemCondition, only a certain number of offer listings are considered. The listings that are considered always have lower landed prices than the landed prices of listings that are not considered |
MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
ASIN | string | ASIN |
SKU_MarketplaceId | string | MarketplaceId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerId | string | SellerId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerSKU | string | SellerSKU for the SKU identifier |
ItemCondition | string | New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
ItemSubcondition | string | New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
FulfillmentChannel | string | Amazon or Merchant |
ShipsDomestically | string | Indicates whether the marketplace specified in the request and the location that the item ships from are in the same country |
ShippingTimeMax | string | Indicates the maximum time within which the item will likely be shipped once an order has been placed |
SellerPositiveFeedbackRating | string | Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings that were positive over the past 12 months |
NumberOfOfferListingsConsidered | integer | Of the offer listings considered, this number indicates how many belonged to this offer listing group. Note that if AllOfferListingsConsidered is returned with a value of True, then the value of NumberOfOfferListingsConsidered is the actual number of active offer listings that met the six qualifying criteria of the offer listing group. However if AllOfferListingsConsidered is returned with a value of False, then the actual number might be higher |
SellerFeedbackCount | integer | The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group |
LandedPrice | bigdecimal | ListingPrice plus Shipping. Note that if the landed price is not returned, the listing price represents the product with the lowest landed price |
LandedPriceCurrency | string | Landed price currency |
ListingPrice | bigdecimal | The listing price of the item |
ListingPriceCurrency | string | Listing price currency |
Shipping | bigdecimal | The shipping cost of the product. Note that the shipping cost is not always available |
ShippingCurrency | string | Shipping cost currency |
MultipleOffersAtLowestPrice | string | Indicates if there is more than one listing with the lowest listing price in the group |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetLowestOfferListingsForASIN AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetLowestOfferListings(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
ExcludeMe => false
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetLowestOfferListingsForSKU AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetLowestOfferListings(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
SellerSKUList => '201500003661,201400005218,201400005209,201400005208,201400005210,201400005213,201400005216',
ExcludeMe => false
Fees for products in marketplaces. You can make a call for a set of products before setting prices on those products. Your prices can then take estimated fees into account. You must specify your products by ASIN or SKU (not UPC, ISBN, etc). With each product fees request, you must include an original identifier. This identifier is included in the fees estimate so you can correlate a fees estimate with an original request. This operation allows up to 20 product requests in a single batch. Note: The estimated fees returned by this API are not guaranteed. Actual fees may vary.
<FeesEstimateRequestList> (required): A list of products, marketplaces, and other options to query for fees. List must be submitted in the form of a comma-delimited sets of vertical bar separated entries in the following order: MarketplaceId|IdType|dValue|IsAmazonFulfilled|Identifier|PriceToEstimateFees.ListingPrice.CurrencyCode|PriceToEstimateFees.ListingPrice.Amount|PriceToEstimateFees.Shipping.CurrencyCode|PriceToEstimateFees.Shipping.Amount|PriceToEstimateFees.Points.PointsNumber. This order is strictly enforced. Specifying less values will result in less parameters submitted to the API. Specifying more values in the vertical bar delimited set will ignore the extra valus. Maximum 20 sets
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | An encrypted, Amazon-defined marketplace identifier |
IdType | string | The type of product identifier used by IdValue |
IdValue | string | The product identifier |
ListingPrice | bigdecimal | The price of the item |
ListingPriceCurrency | string | The price of the item currency |
Shipping | bigdecimal | The shipping cost |
ShippingCurrency | string | The shipping cost currency |
Points | integer | The number of Amazon Points offered with the purchase of an item |
IsAmazonFulfilled | boolean | True if the offer is fulfilled by Amazon |
SellerInputIdentifier | string | A unique identifier provided by the caller to track this request |
TimeOfFeesEstimation | timestamp | The time for which the fees were estimated. This defaults to the time the request is made |
TotalFeesEstimate | bigdecimal | Total estimated fees for a given product, price, and fulfillment channel |
TotalFeesEstimateCurrency | string | Currency for the total estimated fee |
ParentFeeType | string | The parent fee type, for which the detail is provided |
FeeType | string | The type of fee charged to a seller |
FeeAmount | bigdecimal | The amount charged for a given fee |
FeeAmountCurrency | string | The currency of the amount charged for a given fee |
FeePromotion | bigdecimal | The promotion amount for a given fee |
FeePromotionCurrency | string | The currency of the promotion amount for a given fee |
TaxAmount | bigdecimal | The tax amount for a given fee. This is only shown for the India marketplace |
TaxAmountCurrency | string | The currency of the tax amount for a given fee. This is only shown for the India marketplace |
FinalFee | bigdecimal | The final fee amount for a given fee |
FinalFeeCurrency | string | The currency of the final fee amount for a given fee |
ErrorCode | string | The type of error that resulted in a failed response |
ErrorMessage | string | Contains a message that provides more information about the error |
ErrorType | string | Indicates whether the error was a result of a problem in the request (sender) or with the web service (receiver) |
ErrorDetail | string | Contains any additional details, if applicable |
Status | string | The status of the fee request |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMyFeesEstimate AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetMyFeesEstimate(
FeesEstimateRequestList => (SELECT MarketplaceId || '|SellerSKU|201600005441|false|request19991|EUR|429.99|EUR|429.99|0,' || MarketplaceId || '|SellerSKU|80335-96585|false|request19991|EUR|11.99|EUR|55.99|0' FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId)
Pricing information for your own offer listings, based on the ASIN mapped to the SellerSKU and MarketplaceId that you specify. Note that if you submit a SellerSKU/ASIN for a product for which you don't have an offer listing, the operation returns an empty Offers element. This operation returns pricing information for a maximum of 20 offer listings
<MarketplaceId> (required): A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace from which offer listings are returned
<SellerSKUList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of SellerSKU values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by your SellerId, which is included with every Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) operation that you submit. Maximum: 20 SellerSKU values
<ASINList> (optional): A comma-delimited list of ASIN values. Used to identify products in the given marketplace. Maximum: 20 ASIN values
<ItemCondition> (optional): The item condition for the offer listing. Valid values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Marketplace_MarketplaceId | string | MarketplaceId |
Marketplace_ASIN | string | ASIN |
SKU_MarketplaceId | string | MarketplaceId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerId | string | SellerId for the SKU identifier |
SKU_SellerSKU | string | SellerSKU for the SKU identifier |
LandedPriceAmount | bigdecimal | ListingPrice plus Shipping. Note that if the landed price is not returned, the listing price represents the product with the lowest landed price |
LandedPriceCurrency | string | The landed price currency |
ListingPriceAmount | bigdecimal | The current price including any promotions that apply to the product |
ListingPriceCurrency | string | The listing price currency |
ShippingAmount | bigdecimal | The shipping cost of the product |
ShippingCurrency | string | The shipping price currency |
RegularPriceAmount | bigdecimal | The current price excluding any promotions that apply to the product. Excludes the shipping cost |
RegularPriceCurrency | string | The current price currency |
FulfillmentChannel | string | The fulfillment channel for the offer listing. Valid values: Amazon - Fulfilled by Amazon; Merchant - Fulfilled by the seller. |
ItemCondition | string | The item condition for the offer listing. Valid values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
ItemSubCondition | string | The item subcondition for the offer listing. Valid values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
SellerId | string | The SellerId submitted with the operation |
SellerSKU | string | The SellerSKU for the offer listing |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMyPriceForASIN AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetMyPrice(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMyPriceForSKU AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetMyPrice(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
SellerSKUList => '201500003661,201400005218,201400005209,201400005208,201400005210,201400005213,201400005216'
Product category name and identifier that a product belongs to, including parent categories back to the root for the marketplace
<MarketplaceId> (required): A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace from which offer listings are returned.
<SellerSKU> (optional): Used to identify products in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by your SellerId, which is included with every Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) operation that you submit.
<ASIN> (optional): Identifies the product in given the Marketplace
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ProductCategoryId | string | Identifier for a product category (or browse node) |
ProductCategoryName | string | Name of a product category (or browse node) |
ParentProductCategoryId | string | Identifier for a parent product category |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetProductCategoriesForASIN AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetProductCategories(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
ASIN => 'B01DQXW9Y2'
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetProductCategoriesForSKU AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetProductCategories(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId),
SellerSKU => '201400005216'
Checks whether there are active recommendations for each category for the given marketplace, and if there are, returns the time when recommendations were last updated for each category
<MarketplaceId> (required): The marketplace identifier for the marketplace from which you want to retrieve recommendations
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
InventoryRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the inventory recommendations were last updated |
SelectionRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the selection recommendations were last updated |
PricingRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the pricing recommendations were last updated |
FulfillmentRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the fulfillment recommendations were last updated |
GlobalSellingRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the global selling recommendations were last updated |
AdvertisingRecommendationsLastUpdated | timestamp | The date and time when the advertising recommendations were last updated |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetLastUpdatedTimeForRecommendations AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetLastUpdatedTimeForRecommendations(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId)
Active recommendations for a specific category or for all categories for a specific marketplace
<MarketplaceId> (required): The marketplace identifier for the marketplace from which you want to retrieve recommendations.
<RecommendationCategory> (optional): Specifies a category for the recommendations to retrieve.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
RecommendationId | string |
RecommendationReason | string |
LastUpdated | timestamp |
ItemAsin | string |
ItemSku | string |
ItemUpc | string |
ItemName | string |
BrandName | string |
ProductCategory | string |
SalesRank | integer |
BuyboxPrice | bigdecimal |
BuyboxPriceCurrency | string |
NumberOfOffers | integer |
NumberOfOffersFulfilledByAmazon | integer |
AverageCustomerReview | bigdecimal |
NumberOfCustomerReviews | integer |
ItemHeight | bigdecimal |
ItemHeightUnit | string |
ItemWidth | bigdecimal |
ItemWidthUnit | string |
ItemLength | bigdecimal |
ItemLengthUnit | string |
ItemWeight | bigdecimal |
ItemWeightUnit | string |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListRecommendations AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListRecommendations(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId)
Returns a count of the reports, created in the previous 90 days, with a status of DONE and that are available for download.
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values
<Acknowledged> (optional): A Boolean value that indicates if an order report has been acknowledged by a prior call to UpdateReportAcknowledgements. This filter is valid only with order reports; it does not work with listing reports
<AvailableFromDate> (optional): The earliest date you are looking for
<AvailableToDate> (optional): The most recent date you are looking for
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Count | integer | A non-negative integer indicating the number of matching reports that are scheduled |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportCount AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportCount(
AvailableFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Reports that were created in the previous 90 days
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values
<Acknowledged> (optional): A Boolean value that indicates if an order report has been acknowledged by a prior call to UpdateReportAcknowledgements. This filter is valid only with order reports; it does not work with listing reports
<ReportRequestIdList> (optional): A structured list of ReportRequestId values. If you pass in ReportRequestId values, other query conditions are ignored
<AvailableFromDate> (optional): The earliest date you are looking for
<AvailableToDate> (optional): The most recent date you are looking for
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportId | string | A unique identifier for the report |
ReportType | string | The ReportType value requested |
ReportRequestId | string | A unique identifier for the report request |
AvailableDate | timestamp | The date the report is available |
Acknowledged | boolean | A Boolean value that indicates if the report was acknowledged by this call to the UpdateReportAcknowledgements operation |
AcknowledgedDate | timestamp | The date the report was acknowledged |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportList AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportList(
AvailableFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Returns a count of report requests that have been submitted to Amazon MWS for processing.
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values.
<ReportProcessingStatusList> (optional): A structured list of report processing statuses by which to filter report requests.
<RequestedFromDate> (optional): The start of the date range used for selecting the data to report, in ISO 8601 date time format.
<RequestedToDate> (optional): The end of the date range used for selecting the data to report, in ISO 8601 date time format.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Count | integer | A non-negative integer that represents the total number of report requests. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportRequestCount AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportRequestCount (
RequestedFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Returns a list of report requests that you can use to get the ReportRequestId for a report.
<ReportRequestIdList> (optional): A structured list of ReportRequestId values. If you pass in ReportRequestId values, other query conditions are ignored.
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values.
<ReportProcessingStatusList> (optional): A structured list of report processing statuses by which to filter report requests.
<RequestedFromDate> (optional): The start of the date range used for selecting the data to report, in ISO 8601 date time format.
<RequestedToDate> (optional): The end of the date range used for selecting the data to report, in ISO 8601 date time format.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportRequestId | string | A unique identifier for the report request. |
ReportType | string | The ReportType value requested. |
StartDate | timestamp | The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report. |
EndDate | timestamp | The end of a date range used for selecting the data to report. |
Scheduled | boolean | A Boolean value that indicates if a report is scheduled. The value is true if the report was scheduled; otherwise false. |
SubmittedDate | timestamp | The date when the report was submitted. |
ReportProcessingStatus | string | The processing status of the report. |
GeneratedReportId | string | The report identifier used to retrieve the report. |
StartedProcessingDate | timestamp | The date when the report processing started. |
CompletedDate | timestamp | The date when the report processing completed. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportRequestList AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportRequestList(
RequestedFromDate => TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_HOUR , -24, Now())
Returns a count of order report requests that are scheduled to be submitted to Amazon MWS.
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Count | integer | A non-negative integer indicating the number of matching report requests that are scheduled. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportScheduleCount AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportScheduleCount ()
Order report requests that are scheduled to be submitted to Amazon MWS for processing
<ReportTypeList> (optional): A structured list of ReportType enumeration values
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<limitPages> (optional): Specify the number to only request the first number of pages
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportType | string | The ReportType value requested |
Schedule | string | A value of the Schedule that indicates how often a report request should be created |
ScheduledDate | timestamp | The date when the next report request is scheduled to be submitted |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetReportScheduleList AS
CALL AmazonMWS.GetReportScheduleList ()
Active listings report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
item_name | string |
item_description | string |
listing_id | string |
seller_sku | string |
price | bigdecimal |
quantity | integer |
open_date | string |
image_url | string |
item_is_marketplace | string |
product_id_type | string |
zshop_shipping_fee | string |
item_note | string |
item_condition | string |
zshop_category1 | string |
zshop_browse_path | string |
zshop_storefront_feature | string |
asin1 | string |
asin2 | string |
asin3 | string |
will_ship_internationally | string |
expedited_shipping | string |
zshop_boldface | string |
product_id | string |
bid_for_featured_placement | string |
add_delete | string |
pending_quantity | string |
fulfillment_channel | string |
Business_Price | string |
Quantity_Price_Type | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | string |
Quantity_Price_1 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | string |
Quantity_Price_2 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | string |
Quantity_Price_3 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | string |
Quantity_Price_4 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | string |
Quantity_Price_5 | string |
merchant_shipping_group | string |
Detailed all listings report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
item_name | string |
item_description | string |
listing_id | string |
seller_sku | string |
price | bigdecimal |
quantity | integer |
open_date | string |
image_url | string |
item_is_marketplace | string |
product_id_type | string |
zshop_shipping_fee | string |
item_note | string |
item_condition | string |
zshop_category1 | string |
zshop_browse_path | string |
zshop_storefront_feature | string |
asin1 | string |
asin2 | string |
asin3 | string |
will_ship_internationally | string |
expedited_shipping | string |
zshop_boldface | string |
product_id | string |
bid_for_featured_placement | string |
add_delete | string |
pending_quantity | string |
fulfillment_channel | string |
merchant_shipping_group | string |
status | string |
Estimated Amazon Selling and Fulfillment Fees for your FBA inventory with active offers
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
approval_date | string | The date the reimbursement was approved |
reimbursement_id | long | The unique identifier for this reimbursement. Each reimbursement may include multiple line items |
case_id | long | The unique identifier assigned to the case when you request a reimbursement |
amazon_order_id | string | The unique identifier assigned to the customer order. This field is empty if the reimbursement is not associated with an order |
reason | string | The reason for the reimbursement (for example, Damaged: Warehouse) |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
fnsku | string | The fulfillment network SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier Fulfillment by Amazon assigned to your product |
asin | string | An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) is a unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products in the Amazon product catalog. The ASIN can be found on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The name of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your item (for example, New) |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
currency_unit | string | The currency for the applicable marketplace |
amount_per_unit | bigdecimal | The per-unit reimbursement amount for this line item |
quantity_reimbursed_cash | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed with cash |
amount_total | bigdecimal | The total amount of the cash reimbursement for this line item |
quantity_reimbursed_inventory | bigdecimal | The number of units reimbursed with inventory |
quantity_reimbursed_total | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed with either cash or inventory (Quantity Reimbursed Cash + Quantity Reimbursed Inventory) |
original_reimbursement_id | long | Not documented |
original_reimbursement_type | string | Not documented |
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Details of all (including archived) inventory including condition, quantity and volume
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
sku | string |
fnsku | string |
asin | string |
product_name | string |
condition | string |
your_price | bigdecimal |
mfn_listing_exists | string |
mfn_fulfillable_quantity | integer |
afn_listing_exists | string |
afn_warehouse_quantity | integer |
afn_fulfillable_quantity | integer |
afn_unsellable_quantity | integer |
afn_reserved_quantity | integer |
afn_total_quantity | integer |
per_unit_volume | bigdecimal |
afn_inbound_working_quantity | integer |
afn_inbound_shipped_quantity | integer |
afn_inbound_receiving_quantity | integer |
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<StartDate> (optional): The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<StartDate> (required): Start Date
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
The age of inventory, which helps sellers take action to avoid paying the Long Term Storage Fee
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
snapshot_date | date |
sku | string |
fnsku | string |
asin | string |
product_name | string |
condition | string |
avaliable_quantity | integer |
qty_with_removals_in_progress | integer |
inv_age_0_to_90_days | integer |
inv_age_91_to_180_days | integer |
inv_age_181_to_270_days | integer |
inv_age_271_to_365_days | integer |
inv_age_365_plus_days | integer |
currency | string |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_6_mo | integer |
projected_ltsf_6_mo | bigdecimal |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_12_mo | integer |
projected_ltsf_12_mo | bigdecimal |
units_shipped_last_7_days | integer |
units_shipped_last_30_days | integer |
units_shipped_last_60_days | integer |
units_shipped_last_90_days | integer |
alert | string |
your_price | bigdecimal |
sales_price | bigdecimal |
lowest_price_new | bigdecimal |
lowest_price_used | bigdecimal |
Recommended_action | string |
Healthy_Inventory_Level | integer |
Recommended_sales_price | bigdecimal |
Recommended_sale_duration_days | integer |
Recommended_Removal_Quantity | integer |
estimated_cost_savings_of_recommended_actions | bigdecimal |
sell_through | bigdecimal |
item_volume | bigdecimal |
volume_units | string |
storage_type | string |
effectiveTimestamp | timestamp |
Summary of the seller's FBA inventory
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
seller_sku | string |
fulfillment_channel_sku | string |
asin | string |
condition_type | string |
Warehouse_Condition_code | string |
Quantity_Available | integer |
Details of inventory including condition, quantity and volume
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
sku | string |
fnsku | string |
asin | string |
product_name | string |
condition | string |
your_price | bigdecimal |
mfn_listing_exists | string |
mfn_fulfillable_quantity | integer |
afn_listing_exists | string |
afn_warehouse_quantity | integer |
afn_fulfillable_quantity | integer |
afn_unsellable_quantity | integer |
afn_reserved_quantity | integer |
afn_total_quantity | integer |
per_unit_volume | bigdecimal |
afn_inbound_working_quantity | integer |
afn_inbound_shipped_quantity | integer |
afn_inbound_receiving_quantity | integer |
effectiveTimestamp | timestamp |
Negative and neutral feedback (one to three stars) from buyers who rated your seller performance
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
Date | string |
Rating | string |
Comments | string |
Your_Response | string |
Arrived_on_Time | string |
Item_as_Described | string |
Customer_Service | string |
Order_ID | string |
Rater_Email | string |
Orders from the previous 60 days
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
order_id | string |
order_item_id | string |
purchase_date | string |
payments_date | string |
buyer_email | string |
buyer_name | string |
buyer_phone_number | string |
sku | string |
product_name | string |
quantity_purchased | integer |
currency | string |
item_price | bigdecimal |
item_tax | bigdecimal |
shipping_price | bigdecimal |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal |
ship_service_level | string |
recipient_name | string |
ship_address_1 | string |
ship_address_2 | string |
ship_address_3 | string |
ship_city | string |
ship_state | string |
ship_postal_code | string |
ship_country | string |
ship_phone_number | string |
bill_address_1 | string |
bill_address_2 | string |
bill_address_3 | string |
bill_city | string |
bill_state | string |
bill_postal_code | string |
bill_country | string |
tax_location_code | string |
tax_location_city | string |
tax_location_county | string |
tax_location_state | string |
per_unit_item_taxable_district | string |
per_unit_item_taxable_city | string |
per_unit_item_taxable_county | string |
per_unit_item_taxable_state | string |
per_unit_item_non_taxable_district | string |
per_unit_item_non_taxable_city | string |
per_unit_item_non_taxable_county | string |
per_unit_item_non_taxable_state | string |
per_unit_item_zero_rated_district | string |
per_unit_item_zero_rated_city | string |
per_unit_item_zero_rated_county | string |
per_unit_item_zero_rated_state | string |
per_unit_item_tax_collected_district | string |
per_unit_item_tax_collected_city | string |
per_unit_item_tax_collected_county | string |
per_unit_item_tax_collected_state | string |
per_unit_shipping_taxable_district | string |
per_unit_shipping_taxable_city | string |
per_unit_shipping_taxable_county | string |
per_unit_shipping_taxable_state | string |
per_unit_shipping_non_taxable_district | string |
per_unit_shipping_non_taxable_city | string |
per_unit_shipping_non_taxable_county | string |
per_unit_shipping_non_taxable_state | string |
per_unit_shipping_zero_rated_district | string |
per_unit_shipping_zero_rated_city | string |
per_unit_shipping_zero_rated_county | string |
per_unit_shipping_zero_rated_state | string |
per_unit_shipping_tax_collected_district | string |
per_unit_shipping_tax_collected_city | string |
per_unit_shipping_tax_collected_county | string |
per_unit_shipping_tax_collected_state | string |
item_promotion_discount | string |
item_promotion_id | string |
ship_promotion_discount | string |
ship_promotion_id | string |
delivery_start_date | string |
delivery_end_date | string |
delivery_time_zone | string |
delivery_Instructions | string |
sales_channel | string |
purchase_order_number | string |
is_prime | string |
Orders that were placed in the specified period
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
amazon_order_id | string |
merchant_order_id | string |
purchase_date | string |
last_updated_date | string |
order_status | string |
fulfillment_channel | string |
sales_channel | string |
order_channel | string |
url | string |
ship_service_level | string |
product_name | string |
sku | string |
asin | string |
item_status | string |
quantity | integer |
currency | string |
item_price | bigdecimal |
item_tax | bigdecimal |
shipping_price | bigdecimal |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal |
gift_wrap_price | bigdecimal |
gift_wrap_tax | bigdecimal |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal |
ship_promotion_discount | bigdecimal |
ship_city | string |
ship_state | string |
ship_postal_code | string |
ship_country | string |
promotion_ids | string |
is_business_order | string |
purchase_order_number | string |
price_designation | string |
Summary of the seller's product listings with the price and quantity for each SKU
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
sku | string |
asin | string |
price | bigdecimal |
quantity | integer |
Business_Price | string |
Quantity_Price_Type | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | string |
Quantity_Price_1 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | string |
Quantity_Price_2 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | string |
Quantity_Price_3 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | string |
Quantity_Price_4 | string |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | string |
Quantity_Price_5 | string |
Referral Fee Preview Report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
seller_sku | string |
asin | string |
item_name | string |
price | bigdecimal |
estimated_referral_fee_per_item | bigdecimal |
Creates a report request and submits the request to Amazon MWS
<ReportType> (required): A value of the ReportType that indicates the type of report to request
<StartDate> (optional): The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<EndDate> (optional): The end of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<ReportOptions> (optional): Additional information to pass to the report
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportRequestId | string | A unique identifier for the report request |
ReportType | string | The ReportType value requested |
StartDate | timestamp | The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report |
EndDate | timestamp | The end of a date range used for selecting the data to report |
Scheduled | boolean | A Boolean value that indicates if a report is scheduled. The value is true if the report was scheduled; otherwise false |
SubmittedDate | timestamp | The date when the report was submitted |
ReportProcessingStatus | string | The processing status of the report |
Scheduled XML Order Report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<hideZeroPrice> (optional): Will exclude the rows, where ItemPrice is zero
<hideZeroFee> (optional): Will exclude the rows, where ItemFee is zero
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
AmazonOrderID | string |
AmazonSessionID | string |
OrderDate | timestamp |
OrderPostedDate | timestamp |
BillingData_BuyerEmailAddress | string |
BillingData_BuyerName | string |
BillingData_BuyerPhoneNumber | string |
BillingData_Address_Name | string |
BillingData_Address_AddressFieldOne | string |
BillingData_Address_City | string |
BillingData_Address_StateOrRegion | string |
BillingData_Address_PostalCode | string |
BillingData_Address_CountryCode | string |
BillingData_Address_PhoneNumber | string |
FulfillmentData_FulfillmentMethod | string |
FulfillmentData_FulfillmentServiceLevel | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_Name | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_AddressFieldOne | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_City | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_StateOrRegion | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_PostalCode | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_CountryCode | string |
FulfillmentData_Address_PhoneNumber | string |
IsBusinessOrder | boolean |
IsPrime | boolean |
Item_AmazonOrderItemCode | string |
Item_SKU | string |
Item_Title | string |
Item_Quantity | string |
Item_ProductTaxCode | string |
Item_ItemPrice_Type | string |
Item_ItemPrice_Amount | bigdecimal |
Item_ItemPrice_Currency | string |
Item_ItemFee_Type | string |
Item_ItemFee_Amount | bigdecimal |
Item_ItemFee_Currency | string |
Quality and suppressed listing report that contains your listing information that is incomplete or incorrect
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
sku | string |
product_name | string |
asin | string |
field_name | string |
alert_type | string |
current_value | string |
last_updated | string |
explanation | string |
Inactive listings report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
item_name | string |
item_description | string |
listing_id | string |
seller_sku | string |
price | bigdecimal |
quantity | bigdecimal |
open_date | string |
image_url | string |
item_is_marketplace | string |
product_id_type | integer |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal |
item_note | string |
item_condition | integer |
zshop_category1 | string |
zshop_browse_path | string |
zshop_storefront_feature | string |
asin1 | string |
asin2 | string |
asin3 | string |
will_ship_internationally | string |
expedited_shipping | string |
zshop_boldface | string |
product_id | string |
bid_for_featured_placement | string |
add_delete | string |
pending_quantity | string |
fulfillment_channel | string |
merchant_shipping_group | string |
minimum_order_quantity | integer |
sell_remainder | boolean |
<ReportType> (required): A value of the ReportType that indicates the type of report to request
<StartDate> (optional): The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<EndDate> (optional): The end of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<ReportOptions> (optional): Additional information to pass to the report
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<target_table> (required):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Custom Transactions Report
<StartDate> (optional): Initial date for report availability
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<removeDuplicates> (optional): Skip entries, which were already downloaded
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ReportId | long |
ReportAvailableDate | timestamp |
date_time | timestamp |
settlement_id | long |
type | string |
order_id | string |
sku | string |
description | string |
quantity | integer |
marketplace | string |
fulfillment | string |
order_city | string |
order_state | string |
order_postal | string |
product_sales | bigdecimal |
shipping_credits | bigdecimal |
gift_wrap_credits | bigdecimal |
promotional_rebates | bigdecimal |
sales_tax_collected | bigdecimal |
Marketplace_Facilitator_Tax | bigdecimal |
selling_fees | bigdecimal |
fba_fees | bigdecimal |
other_transaction_fees | bigdecimal |
other | bigdecimal |
total | bigdecimal |
<target_table> (required):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<target_table> (required):
<includeArchived> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<StartDate> (optional): The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
XML Customer Metrics Report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Sales Tax Report
<StartDate> (optional): Initial date for report availability
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ReportId | long |
ReportAvailableDate | timestamp |
Order_ID | string |
GroupId | integer |
Order_Date | date |
Shipment_ID | string |
Shipment_Date | date |
Tax_Calculated_Date_UTC | timestamp |
Posted_Date | date |
Transaction_Item_ID | string |
Marketplace | string |
Merchant_ID | string |
Fulfillment | string |
ASIN | string |
SKU | string |
Product_Description | string |
Transaction_Type | string |
Tax_Collection_Model | string |
Tax_Collection_Responsible_Party | string |
Product_Tax_Code | string |
Quantity | integer |
Currency | string |
Buyer_Exemption_Code | string |
Buyer_Exemption_Domain | string |
Buyer_Exemption_Certificate_Id | string |
Display_Price | bigdecimal |
Display_Price_Tax_Inclusive | boolean |
TaxExclusive_Selling_Price | bigdecimal |
Total_Tax | bigdecimal |
Financial_Component | string |
Ship_From_City | string |
Ship_From_State | string |
Ship_From_Country | string |
Ship_From_Postal_Code | string |
Ship_From_Tax_Location_Code | long |
Ship_To_City | string |
Ship_To_State | string |
Ship_To_Country | string |
Ship_To_Postal_Code | string |
Ship_To_Location_Code | string |
Return_FC_City | string |
Return_FC_State | string |
Return_FC_Country | string |
Return_FC_Postal_Code | string |
Return_FC_Tax_Location_Code | long |
Taxed_Location_Code | long |
Tax_Address_Role | string |
Jurisdiction_Level | string |
Jurisdiction_Name | string |
Rule_Reason_Code | string |
Display_Promo_Amount | string |
Display_Promo_Tax_Inclusive | string |
Is_Customer_3P_Funding_Aware | string |
isPromoApplied | string |
postPromoTaxableBasis | bigdecimal |
prePromoTaxableBasis | bigdecimal |
Promo_Amount_Basis | bigdecimal |
Promo_ID_Domain | string |
promoAmountTax | bigdecimal |
Promotion_Identifier | string |
Promo_Rule_Reason_Code | string |
Promo_Tax_Price_Type | string |
Tax_Amount | bigdecimal |
Taxed_Jurisdiction_Tax_Rate | bigdecimal |
Tax_Type | string |
Tax_Calculation_Reason_Code | string |
NonTaxable_Amount | bigdecimal |
Taxable_Amount | bigdecimal |
Order_Tax_Amount | bigdecimal |
Order_NonTaxable_Amount | bigdecimal |
Order_Taxable_Amount | bigdecimal |
XML Settlement Report
<StartDate> (optional): Initial date for report availability
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<removeDuplicates> (optional): Skip entries, which were already downloaded
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ReportId | long |
ReportAvailableDate | timestamp |
AmazonSettlementID | long |
TotalAmount | bigdecimal |
TotalCurrency | string |
StartDate | timestamp |
EndDate | timestamp |
DepositDate | timestamp |
EventName | string |
AmazonOrderID | string |
TransactionType | string |
TransactionID | string |
PostedDate | timestamp |
Amount | bigdecimal |
Currency | string |
PaymentReason | string |
CouponRedemptionFee | bigdecimal |
CouponRedemptionFeeCurrency | string |
Count | integer |
CouponID | string |
MerchantOrderID | string |
AdjustmentID | string |
ShipmentID | string |
MarketplaceName | string |
MerchantFulfillmentID | string |
FulfillmentPostedDate | timestamp |
FBACustomerReturnPerUnitFee | bigdecimal |
FBACustomerReturnPerUnitFeeCurrency | string |
InboundTransportationFee | bigdecimal |
InboundTransportationFeeCurrency | string |
AmazonOrderItemCode | string |
SKU | string |
Quantity | integer |
PrincipalPrice | bigdecimal |
PrincipalCurrency | string |
ShippingPrice | bigdecimal |
ShippingCurrency | string |
Tax | bigdecimal |
TaxCurrency | string |
ShippingTax | bigdecimal |
ShippingTaxCurrency | string |
GiftWrapPrice | bigdecimal |
GiftWrapCurrency | string |
GiftWrapTax | bigdecimal |
GiftWrapTaxCurrency | string |
MarketplaceFacilitatorTaxPrincipalPrice | bigdecimal |
MarketplaceFacilitatorTaxPrincipalCurrency | string |
MarketplaceFacilitatorTaxShippingPrice | bigdecimal |
MarketplaceFacilitatorTaxShippingCurrency | string |
Goodwill | bigdecimal |
GoodwillCurrency | string |
RestockingFee | bigdecimal |
RestockingFeeCurrency | string |
Commission | bigdecimal |
CommissionCurrency | string |
FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFee | bigdecimal |
FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFeeCurrency | string |
FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee | bigdecimal |
FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFeeCurrency | string |
FBAWeightBasedFee | bigdecimal |
FBAWeightBasedFeeCurrency | string |
GiftwrapChargeback | bigdecimal |
GiftwrapChargebackCurrency | string |
SalesTaxServiceFee | bigdecimal |
SalesTaxServiceFeeCurrency | string |
ShippingChargeback | bigdecimal |
ShippingChargebackCurrency | string |
ShippingHB | bigdecimal |
ShippingHBCurrency | string |
RefundCommission | bigdecimal |
RefundCommissionCurrency | string |
<MarketplaceIds> (optional): A list of one or more marketplace IDs for the marketplaces you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify. Default: The first marketplace that you registered to sell in.
<target_table> (required):
<maintainHistory> (optional):
<StartDate> (optional): The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
XML Customer Metrics Report
<ReportId> (required): Unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
PerformanceChecklist_orderDefectRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_orderCancellationRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_lateShipmentRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_policyViolation_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_onTimeDelivery_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_validTrackingRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_contactResponseTime_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_returnDissatisfactionRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_customerServiceDissatisfactionRate_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_productAuthenticityStatus_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_productSafetyStatus_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_listingPolicyStatus_status | string |
PerformanceChecklist_intellectualPropertyStatus_status | string |
productAuthenticityData_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
productAuthenticityData_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
productAuthenticityData_defectCount | integer |
productSafetyData_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
productSafetyData_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
productSafetyData_defectCount | integer |
listingPolicyData_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
listingPolicyData_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
listingPolicyData_defectCount | integer |
intellectualPropertyData_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
intellectualPropertyData_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
intellectualPropertyData_defectCount | integer |
orderDefectMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
orderDefectMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
orderDefectMetrics_orderCount | integer |
orderDefectMetrics_orderWithDefects_rate | bigdecimal |
orderDefectMetrics_orderWithDefects_count | integer |
orderDefectMetrics_negativeFeedbacks_rate | bigdecimal |
orderDefectMetrics_negativeFeedbacks_count | integer |
orderDefectMetrics_a_z_claims_rate | bigdecimal |
orderDefectMetrics_a_z_claims_count | integer |
orderDefectMetrics_chargebacks_rate | bigdecimal |
orderDefectMetrics_chargebacks_count | integer |
customerExperienceMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
customerExperienceMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
customerExperienceMetrics_orderCount | integer |
customerExperienceMetrics_lateShipment_rate | bigdecimal |
customerExperienceMetrics_lateShipment_count | integer |
customerExperienceMetrics_preFulfillmentCancellation_rate | bigdecimal |
customerExperienceMetrics_preFulfillmentCancellation_count | integer |
customerExperienceMetrics_refunds_rate | bigdecimal |
customerExperienceMetrics_refunds_count | integer |
trackingMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
trackingMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
trackingMetrics_requiredCategories | string |
trackingMetrics_validTracking_rate | bigdecimal |
trackingMetrics_validTracking_count | integer |
trackingMetrics_onTimeDelivery_rate | bigdecimal |
trackingMetrics_onTimeDelivery_count | integer |
responseTimeMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
responseTimeMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
responseTimeMetrics_averageResponseTimeInHours | bigdecimal |
responseTimeMetrics_responseUnder24Hours | integer |
responseTimeMetrics_responseTimeGreaterThan24Hours | integer |
responseTimeMetrics_noResponseForContactsOlderThan24Hours | integer |
customerServiceMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
customerServiceMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
customerServiceMetrics_customerServiceDissatisfaction_rate | bigdecimal |
customerServiceMetrics_customerServiceDissatisfaction_count | integer |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_timeFrame_start | timestamp |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_timeFrame_end | timestamp |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_returnOrderCount | integer |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_returnDissatisfaction_rate | bigdecimal |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_returnDissatisfaction_count | integer |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_negativeReturnFeedback_rate | bigdecimal |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_negativeReturnFeedback_count | integer |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_lateResponse_rate | bigdecimal |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_lateResponse_count | integer |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_invalidRejection_rate | bigdecimal |
returnDissatisfactionMetrics_invalidRejection_count | integer |
List of marketplaces a seller can participate in and a list of participations that include seller-specific information in that marketplace. Note that the operation returns only those marketplaces where the seller's account is in an active state
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
DefaultCountryCode | string | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format country code of the marketplace. Example: US |
DomainName | string | The domain name associated with the marketplace. Example: |
Name | string | Marketplace name. Example: |
DefaultCurrencyCode | string | The ISO 4217 format currency code of the marketplace. Example: USD |
DefaultLanguageCode | string | The ISO 639-1 format language code of the marketplace. Example: en_US |
SellerId | string | The SellerId or MerchantId of the seller |
HasSellerSuspendedListings | string | Specifies if the seller has suspended listings. Yes if the seller has set Listing Status to Inactive, otherwise No |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_MarketplaceParticipations AS
CALL AmazonMWS.MarketplaceParticipations()
Lists all current destinations that you have registered.
<MarketplaceId> (required): The unique identifier for the marketplace
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
DeliveryChannel | string | The technology that you are using to receive notifications. |
Key | string | The name of the attribute. |
Value | string | The value of the attribute. |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListRegisteredDestinations AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListRegisteredDestinations(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId)
All your current subscriptions
<MarketplaceId> (required): The unique identifier for the marketplace
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
NotificationType | string | The type of notification that you want to subscribe to |
DeliveryChannel | string | The technology that you are using to receive notifications |
Key | string | The name of the attribute |
Value | string | The value of the attribute |
IsEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether to enable subscriptions of the given notification type at the given destination |
CREATE VIEW AmazonMWS_examples.example_ListSubscriptions AS
CALL AmazonMWS.ListSubscriptions(
MarketplaceId => (SELECT MarketplaceId FROM AmazonMWS_examples.example_GetMarketplaceId)