Public Zendesk API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Creates procedure getOrganizationsExtended by adjusting its output to all available custom fields.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Please also note the usage of this incremental procedure, which is identical to the usage of CreateProcedure_getTicketsIncremental
Creates procedure getOrganizationsIncremental by adjusting its output to all available custom fields
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
A call to this procedure will query the custom fields and will further interpret them as columns. Thus, if you use multitenancy, you need to use the same label in this call to get the fields, corresponding to this particular multitenancy account. Subsequent calls to the new procedure with the name getTicketsIncremental should also be using this very same label or the credentials for the same endpoint, otherwise you will receive null values for the custom columns. If you use multitenancy labels the label will be appended at the end of procedure name, so that you can have multiple instances of the procedure for each multitenancy set of credentials.
The following code snippet is a sample call to getTicketsIncremental, created without a label (as there is nothing appended at the end of its name). The easiest option for the initial call is to specify start_time_epoch => 0, and it will query all tickets in the account from the beginning of account activity. You may use start_time_human of timestamp datatype instead. All subsequent calls should be done without this parameter, and if they specify the same target_table as the initial call, the start time for the incremental option will be obtained from the target_table.
If you wish to overwrite the items from the target_table the best option will be to drop the table and recreate it. Alternatively you may call the procedure using start_time_epoch => -1, but keep in mind that it will be overwriting existing items by deleting per existing id and re-inserting, which will take longer.
CALL zendesk.getTicketsIncremental(
"target_table" => 'string_target_table'/* Optional: Table name to save the data to */,
"preview" => boolean_preview/* Optional: Preview only, don't write into table */,
"start_time_human" => timestamp_start_time_human/* Optional: Earliest datetime to retrieve data */,
"start_time_epoch" => long_start_time_epoch/* Optional: Earliest datetime to retrieve data in UTS */,
"label" => 'string_label'/* Optional: Multi-tenancy label */'
Creates procedure getTicketsExtended by adjusting its output to all available custom fields
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Please also note the usage of this incremental procedure, which is identical to the usage of CreateProcedure_getTicketsIncremental above
Creates procedure getTicketsIncremental by adjusting its output to all available custom fields.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Creates procedure getUsersExtended by adjusting its output to all available custom fields.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Creates procedure getUsersIncremental by adjusting its output to all available custom fields.
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Please also note the usage of this incremental procedure, which is identical to the usage of CreateProcedure_getTicketsIncremental above.
The activity stream is a per agent event stream. It will give access to the most recent events that relate to the agent polling the API.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
actor_url | string | The actor's API url |
actor_name | string | The actor's name |
actor_email | string | The actor's primary email address |
actor_created_at | string | The time the actor was created |
actor_updated_at | string | The time the actor was last updated |
actor_time_zone | string | The actor's time zone |
actor_locale | string | The actor's locale |
actor_role | string | The actor's role |
actor_alias | string | An alias displayed to end users |
actor_last_login_at | string | The last time the actor signed in to Zendesk Support |
actor_details | string | Any details you want to store about the actor |
actor_notes | string | Any notes you want to store about the actor |
actor_ticket_restriction | string | Specifies which tickets the actor has access to |
url | string | The API url of the activity |
id | string | Automatically assigned on creation |
title | string | Description of the activity |
verb | string | The type of activity |
user_id | string | The id of the agent making the request |
actor_id | string | The id of the user responsible for the ticket activity |
updated_at | timestamp | When the record was last updated |
created_at | timestamp | When the record was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getActivities
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getActivities (
preview => true
Returns audits for all tickets in a loop.
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket Id
<ticket_table> (optional): Table name with ticket data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when creating audits |
ticket_id | string | The ID of the associated ticket |
created_at | string | The time the audit was created |
author_id | string | The user who created the audit |
channel | string | Describes how the object was created - channel |
from | string | Describes how the object was created - from |
to | string | Describes how the object was created - to |
rel | string | Describes how the object was created - rel |
meta_ip | string | Metadata for the audit - ip |
meta_longitude | string | Metadata for the audit - longitude |
meta_latitude | string | Metadata for the audit - latitude |
meta_location | string | Metadata for the audit - location |
meta_client | string | Metadata for the audit - client |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getAuditForAllTickets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getAuditForAllTickets (
preview => true
Lists all automations for the current account.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
automation_id | string | Automatically assigned when created |
title | string | The title of the automation |
position | string | The position of the automation which specifies the order it will be executed |
updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the automation |
created_at | timestamp | The time the automation was created |
active | string | Whether the automation is active |
url | string | URL |
condition_field | string | The conditions under which the automation will execute - field |
condition_operator | string | the conditions under which the automation will execute - operator |
condition_value | string | the conditions under which the automation will execute - value |
action_value | string | what the automation will do - value |
action_field | string | what the automation will do - field |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getAutomations
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getAutomations (
preview => true
Returns comments for all tickets in a loop
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket Id
<ticket_table> (optional): Table name with ticket data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string | The ID of the associated ticket |
id | string | Automatically assigned when the comment is created |
author_id | string | The id of the comment author |
type | string | The type of the comment |
body | clob | The comment stringl |
html_body | clob | The comment formatted as HTML |
created_at | string | The time the comment was created |
public | string | Is a comment public |
channel | string | Describes how the object was created - channel |
from | string | Describes how the object was created - from |
to | string | Describes how the object was created - to |
rel | string | Describes how the object was created - rel |
client | string | Metadata for the comment - client |
ip_address | string | Metadata for the comment - ip |
location | string | Metadata for the comment - location |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getCommentsForAllTickets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getCommentsForAllTickets (
preview => true
Returns events for all tickets
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket Id
<ticket_table> (optional): Table name with ticket data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when the event is created |
audit_id | string | Audit Id |
ticket_id | string | Ticket Id |
author_id | string | The comment author |
type | string | The event type |
body | clob | Comment added to the ticket |
html_body | clob | The comment formatted to HTML |
public | string | If the comment was made public or private |
value | string | The value of the field that was set |
field_name | string | The name of the field that was set |
previous_value | string | The previous value of the field that was changed |
subject | string | The subject of the message |
recipients | string | The recipients of this notification |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getEventsForAllTickets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getEventsForAllTickets (
preview => true
A membership links an agent to a group. Groups can have many agents, as agents can be in many groups. You can use the API to list what agents are in which groups
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned upon creation |
group_id | string | The id of a group |
user_id | string | The id of an agent |
url | string | The API url of this record |
created_at | string | The time the group was created |
updated_at | string | The time of the last update of the group |
default | string | If true, tickets assigned directly to the agent will assume this membership's group |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getGroupMemberships
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getGroupMemberships (
preview => true
When support requests arrive in Zendesk Support, they can be assigned to a Group. Groups serve as the core element of ticket workflow.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
group_id | string | Automatically assigned when creating groups |
url | string | The API url of this group |
name | string | The name of the group |
created_at | timestamp | The time the group was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the group |
deleted | string | Deleted groups get marked as such |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getGroups
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getGroups (
preview => true
Lists the translation locales that have been localized for agents
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
locale_id | string | Automatically assigned when creating locale |
url | string | The API url of this locale |
locale | string | The code of the locale |
name | string | The name of the locale |
native_name | string | The native name of the locale |
presentation_name | string | The presentation name of the locale |
updated_at | string | The time of the last update of the locale |
default | string | If locale is default for the account |
rtl | string | RTL |
created_at | string | The time the locale was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getLocales
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getLocales (
Lists all shared and personal macros available to the current user
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
macro_id | string | The ID automatically assigned when a macro is created |
macro_restriction | string | Access to this macro |
macro_created_at | timestamp | The time the macro was created |
macro_updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the macro |
macro_active | string | If the macro should be displayed |
macro_title | string | The title of the macro |
macro_url | string | A URL to access the macro's details |
action_value | string | The new value of the field |
action_field | string | The name of a macro field to modify |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getMacros
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getMacros (
preview => true
Returns a list of all custom Organization Fields in your account
<preview> (optional): Preview only
<expand_options> (optional): Expand options
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Field Id |
url | string | Url |
key | string | Field key |
type | string | Field type |
title | string | Title |
raw_title | string | Raw title |
description | string | Description |
raw_description | string | Raw description |
position | integer | Position |
active | boolean | Is active |
system | boolean | Is system |
regexp_for_validation | string | Regexp for validation |
created_at | timestamp | The time the field was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time the field was last updated |
tag | string | Tag |
custom_field_options | clob | Custom field options |
custom_field_id | string | Custom field Id |
custom_field_name | string | Custom field name |
custom_field_raw_name | string | Custom field raw name |
custom_field_value | string | Custom field value |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getOrganizationFields
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getOrganizationFields (
preview => true
Agents in an organization can subscribe to be notified whenever someone in their oganization submits a ticket. Lists organization subscriptions.
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
subscription_id | string | The ID of the organization subscription |
organization_id | string | The ID of the organization |
user_id | string | The ID of the user |
created_at | string | The date the organization subscription was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getOrganizationSubscriptions
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getOrganizationSubscriptions (
preview => true
Returns organizations, a way to segment your customers (end-users)
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
organization_id | string | Automatically assigned when the organization is created |
url | string | The API url of this organization |
name | string | A unique name for the organization |
external_id | string | A unique external id to associate organizations to an external record |
group_id | string | New tickets from users in this organization are automatically put in this group |
created_at | string | The time the organization was created |
updated_at | string | The time of the last update of the organization |
license_expiration_date | string | License expiration date |
details | string | Any details obout the organization, such as the address |
notes | string | Any notes you have about the organization |
number_of_instances | string | Number of instance |
x64_architecture | string | X64 architecture |
betriebssystem | string | Operation system |
installed_java_version | string | Installed java version |
configuration_dbms | string | Configuration DBMS |
dwh_dbms | string | Data Warehouse DBMS |
bereitgesteltles_release | string | Ready release |
release_hotfix_version | string | Release hotfix version |
abweichende_java_opts | string | Different java options |
additional_configuration_and_modifications | string | Additional configuration and modifications |
teiid_memory_settings | string | Teiid memory settings |
build_revision | string | Build revision |
dv_revision | string | Dv revision |
teiid_interfaces_revision | string | Teiid interfaces revision |
dvcore_revision | string | Dvcore revision |
gui_revision | string | GUI revision |
frontends | string | Frontends |
quellysteme | string | Source systems |
shared_tickets | string | End users in this organization are able to see each other's tickets |
shared_comments | string | End users in this organization are able to see each other's comments on tickets |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getOrganizations2
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getOrganizations2 (
preview => true
All ratings
<start_time_human> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<start_time_epoch> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data in UTS
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned upon creation |
assignee_id | string | The id of agent assigned to at the time of rating |
comment | string | The comment received with this rating, if available |
created_at | timestamp | The time the satisfaction rating got created |
group_id | string | The id of group assigned to at the time of rating |
reason | string | The reason for a bad rating given by the requester in a follow-up question |
reason_code | integer | The default reasons the user can select from a list menu for giving a negative rating |
requester_id | string | The id of ticket requester submitting the rating |
score | string | The rating "offered", "unoffered", "good" or "bad" |
ticket_id | string | The id of ticket being rated |
updated_at | timestamp | The time the satisfaction rating got updated |
url | string | The API url of this rating |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getSatisfactionRatings
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getSatisfactionRatings (
start_time_human => TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-10,Now()),
preview => true
Lists sharing agreements
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned upon creation |
name | string | Name of this sharing agreement |
type | string | Can be one of the following: "inbound", "outbound" |
status | string | Can be one of the following: "accepted", "declined", "pending", "inactive" |
partner_name | string | Can be one of the following: "jira", null |
remote_subdomain | string | Subdomain of the remote account or null if not associated with an account |
created_at | timestamp | The time the record was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getSharingAgreements
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getSharingAgreements (
preview => true
Lists suspended tickets
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned |
url | string | The API url of this ticket |
author | string | The author name |
subject | string | The value of the subject field for this ticket |
content | string | The content that was flagged |
cause | string | Why the ticket was suspended |
ticket_id | string | The ticket ID this suspended email is associated with, if available |
recipient | string | The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket |
created_at | timestamp | When this record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | When this record last got updated |
brand_id | string | The id of the brand this ticket is associated with |
via_channel | string | How the ticket was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getSuspendedTickets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getSuspendedTickets (
preview => true
Lists the most popular recent tags in decreasing popularity
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the tag |
count | integer | Count |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTags
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTags (
preview => true
Lists targets that are pointers to cloud-based applications and services such as Twitter and Twilio, as well as to HTTP and email addresses
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when created |
title | string | A name for the target |
type | string | A pre-defined target |
active | string | Whether or not the target is activated |
created_at | timestamp | The time the target was created |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTargets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTargets (
preview => true
Returns close time for all tickets
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ticket_id | string | Ticket Id |
opened | timestamp | When this ticket was opened |
closed | timestamp | When this ticket was closed |
closeTime(min) | long | The turnaround time in minutes |
closeTime(h) | long | The turnaround time in hours |
closeTime(d) | long | The turnaround time in days |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketCloseTime
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketCloseTime (
preview => true
Returns a stream of changes that occurred on tickets
<start_time_epoch> (optional): Start of the period to query the API, in unix epoch format
<start_time_human> (optional): Start of the period to query the API, in timestamp format
<download_comments> (optional): Used to download only the ticket comments, instead of all events
<target_table> (optional): The fully-qualified name of the table to save data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Ticket event id |
ticket_id | string | Ticket id |
timestamp | long | Timestamp |
created_at | timestamp | When this record was created |
updater_id | string | When this record last got updated |
via | string | Via |
system_client | string | System client |
system_location | string | System location |
system_latitude | string | System atitude |
system_longitude | string | System longitude |
event_type | string | Event type |
child_events | clob | Child events |
child_id | string | Child Id |
child_via | string | Child via |
child_via_reference_id | string | Child via reference id |
child_comment_present | boolean | Child comment present |
child_comment_public | boolean | Child comment public |
child_event_type | string | Child event type |
child_requester_id | string | Child requester id |
child_status | string | Child status |
child_priority | string | Child priority |
child_group_id | string | Child group id |
child_organization_id | string | Child organization id |
child_tags | clob | Child tags |
child_added_tags | clob | Child added tags |
child_removed_tags | clob | Child removed tags |
child_assignee_id | string | Child assignee id |
child_previous_value | string | Child previous value |
child_custom_ticket_fields | clob | Child custom ticket fields |
label | string | Multi-tenancy label |
next_page | string | Next page |
end_time | long | End time |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketEventsIncremental
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketEventsIncremental (
start_time_human => TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-10,Now()),
preview => true
Returns a list of all ticket fields in your account
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Field Id |
url | string | Url |
type | string | Field type |
title | string | Title |
raw_title | string | Raw title |
description | string | Description |
raw_description | string | Raw description |
position | integer | Position |
active | boolean | Is active |
required | boolean | Is active |
collapsed_for_agents | boolean | Is active |
regexp_for_validation | string | Regexp for validation |
title_in_portal | string | Title in portal |
raw_title_in_portal | string | Raw title in portal |
visible_in_portal | boolean | Is visible in portal |
editable_in_portal | boolean | Is editable in portal |
required_in_portal | boolean | Is required in portal |
tag | string | Tag |
created_at | timestamp | The time the field was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time the field was last updated |
removable | boolean | Is removable |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketFields
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketFields (
preview => true
Ticket forms for your account if accessed as an admin or agent
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID |
url | string | URL |
name | string | The name of the form |
raw_name | string | The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "name" value, if not |
display_name | string | The name of the form that is displayed to an end user |
raw_display_name | string | The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "display_name" value, if not |
position | integer | The position of this form among other forms in the account, i.e. dropdown |
active | boolean | If the form is set as active |
end_user_visible | boolean | Is the form visible to the end user |
default | boolean | Is the form the default form for this account |
ticket_field_id | long | Ids of all ticket fields which are in this ticket form |
in_all_brands | boolean | Is the form available for use in all brands on this account |
restricted_brand_id | long | ids of all brands that this ticket form is restricted to |
created_at | timestamp | Created at |
updated_at | timestamp | Updated at |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketForms
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketForms (
preview => true
Returns ticket metric events that occurred on or after the start time and optionally saves them to the target table
<preview> (optional): Set for preview only, limits to one call to the API
<target_table> (optional): The fully-qualified name of the table to save data to
<start_time_epoch> (optional): Start of the period to query the API, in unix epoch format
<start_time_human> (optional): Start of the period to query the API, in timestamp format
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when the record is created |
ticket_id | string | Id of the associated ticket |
metric | string | One of the following: agent_work_time, pausable_update_time, periodic_update_time, reply_time, requester_wait_time, or resolution_time |
instance_id | string | The instance of the metric associated with the event. |
type | string | One of the following: activate, pause, fulfill, apply_sla, breach, or update_status |
time | timestamp | The time the event occurred |
created_at | timestamp | When the record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | When the record was last updated |
status_calendar | string | Available if type is update_status. The number of minutes in calendar hours for which the metric has been open. |
status_business | string | Available if type is update_status. The number of minutes in business hours for which the metric has been open. |
label | string | Multi-tenancy label |
next_page | string | Next page |
end_time | long | End time |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketMetricIncremental
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketMetricIncremental (
start_time_human => TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,-10,Now()),
preview => true
Returns ticket metrics
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when the client is created |
ticket_id | string | Id of the associated ticket |
created_at | timestamp | When the record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | When the record was last updated |
group_stations | string | Number of groups the ticket passed through |
assignee_stations | string | Number of assignees the ticket had |
reopens | string | Total number of times the ticket was reopened |
replies | string | The number of public replies added to a ticket by an agent |
assignee_updated_at | string | When the assignee last updated the ticket |
requester_updated_at | string | When the requester last updated the ticket |
status_updated_at | string | When the status of the ticket was last updated |
initially_assigned_at | string | When the ticket was initially assigned |
assigned_at | string | When the ticket was assigned |
solved_at | string | When the ticket was solved |
latest_comment_added_at | string | When the latest comment was added |
reply_time_in_minutes_calendar | string | Number of minutes to the first reply during calendar hours |
reply_time_in_minutes_business | string | Number of minutes to the first reply during business hours |
first_resolution_time_in_minutes_calendar | string | Number of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar hours |
full_resolution_time_in_minutes_business | string | Number of minutes to the first resolution time during business hours |
agent_wait_time_in_minutes_calendar | string | Number of minutes the agent spent waiting during calendar hours |
agent_wait_time_in_minutes_business | string | Number of minutes the agent spent waiting during business hours |
requester_wait_time_in_minutes_calendar | string | Number of minutes the requester spent waiting during calendar hours |
requester_wait_time_in_minutes_business | string | Number of minutes the requester spent waiting during business hours |
on_hold_time_in_minutes_calendar | string | Number of minutes on hold during calendar hours |
on_hold_time_in_minutes_business | string | Number of minutes on hold during calendar hours |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTicketMetrics
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTicketMetrics (
preview => true
Returns tickets that are ordered chronologically by created date, from oldest to newest. The first ticket listed may not be the absolute oldest ticket in your account due to ticket archiving
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Ticket Id |
url | string | The API url of this ticket |
external_id | string | An id you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records |
channel | string | How the ticket or event was created expressed as a via type or via id |
from | string | Describes how the object was created - from |
to | string | Describes how the object was created - to |
rel | string | Describes how the object was created - rel |
created_at | timestamp | When this record was created |
updated_at | timestamp | When this record last got updated |
type | string | The type of this ticket |
subject | string | The value of the subject field for this ticket |
raw_subject | string | The dynamic content placeholder |
description | clob | The first comment on the ticket |
priority | string | The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed |
status | string | The state of the ticket |
recipient | string | The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket |
requester_id | string | The user who requested this ticket |
submitter_id | string | The user who submitted the ticket |
assignee_id | string | The agent currently assigned to the ticket |
organization_id | string | The organization of the requester |
group_id | string | The group this ticket is assigned to |
forum_topic_id | string | The topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from |
problem_id | string | The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed |
due_at | string | If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date |
satisfaction_rating_score | string | The rating "offered", "unoffered", "good" or "bad" |
satisfaction_rating_id | string | The satisfaction rating id |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTickets
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTickets (
preview => true
Lists all triggers for the current account
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the trigger |
created_at | timestamp | The time the trigger was created |
active | boolean | Whether the trigger is active |
title | string | The title of the trigger |
url | string | The url of the trigger |
position | string | Position of the trigger, determines the order they will execute in |
value | string | The value of an action field |
field | string | The name of a action field |
condition_field | string | The name of a trigger field |
condition_operator | string | A comparison operator |
condition_value | string | The value of a trigger field |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTriggers
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTriggers (
preview => true
Lists Monitored Twitter Handles
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned upon creation |
screen_name | string | The Twitter handle |
twitter_user_id | string | The country's code |
created_at | timestamp | The time the handle was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the handle |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getTwitterHandles
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getTwitterHandles (
Returns a list of all custom User Fields in your account
<preview> (optional): Preview only
<expand_options> (optional): Expand options
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | User field Id |
url | string | The URL for this resource |
key | string | A unique key that identifies this custom field |
tablekey | string | Table key |
xmlkey | string | XML key |
type | string | The custom field type |
title | string | The title of the custom field |
raw_title | string | The dynamic content placeholder |
description | string | User-defined description of this field's purpose |
raw_description | string | The dynamic content placeholder |
position | integer | Ordering of the field relative to other fields |
active | boolean | If true, this field is available for use |
system | boolean | If true, only active and position values of this field can be changed |
regexp_for_validation | string | Regular expression field only |
created_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the ticket field |
updated_at | timestamp | The time of the last update of the ticket field |
tag | string | Optional for custom field of type "checkbox" |
custom_field_options | clob | Custom field options |
custom_field_id | string | Custom field Id |
custom_field_name | string | Custom field name |
custom_field_raw_name | string | Custom field raw name |
custom_field_value | string | Custom field value |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getUserFields
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getUserFields (
preview => true
Returns all three types of users: end-users (your customers), agents, and administrators
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
user_id | string | Automatically assigned when the user is created |
url | string | The user's API url |
name | string | The user's name |
string | The user's primary email address | |
created_at | timestamp | The time the user was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time the user was last updated |
time_zone | string | The user's time zone |
locale | string | The user's locale |
role | string | The user's role |
alias | string | An alias displayed to end users |
last_login_at | string | The last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support |
details | string | Any details you want to store about the user, such as an address |
notes | string | Any notes you want to store about the user |
ticket_restriction | string | Specifies which tickets the user has access to |
phone | string | The user's primary phone number |
locale_id | string | The user's language identifier |
organization_id | string | The id of the user's organization |
verified | string | Any of the user's identities is verified |
external_id | string | A unique identifier from another system |
active | string | False if the user has been deleted |
shared | string | If the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance |
shared_agent | string | If the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance |
signature | string | The user's signature |
custom_role_id | string | A custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above |
moderator | string | Designates whether the user has forum moderation capabilities |
only_private_comments | string | True if the user can only create private comments |
restricted_agent | string | If the agent has any restrictions |
suspended | string | If the agent is suspended |
chat_only | string | Whether or not the user is a chat-only agent |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_getUsers
SELECT * FROM zendesk.getUsers (
preview => true
Lists all the labels in the articles in Help Center
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when the label is created |
url | string | The API url of this label |
name | string | The actual name of the label |
created_at | timestamp | The time at which the label was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time at which the label was last updated |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getArticleLabels
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getArticleLabels (
preview => true
Lists all articles in Help Center
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | |
url | string | |
html_url | string | |
author_id | string | |
comments_disabled | boolean | |
draft | boolean | |
promoted | boolean | |
position | integer | |
vote_sum | integer | |
vote_count | integer | |
section_id | string | |
created_at | timestamp | |
updated_at | timestamp | |
name | string | |
title | string | |
body | clob | |
source_locale | string | |
locale | string | |
outdated | boolean |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getArticles
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getArticles (
preview => true
Lists Help Center categories
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when creating categories |
url | string | The API url of this category |
html_url | string | The url of this category in Help Center |
position | string | The position of this category relative to other categories |
created_at | timestamp | The time at which the category was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time at which the category was last updated |
name | string | The name of the category |
description | string | The description of the category |
locale | string | The locale where the category is displayed |
source_locale | string | The source (default) locale of the category |
outdated | string | Whether the category is out of date |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getCategories
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getCategories (
preview => true
Lists all comments made by all users on all articles
<articleId> (optional): Article Id
<article_table> (optional): Table name with article data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
article_id | string | Article id |
comment_id | string | Automatically assigned when the comment is created |
body | clob | The comment made by the author |
author_id | string | The id of the author of this comment |
source_id | string | The id of the item on which this comment was made |
source_type | string | The type of the item on which this comment was made |
locale | string | The locale in which this comment was made |
created_at | timestamp | The time the comment was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time at which the comment was last updated |
html_url | string | The url at which the comment is presented in Help Center |
api_url | string | The API url of this comment |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getCommentsForAllArticles
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getCommentsForAllArticles (
preview => true
Lists all the sections in Help Center
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Automatically assigned when creating section |
url | string | The API url of this section |
html_url | string | The url of this section in Help Center |
category_id | string | The id of the category to which this section belongs |
position | string | The position of this section relative to other categories |
sorting | string | Sorting |
created_at | timestamp | The time at which the section was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time at which the section was last updated |
name | string | The name of the section |
description | string | The description of the section |
locale | string | The locale where the section is displayed |
source_locale | string | The source (default) locale of the section |
outdated | string | Whether the section is out of date |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getSections
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getSections (
preview => true
Community posts on a subject
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Automatically assigned when the topic is created |
url | string | The API url of the topic |
html_url | string | The community url of the topic |
name | string | The name of the topic |
description | string | The description of the topic. By default an empty string |
position | integer | The position of the topic relative to other topics in the community |
follower_count | integer | The number of users following the topic |
manageable_by | string | The set of users who can manage this topic |
user_segment_id | long | The id of the user segment to which this topic belongs |
created_at | timestamp | When the topic was created |
updated_at | timestamp | When the topic was last updated |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getTopics
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getTopics (
preview => true
Lists all translations for all articles
<articleId> (optional): Article Id
<article_table> (optional): Table name with article data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
article_id | string | Article id |
translation_id | string | Automatically assigned when a translation is created |
url | string | The API url of the translation |
source_id | string | The id of the item that has this translation |
source_type | string | The type of the item that has this translation |
locale | string | The locale of the translation |
title | string | The title of the translation |
body | clob | HTML body of the translation |
outdated | string | True if the translation is outdated; false otherwise |
draft | string | True if the translation is a draft; false otherwise |
hidden | string | Hidden |
created_at | timestamp | The time at which the translation was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The time at which the translation was last updated |
CREATE VIEW zendesk_examples.example_helpcenter_getTranslationsForAllArticles
SELECT * FROM zendesk.helpcenter_getTranslationsForAllArticles (
preview => true