Walmart Marketplace API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
States on which you can provide two-day shipping of an item
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
regionCode | string | regionCode |
regionName | string | regionName |
stateSubregionCode | string | stateSubregionCode |
stateSubregionName | string | stateSubregionName |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Areas AS
CALL walmart.Areas ()
) AS x
Available Marketplace reconciliation report dates for the Seller
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
availableApReportDates | date | All available report dates are returned |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_AvailableReconReportDates AS
CALL walmart.AvailableReconReportDates ()
) AS x;;
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID
<item_table> (optional): Table with items containing column sku
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
report_date | timestamp | Report date |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID |
shipNode | string | The shipNode for which the inventory is requested |
inputQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
inputQty_amount | integer | Quantity of an item that is input by the seller |
availToSellQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
availToSellQty_amount | integer | Quantity of an item that is available to be allocated to orders |
reservedQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
reservedQty_amount | integer | Quantity that has been ordered by the customers but not yet shipped |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CA_Inventories AS
CALL walmart.CA_Inventories (
preview => true
) AS x;;
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID
<sku_table> (optional): Table with items containing column sku
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
report_date | timestamp | Report date |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID |
quantity_amount | bigdecimal | The number available in the inventory |
quantity_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
fulfillmentLagTime | integer | The number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is shipped |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CA_Inventory AS
CALL walmart.CA_Inventory (
preview => true
) AS x;;
All items
<lifecycleStatus> (optional): The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED
<publishedStatus> (optional): The published status of an item describes where the item is in the submission process. Examples of allowed values are PUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
reportDate | timestamp | Report date |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
gtin | string | The GTIN-compatible Product ID (i.e. UPC or EAN) |
lifecycleStatus | string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED |
mart | string | The marketplace name |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical amount of the price |
price_currency | string | The currency type |
productName | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the product name |
productType | string | Provides the seller-specified alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the Product Type |
publishedStatus | string | The status of an item when the item is in the submission process |
shelf | string | Walmart assigned an item shelf name |
upc | string | The 12-digit bar code used extensively for retail packaging in the United States |
wpid | string | The Walmart Product ID assigned by Walmart to the item when listed on Walmart |
variantGroupId | string | Variant Id if the item is of type Variant |
variantGroupInfo_isPrimary | boolean | Returns true if the item is a primary variant |
variantGroupInfo_groupingAttributes | string | The list of variant attributes used to create the variant item |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CA_Items AS
CALL walmart.CA_Items (
preview => true
) AS x;;
<createdEndDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase CA_Orders that were created before this date
<createdStartDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase CA_Orders that were created after this date
<customerOrderId> (optional): The customer order ID
<fromExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase CA_Orders that have order lines with an expected ship date after this date
<productInfo> (optional): Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. Allowed values are true or false
<purchaseOrderId> (optional): The purchase order ID
<sku> (optional): A seller-provided Product ID
<status> (optional): Status of purchase order line. Valid statuses are: Created, Acknowledged, Shipped, Delivered and Cancelled
<toExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase CA_Orders that have order lines with an expected ship date before this date
<updateLastDaysNumber> (optional): Works with target table to make data reread for having order data updated for the number of last days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the seller's purchase order |
customerOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer |
customerEmailId | string | The email address of the customer for the sales order |
orderDate | timestamp | The date the customer submitted the sales order |
orderLinesCount | integer | Number of order lines in the order |
shippingInfo_phone | string | The customer's phone number |
shippingInfo_estimatedDeliveryDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date for the delivery of the item |
shippingInfo_estimatedShipDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date when the item will be shipped |
shippingInfo_methodCode | string | The shipping method. Can be one of the following: Standard, Express, OneDay, WhiteGlove, Value or Freight |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_name | string | The name for the person/place of shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address1 | string | The first line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address2 | string | The second line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_city | string | The city of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_state | string | The state of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_postalCode | string | The zip code of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_country | string | The country of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_addressType | string | The address type, example: 'RESIDENTIAL' |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CA_Orders AS
CALL walmart.CA_Orders (
createdStartDate => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -10, CURDATE ()),
preview => true
) AS x;;
Inventory Report
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<requestId> (optional): Report Request Id
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportDate | timestamp | Report date |
SellerSKU | string | Seller SKU |
OfferId | string | Unique Offer ID |
InventoryCount | integer | Inventory count |
ProductName | string | Name of the item |
WalmartSKU | string | Walmart SKU |
ShipNodeId | string | Identifies the Fulfillment Center |
ShipNodeName | string | Name of the Fulfillment Center |
Inventory Health Report Sync
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportDate | timestamp | Report date |
GTIN | string | The Globe Trade Identification Number associated with this item |
ItemId | string | An ID used internally to track items |
VendorSKU | string | The SKU you provided for this item |
ProductName | string | The title of your product |
BrandName | string | The brand name of your product |
Published | boolean | Whether or not your offer is currently published |
ATS | integer | The number of Units you have for a SKU in sellable status in the WFS fulfillment network |
DamagedReceipts | integer | The number of Units you have for a SKU that cannot be received into inventorybecause they were received damaged |
InboundUnits | integer | The number of Units you have for a SKU on open inbound Purchase Orders |
CubeUsed | bigdecimal | The cubic space taken by the SKU in the WFS fulfillment network |
FirstInStockDate | date | The date when a SKU first time arrives at the WFS warehouse |
ATS90 | integer | The number of available to sell units that have been at a WFS FC for 90 days or less |
ATS180 | integer | The number of available to sell units that have been at a WFS FC for 91-180 days |
ATS270 | integer | The number of available to sell units that have been at a WFS FC for 181-270 days |
ATS365 | integer | The number of available to sell units that have been at a WFS FC for 271-365 days |
ATSmore365 | integer | The number of available to sell units that have been at a WFS FC for more than 365 days |
Last30DaysUnitsReceived | integer | The number of Units WFS received through inbound PO for the last 30 days |
Last30DaysPOUnits | integer | The number of Units claimed on the inbound POs for the last 30 days |
DaysOfSupply30 | integer | The number of days you will continue to have units in stock at a WFS FC based on the average daily sales for in-stock days in the past 30 days |
PredictedOutOfStockDate | date | The date you will run out inventory at a WFS FC if you continue to sell at the average daily sales of the past 30 days |
RecommendedReplenishmentQuantity30 | integer | WFS recommends sellers send in 4 weeks of supply whenever their existing inventory falls below 2 weeks in order to not lose sales |
Last7DaysUnitsSales | integer | The number of units sold for a SKU for the last 7 days |
Last7DaysSales | bigdecimal | The GMV sold for a SKU for the last 7 days |
Last7DaysInstockDays | integer | The number of days when a SKU is in stock in the WFS fulfillment network for the last 7 days |
Last30dDysUnitsSales | integer | The number of units sold for a SKU for the last 30 days |
Last30DaysSales | bigdecimal | The GMV sold for a SKU for the last 30 days |
Last30DaysInstockDays | integer | The number of days when a SKU is in stock in the WFS fulfillment network for the last 30 days |
Available carrier methods
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
carrierMethodDescription | string | A description for the method carrier |
carrierMethodId | string | Carrier Id |
carrierMethodName | string | Name of the shipping carrier |
carrierMethodType | string | Shipping method |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CarrierMethods AS
CALL walmart.CarrierMethods ()
) AS x
Count of items based on status
<status> (optional): Statuses of Item in CSV
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | string | |
value | string |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_CountByStatus AS
CALL walmart.CountByStatus (
status => 'UNPUBLISHED'
) AS x;;
<departmentId> (optional): departmentId
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
departmentId | string | The department id for which the categories have to be fetched |
departmentName | string | The department name for which the categories have to be fetched |
superDepartment | string | The super-department name for which the department have to be fetched |
superDepartmentId | string | The super-department id for which the department have to be fetched |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Departments AS
CALL walmart.Departments ()
) AS x;;
Event types and resource names that you can subscribe to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
description | string | Description of the specific event type |
eventType | string | Event that you want to subscribe to |
eventVersion | string | Version of the specific event type |
resourceName | string | Delegated access scope that event type is mapped to |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_EventTypes AS
CALL walmart.EventTypes ()
) AS x;;
Items which has been defined as exceptions using "Create Override Exception" API
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
category | string | category |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Exceptions AS
CALL walmart.Exceptions ()
) AS x
Feed items
<feedId> (optional): A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File
<feedId_table> (optional): Table with the columns feedId to get info for each of
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
feedId | string | A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, seller-specified, identifying each item |
index | integer | index of items in the feed |
ingestionErrors | string | List of errors for an item |
ingestionStatus | string | Can be one of the following: DATA_ERROR, SYSTEM_ERROR, TIMEOUT_ERROR, or INPROGRESS |
itemid | string | |
martId | integer | Mart ID that a user or seller uses for a marketplace |
productIdentifiers | string | |
shipNode | string | |
wpid | string | An alphanumeric product ID, generated by Walmart |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_FeedItems AS
CALL walmart.FeedItems (
feedId => 'CC4522C0011140DD86D0DFD1E3E8DB45@AQMBCgA'
) AS x
Feed statuses for all the specified Feed IDs
<feedId> (optional): A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchId | string | The batch ID for the feed, if provided |
channelType | string | |
feedDate | timestamp | The date and time the feed was submitted |
feedId | string | A unique ID used for tracking the Feed File |
feedSource | string | The source of the feed |
feedStatus | string | Can be one of the following: RECEIVED, INPROGRESS, PROCESSED, or ERROR |
feedType | string | The feed type |
fileName | string | The name of the uploaded XML or Excel file containing the list of items |
itemDataErrorCount | long | The number of items that returned a Data Error |
itemSystemErrorCount | long | The number of items that returned a System Error |
itemTimeoutErrorCount | long | The number of items that returned a Timeout Error (SLA violation) |
itemsFailed | integer | The number of items in the feed that failed due to a data or system error |
itemsProcessing | integer | The number of items in the feed that are still in progress |
itemsReceived | integer | The number of items received in the feed |
itemsSucceeded | integer | The number of items in the feed that have successfully processed |
modifiedDtm | timestamp | The most recent time the feed was modified |
orgId | string | |
partnerId | string | The seller ID |
shipNode | string | |
vendorId | string |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Feeds AS
CALL walmart.Feeds (
feedId => NULL
) AS x
Fulfillment centers
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
customNodeId | string | Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric |
distributorSupportedServices | string | The services supported by the defined physical ship node |
nodeType | string | Defines if the fulfillment center is virtual, seller owned or third party owned. Allowed values: PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, 3PL |
postalAddress_addressLine1 | string | Street address of the fulfillment center |
postalAddress_city | string | City of the fulfillment center |
postalAddress_country | string | Country of the fulfillment center |
postalAddress_postalCode | string | Postal code of the fulfillment center |
postalAddress_state | string | State of the fulfillment center |
shipNode | string | The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center |
shipNodeName | string | Name of the fulfillment center |
shippingDetails | string | Shipping Details |
status | string | Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE |
timeZone | string | Time zone that the seller ships from |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_FullfillmentCenters AS
CALL walmart.FullfillmentCenters ()
) AS x
WFS error responses with error codes
<shipmentId> (optional): Unique ID identifying each shipment
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdDate | timestamp | created date for the request |
errors_category | string | |
errors_code | string | |
errors_description | string | |
errors_field | string | |
errors_info | string | |
errors_severity | string | |
inboundOrderId | string | Unique ID identifying inbound shipment requests |
returnAddress_addressLine1 | string | Address details |
returnAddress_addressLine2 | string | Address details continuation |
returnAddress_city | string | City name |
returnAddress_countryCode | string | Country code |
returnAddress_postalCode | string | Zip code |
returnAddress_stateCode | string | State Code |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_InboundOrderErrors AS
CALL walmart.InboundOrderErrors (
shipmentId => NULL
) AS x;;
After Sellers create an Inbound Order successfully, the response from Create Inbound Shipments API will tell whether the order can be sent in a single shipment to one WFS fulfillment center or needs to be split into multiple shipments to different fulfillment centers
<shipmentId> (optional): Unique ID identifying each shipment
<shipmentId_table> (optional): Table with the columns shipmentId to get info for each of
<shipments_fromCreateDate> (optional): Shipment create date starting range
<shipments_toCreateDate> (optional): Shipment create date starting end range
<shipments_status> (optional): Current shipment status
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
shipmentId | string | Unique ID identifying inbound shipment |
sku | string | Seller Item ID |
damagedQty | integer | Qty damaged while receiving in FC |
expectedDeliveryDate | timestamp | expected delivery date for inbounding shipment |
fillRate | bigdecimal | Fill rate for this shipment item |
gtin | string | Item barcode |
inboundOrderId | string | Unique ID identifying inbound shipment requests |
innerPackQty | integer | Total number of sellable units per case |
itemDesc | string | Item description |
itemQty | integer | Total number of sellable units |
receivedQty | integer | Qty received in FC |
shipNodeName | string | FC name |
updatedExpectedDeliveryDate | timestamp | update expected delivery date based on network capacity |
vendorPackQty | integer | Total number of cases |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_InboundShipmentItems AS
CALL walmart.InboundShipmentItems (
shipmentId => NULL
) AS x;;
After Sellers create an Inbound Order successfully, the response from Create Inbound Shipments API will tell whether the order can be sent in a single shipment to one WFS fulfillment center or needs to be split into multiple shipments to different fulfillment centers
<fromCreateDate> (optional): Shipment create date starting range
<toCreateDate> (optional): Shipment create date starting end range
<inboundOrderId> (optional): Unique ID identifying inbound shipment request
<shipmentId> (optional): Unique ID identifying each shipment
<status> (optional): Current shipment status
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
actualDeliveryDate | timestamp | Actual delivery date of the shipment at FC |
createdDate | timestamp | created date for the request |
expectedDeliveryDate | timestamp | expected delivery date for inbounding shipment |
inboundOrderId | string | Unique ID identifying inbound shipment requests |
receivedUnits | integer | Total number of units recived in FC for the shipment |
returnAddress_addressLine1 | string | Address details |
returnAddress_city | string | City name |
returnAddress_countryCode | string | Country code |
returnAddress_postalCode | string | Zip code |
returnAddress_stateCode | string | State Code |
shipToAddress_addressLine1 | string | Address details |
shipToAddress_city | string | City name |
shipToAddress_countryCode | string | Country code |
shipToAddress_fcName | string | Facility name |
shipToAddress_postalCode | string | Zip code |
shipToAddress_stateCode | string | State Code |
shipmentId | string | Unique ID identifying inbound shipment |
shipmentUnits | integer | Total number of units in the shipment |
status | string | Current status of the shipment |
updatedExpectedDeliveryDate | timestamp | update expected delivery date based on network capacity |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_InboundShipments AS
CALL walmart.InboundShipments (
fromCreateDate => NULL,
inboundOrderId => NULL,
shipmentId => NULL,
status => NULL,
toCreateDate => NULL
) AS x;;
Multiple item inventory for all ship nodes
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID |
shipNode | string | The shipNode for which the inventory is requested |
inputQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
inputQty_amount | integer | Quantity of an item that is input by the seller |
availToSellQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
availToSellQty_amount | integer | Quantity of an item that is available to be allocated to orders |
reservedQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
reservedQty_amount | integer | Quantity that has been ordered by the customers but not yet shipped |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Inventories AS
CALL walmart.Inventories (
preview => true
) AS x;;
Inventory for a given item or for all
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<shipNode> (optional): The shipNode for which the inventory is requested
<sku_table> (optional): Table with the columns sku to get info for each of
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
quantity_amount | bigdecimal | The number available in the inventory |
quantity_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Inventory AS
CALL walmart.Inventory (
shipNode => NULL,
sku => 'DIM200_2'
) AS x
Item and displays the item details
<productIdType> (required): Item code type specifier allows to filter by specific code type, (e.g. GTIN)
<id> (required): Represents the seller-specified unique ID for each item. Takes SKU code by default. If you require more specific item codes, such as GTIN, UPC, ISBN, EAN, or ITEM_ID, you need to use the productIdType query parameter and specify the desired code e.g. productIdType=GTIN
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
gtin | string | The GTIN-compatible Product ID (i.e. UPC or EAN) |
lifecycleStatus | string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED |
mart | string | The marketplace name |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical amount of the price |
price_currency | string | The currency type |
productName | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the product name |
productType | string | Provides the seller-specified alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the Product Type |
publishedStatus | string | The status of an item when the item is in the submission process |
shelf | string | Walmart assigned an item shelf name |
upc | string | The 12-digit bar code used extensively for retail packaging in the United States |
wpid | string | The Walmart Product ID assigned by Walmart to the item when listed on Walmart |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Item AS
CALL walmart.Item (
id => 'DIM200_2',
productIdType => 'SKU'
) AS x;;
All items
<lifecycleStatus> (optional): The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED
<publishedStatus> (optional): The published status of an item describes where the item is in the submission process. Examples of allowed values are PUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
additionalAttributes | string | Bag of additional attributes |
gtin | string | The GTIN-compatible Product ID (i.e. UPC or EAN) |
lifecycleStatus | string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED |
mart | string | The marketplace name |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical amount of the price |
price_currency | string | The currency type |
productName | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the product name |
productType | string | Provides the seller-specified alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the Product Type |
publishedStatus | string | The status of an item when the item is in the submission process |
shelf | string | Walmart assigned an item shelf name |
unpublishedReasons | string | It outlines the reason for an item when unpublished ,that is, when 'publishedStatus' is set to 'UNPUBLISHED' |
upc | string | The 12-digit bar code used extensively for retail packaging in the United States |
wpid | string | The Walmart Product ID assigned by Walmart to the item when listed on Walmart |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Items AS
CALL walmart.Items (
lifecycleStatus => NULL,
publishedStatus => NULL,
sku => NULL
) AS x;;
Item Search API allows you to query the Walmart
<gtin> (optional): Specifies a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) search
<query> (optional): Specifies a keyword search as a String
<upc> (optional): Specifies a Universal Product Code (UPC) search
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
title | string | Provides the seller-specified alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the product name |
brand | string | Specifies the item brand |
customerRating | bigdecimal | |
description | string | Specifies the catalog item description |
freeShipping | boolean | Specifies whether or not the item is eligible for free shipping |
images | string | Provides images associated with the item product listing |
isMarketPlaceItem | boolean | Specifies whether or not this item is available by other sellers in the Marketplace |
itemId | string | Specifies the item identifier generated by Walmart |
offerCount | integer | Specifies the number of active offers on the item |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical amount of the price |
price_currency | string | The currency type |
productType | string | Provides the seller-specified alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the Product Type |
properties_categories | string | |
properties_next_day_eligible | boolean | |
properties_num_reviews | string | |
properties_variantData | string | |
properties_variantMeta | string | |
properties_variant_items_num | integer | |
properties_variants | string |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ItemsSearch AS
CALL walmart.ItemsSearch (
gtin => NULL,
query => 'a',
upc => NULL
) AS x;;
Lag Time for an item with a given SKU
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<sku_table> (optional): Table with the columns sku to get info for each of
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | A seller-provided Product ID |
fulfillmentLagTime | integer | The number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is shipped |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_LagTime AS
CALL walmart.LagTime (
sku => 'PRO40'
) AS x;;
Inventory count for an item across all ship nodes or one specific ship node
<sku> (required): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<shipNode> (optional): ShipNode Id of the ship node for which the inventory is requested
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
availToSellQty_amount | bigdecimal | The number available in the inventory |
availToSellQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
inputQty_amount | bigdecimal | The number available in the inventory |
inputQty_unit | string | The unit of measurement |
shipNode | string | ShipNode Id of the ship node for which the inventory is requested |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_MultiNodeInventoryForSkuAndAllShipnodes AS
CALL walmart.MultiNodeInventoryForSkuAndAllShipnodes (
shipNode => NULL,
sku => 'DIM200_2'
) AS x;;
Details of all orders for specified search criteria
<createdEndDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were created before this date
<createdStartDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were created after this date
<customerOrderId> (optional): The customer order ID
<fromExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that have order lines with an expected ship date after this date
<lastModifiedEndDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were modified before this date
<lastModifiedStartDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were modified after this date
<orderType> (optional): Specifies if the order is a regular order or replacement order. Possible values are REGULAR or REPLACEMENT
<productInfo> (optional): Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. Allowed values are true or false
<purchaseOrderId> (optional): The purchase order ID
<replacementInfo> (optional): Provides additional attributes - originalCustomerOrderID, orderType - related to Replacement order, in response, if available. Allowed values are true or false
<shipNodeType> (optional): Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are SellerFulfilled, WFSFulfilled and 3PLFulfilled and CSV list of them
<shippingProgramType> (optional): Specifies the type of program
<sku> (optional): A seller-provided Product ID
<status> (optional): Status of purchase order line. Valid statuses are: Created, Acknowledged, Shipped, Delivered and Cancelled
<toExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that have order lines with an expected ship date before this date
<updateLastDaysNumber> (optional): Works with target table to make data reread for having order data updated for the number of last days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the seller's purchase order |
customerOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer |
customerEmailId | string | The email address of the customer for the sales order |
orderDate | timestamp | The date the customer submitted the sales order |
orderLinesCount | integer | Number of order lines in the order |
orderType | string | Specifies if the order is a regular order or replacement order. Possible values are REGULAR or REPLACEMENT |
originalCustomerOrderID | string | customer order ID of the original customer order on which the replacement is created |
shipNode_type | string | Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are SellerFulfilled, WFSFulfilled and 3PLFulfilled |
shippingInfo_estimatedDeliveryDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date for the delivery of the item |
shippingInfo_estimatedShipDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date when the item will be shipped |
shippingInfo_methodCode | string | The shipping method. Can be one of the following: Standard, Express, OneDay, WhiteGlove, Value or Freight |
shippingInfo_phone | string | The customer's phone number |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address1 | string | The first line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address2 | string | The second line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_addressType | string | The address type, example: 'RESIDENTIAL' |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_city | string | The city of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_country | string | The country of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_name | string | The name for the person/place of shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_postalCode | string | The zip code of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_state | string | The state of the shipping address |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Orders AS
CALL walmart.Orders (
createdEndDate => NULL,
createdStartDate => NULL,
customerOrderId => NULL,
fromExpectedShipDate => NULL,
lastModifiedEndDate => NULL,
lastModifiedStartDate => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -10, CURDATE ()),
orderType => NULL,
productInfo => NULL,
purchaseOrderId => NULL,
replacementInfo => NULL,
shipNodeType => NULL,
shippingProgramType => NULL,
sku => NULL,
status => NULL,
toExpectedShipDate => NULL
) AS x
Promotional prices
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<sku_table> (optional): Table with the columns sku to get info for each of
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
effectiveDate | string | |
expirationDate | string | |
headerAttributes | string | |
replaceAll | boolean | |
comparisonPriceType | string | The comparison price Type |
comparisonPrice_maxUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_maxValue | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_minUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_minValue | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_perUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_uomType | string | |
comparisonPrice_value_amount | bigdecimal | |
comparisonPrice_value_currency | string | |
comparisonPrice_value_value | bigdecimal | |
currentPriceType | string | The current price Type to indicate a promotion, such as REDUCED or CLEARANCE |
currentPrice_maxUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_maxValue | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_minUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_minValue | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_perUnitValue | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_uomType | string | |
currentPrice_value_amount | bigdecimal | |
currentPrice_value_currency | string | |
currentPrice_value_value | bigdecimal | |
maxSalesRetailPrice_amount | bigdecimal | |
maxSalesRetailPrice_currency | string | |
minAdvtPrice_amount | bigdecimal | |
minAdvtPrice_currency | string | |
priceDisplayCodes_hidePriceForSOI | boolean | Hide price for SOI |
priceDisplayCodes_isClearance | boolean | Is clearance |
priceDisplayCodes_isEligibleForAssociateDiscount | boolean | Is Eligible for associate discount |
priceDisplayCodes_isReducedPrice | boolean | Is reduced price |
priceDisplayCodes_isRollback | boolean | Is rollback |
priceDisplayCodes_isStrikethrough | boolean | Is strikethrough |
priceDisplayCodes_submapType | string | Submap Type |
processMode | string | Use the processMode attribute to update or delete a promotion. To update a promotion for a SKU that includes multiple promotions, set the processMode to UPSERT and include a promoId. To delete a SKU, set the processMode to DELETE and include the promoId to be deleted. Additionally, a promotion can be updated or deleted by sending in a startDate and endDate for an SKU |
promoId | string | A system-generated ID for each promotion. Can be used to update or delete an existing promotion |
rebate_endDate | string | |
rebate_infoUrl | string | |
rebate_rebateAmt_amount | bigdecimal | |
rebate_rebateAmt_currency | string | |
rebate_rebateType | string | |
rebate_startDate | string | |
savingsAmount | bigdecimal | Saving amount |
savingsPercent | bigdecimal | Saving percent |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_PromotionalPrices AS
CALL walmart.PromotionalPrices ()
) AS x
Created orders
<createdEndDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were created before this date
<createdStartDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that were created after this date
<customerOrderId> (optional): The customer order ID
<fromExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that have order lines with an expected ship date after this date
<orderType> (optional): Specifies if the order is a regular order or replacement order. Possible values are REGULAR or REPLACEMENT
<productInfo> (optional): Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. Allowed values are true or false
<purchaseOrderId> (optional): The purchase order ID
<replacementInfo> (optional): Provides additional attributes - originalCustomerOrderID, orderType - related to Replacement order, in response, if available. Allowed values are true or false
<shipNodeType> (optional): Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are SellerFulfilled, WFSFulfilled and 3PLFulfilled and CSV list of them
<shippingProgramType> (optional): Specifies the type of program
<sku> (optional): A seller-provided Product ID
<toExpectedShipDate> (optional): Fetches all purchase orders that have order lines with an expected ship date before this date
<updateLastDaysNumber> (optional): Works with target table to make data reread for having order data updated for the number of last days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the seller's purchase order |
customerOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer |
customerEmailId | string | The email address of the customer for the sales order |
orderDate | timestamp | The date the customer submitted the sales order |
orderLinesCount | integer | Number of order lines in the order |
orderType | string | Specifies if the order is a regular order or replacement order. Possible values are REGULAR or REPLACEMENT |
originalCustomerOrderID | string | customer order ID of the original customer order on which the replacement is created |
shipNode_type | string | Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are SellerFulfilled, WFSFulfilled and 3PLFulfilled |
shippingInfo_estimatedDeliveryDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date for the delivery of the item |
shippingInfo_estimatedShipDate | timestamp | The estimated time and date when the item will be shipped |
shippingInfo_methodCode | string | The shipping method. Can be one of the following: Standard, Express, OneDay, WhiteGlove, Value or Freight |
shippingInfo_phone | string | The customer's phone number |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address1 | string | The first line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_address2 | string | The second line of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_addressType | string | The address type, example: 'RESIDENTIAL' |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_city | string | The city of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_country | string | The country of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_name | string | The name for the person/place of shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_postalCode | string | The zip code of the shipping address |
shippingInfo_postalAddress_state | string | The state of the shipping address |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ReleasedOrders AS
CALL walmart.ReleasedOrders (
createdEndDate => NULL,
createdStartDate => NULL,
customerOrderId => NULL,
fromExpectedShipDate => NULL,
orderType => NULL,
productInfo => NULL,
purchaseOrderId => NULL,
replacementInfo => NULL,
shipNodeType => NULL,
shippingProgramType => NULL,
sku => NULL,
toExpectedShipDate => NULL
) AS x
Buy Box Report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
BuyboxItemPrice | bigdecimal | The BuyBox item price |
BuyboxSellerId | string | The BuyBox Seller ID |
BuyboxShipPrice | bigdecimal | The BuyBox price that includes shipping |
ItemId | string | The item ID on |
Offer2ItemPrice | bigdecimal | The item price for offer 2 |
Offer2SellerId | string | The Seller ID for offer 2 |
Offer2ShipPrice | bigdecimal | The item price that includes shipping for offer 2 |
Offer3ItemPrice | bigdecimal | The item price for offer 3 |
Offer3SellerId | string | The Seller ID for offer 3 |
Offer3ShipPrice | bigdecimal | The item price that includes shipping for offer 3 |
Offer4ItemPrice | bigdecimal | The item price for offer 4 |
Offer4SellerId | string | The Seller ID for offer 4 |
Offer4ShipPrice | bigdecimal | The item price that includes shipping for offer 4 |
ProductCategory | string | The category of this item. |
ProductName | string | The name of this item |
Sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
SellerId | string | The seller ID on |
SellerItemPrice | bigdecimal | The price of the item |
SellerName | string | Name of the seller |
SellerShipPrice | bigdecimal | The item price that includes shipping |
Issellerbuyboxwinner | string | Specifies if a Seller is the BuyBox winner |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_BuyBox AS
CALL walmart.Report_BuyBox ()
) AS x
Item Performance Report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Aur | bigdecimal | Average Unit Retail. This is (Authorized Sales - Canceled Sales)/(Authorized Units - Canceled Units) |
AuthorizedOrders | string | Total Purchase Orders that were placed and authorized |
AuthorizedSales | bigdecimal | Total authorized item sales |
AuthorizedUnits | string | Number of authorized units that were sold |
BaseItemId | string | Unique item identifier |
Brand | string | Name, term, design, or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product from those of others. This can be the name of the company associated with the product. |
CancelledSales | bigdecimal | Total sales that were cancelled |
CancelledUnits | string | Total number of units cancelled |
Category | string | Category of this product |
Commission | bigdecimal | The commission paid to Walmart, taken from GMV |
Department | string | Department that the product belongs to |
Gmv | bigdecimal | Gross Merchandise Value. This is Authorized Sales minus Cancelled Sales |
GmvComp | bigdecimal | GMV comparison to last year GMV. This is (GMV TY - GMV LY)/GMV LY |
GmvCommission | bigdecimal | GMV minus Commission |
ItemConversionRate | bigdecimal | Percentage of number of items that are converted into sales. This is total units sold divided by product visits |
ItemId | string | An identifier number that seller uses to identify the product |
ProductName | string | Title of the product |
SkuId | string | Unique identifier for the item |
SubCategory | string | Sub category of this product |
SuperDepartment | string | Super department that the product belongs to |
TotalLyGmv | bigdecimal | Last year GMV of the product |
TotalProductVisits | string | Number of times customers visited product details page |
TotalUnits | string | Authorized Units minus Cancelled Units |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_ItemPerformance AS
CALL walmart.Report_ItemPerformance ()
) AS x
Item Report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ItemId | string | Unique Item ID |
ProductCategory | string | The category of this item. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested |
ProductName | string | Name of the item |
Sku | string | Unique identifier for the item |
InventoryCount | bigdecimal | The number of items in stock |
ItemCreationDate | date | The system timestamp date when an item was created |
ItemLastUpdated | date | The system timestamp date when an item was updated |
ItemPageUrl | string | URL for item page on |
AverageRating | bigdecimal | An average rating number for the item from customers |
Brand | string | Name, term, design or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product from those of others. This can be the name of the company associated with the product |
BuyBoxItemPrice | bigdecimal | Buy box winner's item price |
BuyBoxShippingPrice | bigdecimal | Buy box winner's price to ship item |
CompetitorLastDateFetched | date | Date when the competitor's data was last fetched |
CompetitorPrice | bigdecimal | Competitor's item price |
CompetitorShipPrice | bigdecimal | Competitor's price to ship item |
CompetitorUrl | string | Competitor's website URL |
Currency | string | The currency of the item price |
FulfillmentLagTime | bigdecimal | The number of days between when an item is ordered and when it is shipped |
Gtin | bigdecimal | The item's Global Trade Item Number. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested |
LifecycleStatus | string | The offer lifecycle status |
Msrp | bigdecimal | Manufacturer's suggested retail price. This is not the price that Walmart customers will pay for your product |
OfferEndDate | date | Date after which the item will not be visible on |
OfferStartDate | date | Date at which the item becomes visible on |
Price | bigdecimal | The current price of the item |
PrimaryCatPath | string | The primary item category path on |
PrimaryImageUrl | string | URL for primary image |
ProductTaxCode | string | This is a seven-digit product tax code that identifies the amount of sales tax that should be collected for individual items |
PublishStatus | string | Whether the item is published on |
PartnerId | string | The Seller ID on |
ReviewsCount | integer | The total number of customer reviews for the item |
Searchable | boolean | Signifies how easy it is to find an item on |
ShelfName | string | Walmart assigned an item shelf name |
ShipMethods | string | Shipping methods available for each item |
ShippingWeight | string | The weight of the item when packaged to ship |
ShippingWeightUnit | string | The unit of measurement used to describe the weight of the product when packaged to ship |
StatusChangeReason | string | Reason for status change |
Upc | string | The item's Universal Product Code. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested |
Wpid | string | The Walmart Product ID assigned by Walmart to the item when listed on |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_Items AS
CALL walmart.Report_Items ()
) AS x
Reconciliation Report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportDate | date | Report Date |
TransactionDateTime | date | Transaction Date Time |
TransactionType | string | Transaction Type |
OrderNumber | string | Order # |
OrderLineNumber | integer | Order Line # |
PO_Number | string | PO # |
PO_LineNumber | integer | P.O. Line # |
AdjustmentCode | string | Adjustment Code |
AdjustmentDescription | string | Adjustment Description |
CommissionRate | bigdecimal | Commission Rate |
CommissionFromSale | bigdecimal | Commission from Sale |
ContractCategory | string | Contract Category |
CountyCode | string | County Code |
EffectiveTaxRate | bigdecimal | Effective tax rate |
FeeWithheldFlag | string | Fee Withheld Flag |
FeeRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Fee refund for Escalation |
FlexCommissionRule | string | Flex Commission Rule |
FulfillmentType | string | Fulfillment Type |
GiftWrapQuantity | bigdecimal | Gift Wrap Quantity |
GiftWrapRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Gift wrap refund for Escalation |
GiftWrapTaxCode | string | Gift wrap tax code |
GrossFeeRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Fee Refunded |
GrossFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Fee Revenue |
GrossGiftWrapRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Gift-Wrap Refunded |
GrossGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Gift-Wrap Revenue |
GrossSalesRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Sales Revenue |
GrossShippingRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Shipping Refunded |
GrossShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Shipping Revenue |
NetFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Fee Revenue |
NetGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Gift Wrap Revenue |
NetShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Shipping Revenue |
OriginalCommissionAmount | bigdecimal | Original Commission Amount |
OriginalItemPrice | bigdecimal | Original Item price |
PartnerGtin | string | Partner GTIN |
PartnerItemId | string | Partner Item ID |
PartnerItemName | string | Partner Item name |
PartnerOrderNumber | string | Partner Order # |
PayableToPartnerFromSale | bigdecimal | Payable to Partner from Sale |
ProductType | string | Product Type |
ProductTaxCode | string | Product tax code |
RefundedRetailSales | bigdecimal | Refunded Retail Sales |
ReturnReasonCode | string | Return Reason Code |
ReturnReasonDescription | string | Return Reason Description |
SalesRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Sales refund for Escalation |
ShipToCity | string | Ship to city |
ShipToCounty | string | Ship to county |
ShipToState | string | Ship to state |
ShippedQty | string | Shipped Qty |
ShippingRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Shipping refund for Escalation |
ShippingTaxCode | string | Shipping tax code |
SpecCategory | string | Spec Category |
TaxWithheld | bigdecimal | Tax Withheld |
TaxOnFeeRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Refund |
TaxOnFeeRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Refund for escalation |
TaxOnFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Revenue |
TaxOnGiftWrapRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Refund |
TaxOnGiftWrapRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Refund for escalation |
TaxOnGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Revenue |
TaxOnRefundedSales | bigdecimal | Tax on Refunded Sales |
TaxOnSalesRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Sales Revenue |
TaxOnSalesRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Sales refund for Escalation |
TaxOnShippingRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Refund |
TaxOnShippingRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Refund for Escalation |
TaxOnShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Revenue |
TotalNetTaxCollected | bigdecimal | Total NET Tax Collected |
TotalTenderToFromCustomer | bigdecimal | Total tender to / from customer |
ZipCode | string | Zip code |
Shipping_method | string | shipping_method |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_Reconciliation AS
CALL walmart.Report_Reconciliation ()
) AS x
Reconciliation Report Sync
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ReportDate | date | Report Date |
TransactionDateTime | date | Transaction Date Time |
TransactionType | string | Transaction Type |
OrderNumber | string | Order # |
OrderLineNumber | integer | Order Line # |
PO_Number | string | PO # |
PO_LineNumber | integer | P.O. Line # |
AdjustmentCode | string | Adjustment Code |
AdjustmentDescription | string | Adjustment Description |
CommissionRate | bigdecimal | Commission Rate |
CommissionFromSale | bigdecimal | Commission from Sale |
ContractCategory | string | Contract Category |
CountyCode | string | County Code |
EffectiveTaxRate | bigdecimal | Effective tax rate |
FeeWithheldFlag | string | Fee Withheld Flag |
FeeRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Fee refund for Escalation |
FlexCommissionRule | string | Flex Commission Rule |
FulfillmentType | string | Fulfillment Type |
GiftWrapQuantity | bigdecimal | Gift Wrap Quantity |
GiftWrapRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Gift wrap refund for Escalation |
GiftWrapTaxCode | string | Gift wrap tax code |
GrossFeeRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Fee Refunded |
GrossFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Fee Revenue |
GrossGiftWrapRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Gift-Wrap Refunded |
GrossGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Gift-Wrap Revenue |
GrossSalesRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Sales Revenue |
GrossShippingRefunded | bigdecimal | Gross Shipping Refunded |
GrossShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Gross Shipping Revenue |
NetFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Fee Revenue |
NetGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Gift Wrap Revenue |
NetShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Net Shipping Revenue |
OriginalCommissionAmount | bigdecimal | Original Commission Amount |
OriginalItemPrice | bigdecimal | Original Item price |
PartnerGtin | string | Partner GTIN |
PartnerItemId | string | Partner Item ID |
PartnerItemName | string | Partner Item name |
PartnerOrderNumber | string | Partner Order # |
PayableToPartnerFromSale | bigdecimal | Payable to Partner from Sale |
ProductType | string | Product Type |
ProductTaxCode | string | Product tax code |
RefundedRetailSales | bigdecimal | Refunded Retail Sales |
ReturnReasonCode | string | Return Reason Code |
ReturnReasonDescription | string | Return Reason Description |
SalesRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Sales refund for Escalation |
ShipToCity | string | Ship to city |
ShipToCounty | string | Ship to county |
ShipToState | string | Ship to state |
ShippedQty | string | Shipped Qty |
ShippingRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Shipping refund for Escalation |
ShippingTaxCode | string | Shipping tax code |
SpecCategory | string | Spec Category |
TaxWithheld | bigdecimal | Tax Withheld |
TaxOnFeeRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Refund |
TaxOnFeeRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Refund for escalation |
TaxOnFeeRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Fee Revenue |
TaxOnGiftWrapRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Refund |
TaxOnGiftWrapRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Refund for escalation |
TaxOnGiftWrapRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Gift-Wrap Revenue |
TaxOnRefundedSales | bigdecimal | Tax on Refunded Sales |
TaxOnSalesRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Sales Revenue |
TaxOnSalesRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Sales refund for Escalation |
TaxOnShippingRefund | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Refund |
TaxOnShippingRefundForEscalation | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Refund for Escalation |
TaxOnShippingRevenue | bigdecimal | Tax on Shipping Revenue |
TotalNetTaxCollected | bigdecimal | Total NET Tax Collected |
TotalTenderToFromCustomer | bigdecimal | Total tender to / from customer |
ZipCode | string | Zip code |
Shipping_method | string | shipping_method |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_Reconciliation_Sync AS
CALL walmart.Report_Reconciliation_Sync ()
) AS x;;
Return Overrides Report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
KeepIt | string | Allow customers to keep this item but still get a refund. Valid values are Yes, No, Blank |
PartnerId | string | The Partner ID on |
RestrictionReason | string | Reason for restricting item for return |
ReturnCenterAlias | string | Return Center (Alias) configured by seller |
ReturnRestricted | string | Item is restricted for return. Valid values are Yes, No, Blank |
Sku | string | Unique identifier for the item |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Report_ReturnOverrides AS
CALL walmart.Report_ReturnOverrides ()
) AS x
Retrieves the details of return orders for the specified filter criteria
<customerOrderId> (optional): A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer
<initialDate> (required): Start Date for querying all return orders that were created after that date
<returnOrderId> (optional): Return order identifier of the return order object as part of array
<updateLastDaysNumber> (optional): Works with target table to make data reread for having order data updated for the number of last days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
returnOrderId | string | Return order identifier of the return order |
returnOrderDate | timestamp | Date format for return order date |
totalRefundAmount_currencyAmount | bigdecimal | Amount to be refunded |
totalRefundAmount_currencyUnit | string | Currency information |
customerEmailId | string | Customer email address |
customerName_firstName | string | Customer first name |
customerName_lastName | string | Customer last name |
customerOrderId | string | A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer |
refundMode | string | Determines when the refund was/will be issued to the customer |
replacementCustomerOrderId | string | customer order ID of the original return order on which the replacement is created |
returnByDate | timestamp | Date format for return by order date |
returnChannel_channelName | string | Valid values are: ONLINE, IN_STORE, and CUSTOMER_CARE |
returnLineGroups_groupNo | string | |
returnLineGroups_returnExpectedFlag | string | Is customer required to send this item back to return center |
returnOrderLinesCount | string | |
returnType | string | Specifies if the return order is a replacement return or a regular (refund) return. Possible values are REPLACEMENT or REFUND |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ReturnOrders AS
CALL walmart.ReturnOrders (
initialDate => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -10, CURDATE ()),
preview => true
) AS x;;
Details of all the rules
<ruleStatus> (optional): Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted
<ruleId> (optional): Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
description | string | Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
name | string | Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
priority | string | Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
ruleAction_twoDayShippingRegions_subRegions | string | |
ruleId | string | Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
ruleStatus | string | Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted |
skuProcessingStatus | string | When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Rules AS
CALL walmart.Rules ()
) AS x
Seller listing quality score
<viewTrendingItems> (optional): Whether or not to include seller's items that are trending in the Listing Quality Score
<wfsFlag> (optional): Whether or not to include WFS-eligible items in the overall Listing Quality Score
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
reportDate | date | Report date |
listingQuality | bigdecimal | |
offerScore | bigdecimal | |
ratingReviewScore | bigdecimal | |
contentScore | bigdecimal | |
defectRatio | bigdecimal | |
itemDefectCnt | integer |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_SellerListingQualityScore AS
CALL walmart.SellerListingQualityScore (
preview => true
) AS x;;
Activation Status of the Shipping Templates, which can be set through Walmart Seller Center
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
activationStatus | string | Shipping Template Activation Status, possible values can be NOT_ACTIVATED or ACTIVATED |
createdDate | bigdecimal | Template Creation Date |
modifiedDate | bigdecimal | Activation Status Last Modified Date |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ShippingTemplateActivationStatus AS
CALL walmart.ShippingTemplateActivationStatus ()
) AS x;
Shipping templates for a Seller
<templateId> (optional): templateId
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdDate | bigdecimal | Template Creation Date |
id | string | Shipping Template ID |
name | string | Shipping Template Name |
rateModelType | string | This is the shipping model type |
status | string | Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE |
type | string | Shipping Template Type, should be CUSTOM or 3PL Specific |
modifiedDate | bigdecimal | Activation Status Last Modified Date |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ShippingTemplates AS
CALL walmart.ShippingTemplates ()
) AS x;;
Count of items shortlisted for two-day shipping for a specific rule defined by ruleId and ruleStatus
<ruleStatus> (required): Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted
<ruleId> (required): Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ruleId | string | Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
ruleStatus | string | Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted |
simulationCount | string | Number of items that would be set for two-day if the rule gets activated |
Count of items shortlisted for two-day shipping for a specific rule defined by ruleId and ruleStatus
<ruleId> (optional): Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment
<ruleStatus> (optional): Status of the rule post the rule creation
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
errors_code | string | |
errors_description | string | |
ruleId | string | Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment |
ruleStatus | string | Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted |
simulationCount | integer | Number of items that would be set for two-day if the rule gets activated |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_SimulationResult AS
CALL walmart.SimulationResult (
ruleId => '<ruleId>',
ruleStatus => 'Active'
) AS x;;
Sub-categories which can be used while defining the rule
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
category | string | category |
subcategory | string | subcategory |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_SubCategories AS
CALL walmart.SubCategories ()
) AS x
All subscriptions
<eventType> (optional): Use this to get list of all subscriptions for a specific event type
<resourceName> (optional): Use this to get list of all subscriptions for a specific resource
<status> (optional): Use this to get list of all subscriptions in ACTIVE or INACTIVE status
<subscriptionId> (optional): Use this to get details of a specific subscription
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
authDetails_authHeaderName | string | authHeaderName , using which authorization header will be passed |
authDetails_authMethod | string | enumeration: BASIC_AUTH,OAUTH,HMAC |
authDetails_password | string | Password to access destination URL |
authDetails_userName | string | UserName to access destination URL |
eventType | string | Event that you want to subscribe to |
eventUrl | string | Destination URL where notification will be received by seller |
eventVersion | string | Version of the specific event type |
headers_content_type | string | |
message | string | Message confirming that the subscription has been deleted |
partnerId | string | Partner ID of the seller who created the subscription |
resourceName | string | Delegated access scope that event type is mapped to |
status | string | Status of the subscription. Allowed values are ACTIVE or INACTIVE |
subscriptionId | string | Unique ID for the subscription that can be used for fetching details, editing or deleting the subscription |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Subscriptions AS
CALL walmart.Subscriptions (
eventType => NULL,
resourceName => NULL,
status => NULL,
subscriptionId => NULL
) AS x;;
Category taxonomy is uses to categorize items. It describes the Departments, Categories, and Subcategories levels
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
category | string | Type of item |
subCategoryId | string | ID of specific kind of category |
subCategoryName | string | Name of specific kind of category |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_Taxonomy AS
CALL walmart.Taxonomy ()
) AS x
Third party fulfillment providers
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
shipNode | string | The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. |
shipNodeName | string | Name of the fulfillment center |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_ThirdPartyFulfilmentCenters AS
CALL walmart.ThirdPartyFulfilmentCenters ()
) AS x
Get Trending Item List
<departmentId> (required): departmentId
<categoryId> (optional): categoryId
<timeFrame> (optional): Returns all trending items for the given time frame in days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
brand | string | Specifies the item brand |
categoryName | string | The categories this item belongs to |
departmentName | string | The department this product belongs to |
existsForSeller | integer | if seller is selling this item |
isTwoDayEligible | integer | if the item can be shipped in two days |
isbn | string | International Standard Book Number |
issn | string | International Standard Serial Number |
itemId | string | Specifies the item identifier generated by Walmart |
productName | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the product name |
rank | integer | Level of trending for this item |
subCategoryName | string | The subCategoryName this item belongs to |
superDepartmentName | string | The superDepartmentName this item belongs to |
totalOffers | integer | Total number of item stored by seller |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_TrendingResult AS
CALL walmart.TrendingResult (
categoryId => NULL,
departmentId => '1043024',
timeFrame => NULL
) AS x;;
Checks token permissions
Attribute | Type |
expire_at | timestamp |
issued_at | timestamp |
is_valid | boolean |
reports | string |
item | string |
shipping | string |
price | string |
lagtime | string |
feeds | string |
returns | string |
orders | string |
rules | string |
inventory | string |
content | string |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_TokenDetail AS
CALL walmart.TokenDetail ()
) AS x
Unpubished Item
<fromDate> (required): Returns all unpublished items count with reason codes since the given date
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
unpublishedCount | string | total count for unpublished Item |
unpublishedReasonCode | string | the reason why item is unpublished |
unpublishedValue | string | total value for unpublished Item |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_UnpublishedItemCount AS
CALL walmart.UnpublishedItemCount (
) AS x;;
Unpublished Items
<fromDate> (required): Returns all unpublished items since the given date
<itemsWithInventory> (optional): Filter the item list to return only items that have inventory
<marketTrending> (optional): Filter the item list to return only items that are trending on Walmart
<offerLifecycleStatus> (optional): The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED
<unpublishedReasonCode> (optional): Unpublished reason code
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | String of letters and/or numbers a partner uses to identify the item |
brand | string | Specifies the item brand |
conversionRate | integer | Percentage of number of items that are converted into sales |
customerRating | bigdecimal | An average rating number for the item from customers |
gmvAmount_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical value of the price |
gmvAmount_currency | string | The currency type |
gtin | string | The GTIN-compatible Product ID (i.e. UPC or EAN) |
itemId | string | Specifies the item identifier generated by Walmart |
lifecycleStatus | string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle |
marketPrice_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical value of the price |
marketPrice_currency | string | The currency type |
marketTrending | string | If item is trending in walmart |
offerEndDate | date | The Date when item becomes unavailable to sell in Walmart |
offerStartDate | date | The Date when item becomes available to sell in Walmart |
pageViews | integer | number of times this item is viewed by customers |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The numerical value of the price |
price_currency | string | The currency type |
productName | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the product name |
productType | string | A seller-specified, alphanumeric string uniquely identifying the Product Type |
publishStatus | string | The status of an item when the item is in the submission process |
unpublishReasons | string | It outlines the reason for an item when unpublished |
unpublishedDate | date | The Date item becomes to Unpublished |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_UnpublishedItems AS
CALL walmart.UnpublishedItems (
itemsWithInventory => NULL,
marketTrending => NULL,
offerLifecycleStatus => NULL,
unpublishedReasonCode => NULL
) AS x;;
Available to Sell inventory quantities for all WFS items in your catalog
<fromModifiedDate> (optional): last inventory modified date - starting range
<toModifiedDate> (optional): last inventory modified date - ending range
<sku> (optional): An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
sku | string | An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item |
availToSellQty | integer | The available quantity is the quantity of an item that is available to be allocated to orders |
onHandQty | integer | The on-hand balance is the quantity of active inventory stored at the warehouse |
shipNodeType | string | Identifies fulfillment aspect of invetory |
modifiedDate | timestamp | Last changes date for the item |
CREATE VIEW walmart_examples.example_WfsInventory AS
CALL walmart.WfsInventory (
fromModifiedDate => NULL,
sku => 'DIM200_2',
toModifiedDate => NULL
) AS x;;