Amazon Vendor Central Jobs Templates
Alternate Purchase
Alternate Purchase
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_AlternatePurchase |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
endDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
purchasedAsin | string | ASIN of purchased item |
purchasedPct | bigdecimal | Purchased pct |
purchasedRank | bigdecimal | Purchased rank |
Item Comparison Report
Item Comparison Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_ItemComparison |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
endDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
comparedAsin | string | ASIN of compared item |
comparedPct | bigdecimal | Compared pct |
comparedRank | bigdecimal | Compared rank |
Market Basket Analysis Report
Market Basket Analysis Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_MarketBasketAnalysis |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
endDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
purchasedWithAsin | string | Purchased with ASIN |
purchasedWithRank | bigdecimal | Purchased with rank |
combinationPct | bigdecimal | Combination pct |
Vendor purchase orders
Vendor purchase orders
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_PurchaseOrders |
Input Parameters
- createdAfter (optional): Created after. Purchase orders that became available after this time will be included in the result
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | The purchase order number for this order. Formatting Notes: 8-character alpha-numeric code |
purchaseOrderState | string | This field will contain the current state of the purchase order |
orderDetails_purchaseOrderDate | timestamp | The date the purchase order was placed |
orderDetails_purchaseOrderStateChangedDate | timestamp | The date when current purchase order state was changed. Current purchase order state is available in the field 'purchaseOrderState' |
orderDetails_purchaseOrderType | string | Type of purchase order |
orderDetails_paymentMethod | string | Payment method used |
orderDetails_buyingParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
orderDetails_sellingParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
orderDetails_shipToParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
orderDetails_billToParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
orderDetails_deliveryWindow_from | timestamp | This indicates the delivery window 'from' border |
orderDetails_deliveryWindow_to | timestamp | This indicates the delivery window 'to' border |
orderDetails_items_amazonProductIdentifier | string | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item |
orderDetails_items_isBackOrderAllowed | boolean | When true, we will accept backorder confirmations for this item |
orderDetails_items_itemSequenceNumber | string | Numbering of the item on the purchase order. The first item will be 1, the second 2, and so on |
orderDetails_items_listPrice_amount | bigdecimal | A decimal number with no loss of precision. Useful when precision loss is unacceptable, as with currencies |
orderDetails_items_listPrice_currencyCode | string | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. String of length 3 |
orderDetails_items_netCost_amount | bigdecimal | A decimal number with no loss of precision. Useful when precision loss is unacceptable, as with currencies |
orderDetails_items_netCost_currencyCode | string | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. String of length 3 |
orderDetails_items_orderedQuantity_amount | integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero |
orderDetails_items_orderedQuantity_unitOfMeasure | string | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity |
orderDetails_items_orderedQuantity_unitSize | integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases |
orderDetails_items_vendorProductIdentifier | string | The vendor selected product identification of the item |
Vendor purchase order statuses
Vendor purchase order statuses
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_PurchaseOrdersStatus |
Input Parameters
- createdAfter (optional): Created after. Purchase orders that became available after this time will be included in the result
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | The buyer's purchase order number for this order. Formatting Notes: 8-character alpha-numeric code |
purchaseOrderStatus | string | The status of the buyer's purchase order for this order |
purchaseOrderDate | timestamp | The date the purchase order was placed |
lastUpdatedDate | timestamp | The date when the purchase order was last updated |
sellingParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
shipToParty_partyId | string | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details |
acknowledgementStatus_acceptedQuantity_amount | integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero |
acknowledgementStatus_acceptedQuantity_unitOfMeasure | string | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity |
acknowledgementStatus_acceptedQuantity_unitSize | integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases |
acknowledgementStatus_confirmationStatus | string | Confirmation status of line item |
acknowledgementStatus_rejectedQuantity_amount | integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero |
acknowledgementStatus_rejectedQuantity_unitOfMeasure | string | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity |
acknowledgementStatus_rejectedQuantity_unitSize | integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases |
buyerProductIdentifier | string | Buyer's Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item |
itemSequenceNumber | string | Numbering of the item on the purchase order. The first item will be 1, the second 2, and so on |
listPrice_amount | bigdecimal | A decimal number with no loss of precision. Useful when precision loss is unacceptable, as with currencies |
listPrice_currencyCode | string | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. String of length 3 |
netCost_amount | bigdecimal | A decimal number with no loss of precision. Useful when precision loss is unacceptable, as with currencies |
netCost_currencyCode | string | Three digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. String of length 3 |
orderedQuantity_orderedQuantity_amount | integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero |
orderedQuantity_orderedQuantity_unitOfMeasure | string | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity |
orderedQuantity_orderedQuantity_unitSize | integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases |
receivingStatus_receiveStatus | string | Receive status of the line item |
receivingStatus_receivedQuantity_amount | integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero |
receivingStatus_receivedQuantity_unitOfMeasure | string | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity |
receivingStatus_receivedQuantity_unitSize | integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases |
vendorProductIdentifier | string | The vendor selected product identification of the item |
Vendor Inventory Report
Vendor Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_Report_Inventory |
Input Parameters
- distributorView (optional): Distributor view. Specifies the distributor view of the report
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
distributorView | string | Specifies the distributor view of the report. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING |
marketplaceIds | string | Marketplace ids |
part | string | Part of the report |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | Start date of the date range |
endDate | date | End date of the date range |
aged90PlusDaysSellableInventoryCost_amount | bigdecimal | Amount of the aged 90+ days sellable inventory cost |
aged90PlusDaysSellableInventoryCost_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the aged 90+ Days sellable inventory cost |
aged90PlusDaysSellableInventoryUnits | bigdecimal | Units of the aged 90+ days sellable inventory |
averageVendorLeadTimeDays | bigdecimal | Average vendor lead time days |
netReceivedInventoryCost_amount | bigdecimal | Amount of the aged net received inventory cost |
netReceivedInventoryCost_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the net received inventory cost |
netReceivedInventoryUnits | bigdecimal | Units of the net received inventory |
openPurchaseOrderUnits | bigdecimal | Open purchase order units |
sellableOnHandInventoryCost_amount | bigdecimal | Amount of the sellable on hand inventory cost |
sellableOnHandInventoryCost_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the sellable on hand inventory cost |
sellableOnHandInventoryUnits | bigdecimal | Units of the sellable on hand inventory |
sellThroughRate | bigdecimal | Sell through rate |
unfilledCustomerOrderedUnits | bigdecimal | Unfilled customer ordered units |
unhealthyInventoryCost_amount | bigdecimal | Amount of the unhealthy inventory cost |
unhealthyInventoryCost_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the unhealthy inventory cost |
unhealthyInventoryUnits | bigdecimal | Units of the unhealthy inventory |
unsellableOnHandInventoryCost_amount | bigdecimal | Amount of the unsellable on hand inventory cost |
unsellableOnHandInventoryCost_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the unsellable on hand inventory cost |
unsellableOnHandInventoryUnits | bigdecimal | Units of the unsellable on hand inventory |
Net Pure Product Margin Report
Net Pure Product Margin Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_Report_NetPureProductMargin |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
endDate | date | The date the data for this report became available |
type | string | Type |
netPureProductMargin | bigdecimal | The Net PPM allows you to know the level of profitability of Amazon on your products. If the Net PPM decreases, it means that Amazon is losing profitability on the product and may stop selling it |
Vendor Sales Report
Vendor Sales Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_Report_Sales |
Input Parameters
- distributorView (optional): Distributor view. Specifies the distributor view of the report
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
distributorView | string | Specifies the distributor view of the report. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING |
marketplaceIds | string | Marketplace ids |
part | string | Part of the report |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | Start date of the date range |
endDate | date | End date of the date range |
customerReturns | bigdecimal | Goods returned by customers are the number of units returned by customers |
orderedRevenue_amount | bigdecimal | Ordered Revenue is the number of units ordered multiplied by the average retail price of each unit. It's how much revenue you can expect based on orders that have been actually placed, but these units have not necessarily shipped |
orderedRevenue_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the Ordered Revenue |
orderedUnits | bigdecimal | Ordered Units |
shippedCogs_amount | bigdecimal | Shipped COGS (cost of goods sold) is shipped units multiplied by the average wholesale price of units. Shipped COGS tends to be the number most brands care about the most because it relates the most to their sales |
shippedCogs_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the Shipped COGS |
shippedRevenue_amount | bigdecimal | Shipped Revenue is also important, but is not as important to vendors as shipped COGS because it is a measure of revenue going to Amazon - not the vendor. Shipped COGS specifically refers to the revenue that goes to the vendor |
shippedRevenue_currencyCode | string | Currency code of the Shipped Revenue |
shippedUnits | bigdecimal | Number of product units shipped to Amazon customers |
Vendor Traffic Report
Vendor Traffic Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Vendor_Report_Traffic |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceIds | string | Marketplace ids |
part | string | Part of the report |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
startDate | date | Start date of the date range |
endDate | date | End date of the date range |
glanceViews | bigdecimal | A glance view if the number of times someone viewed your Product Detail Page |