Connections and Models
This table supplies information on dynamic connections.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Full connection name |
name | string | Connection name |
jndiName | string | JNDI name |
template | string | Translator name (e.g. postgresql , mysql , etc.) |
properties | string | Connection properties in the CSV format (e.g. host=localhost , port=5432 , db=test_tables , user-name=user1 , password=pass1) |
failed | boolean | Flag to signal failed/not failed state of the connection |
connectionUrl | string | Connection URL (e.g. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test_tables ) |
driverName | string | Name of the driver (e.g. org.postgresql ) |
driverClass | string | Name of the driver class (e.g. org.postgresql.Driver ) |
userName | string | Username |
archive | string | Archive file used by the resource adapter |
className | string | Class name |
configProperties | string | Additional configuration properties |
creationDate | timestamp | Timestamp and time when the connection was created |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | Timestamp when the connection was last modified |
creator | string | User who created the connection |
modifier | string | User who last modified the connection |
encryptedProperties | string | Encrypted properties |
This table supplies information on dynamic models.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Model name |
translator | string | Translator name (e.g. postgresql , mysql , etc.) |
modelProperties | string | Properties for the model (e.g. importer.useFullSchemaName=false , import.schemaPattern=public ) |
translatorProperties | string | Properties for the translator (e.g. UseStreamingResults=true ) |
schema_text | clob | DDL script for creating the schema |
failed | boolean | Flag to signal failed/not failed state of the data source |
creationDate | timestamp | Timestamp when the data source was created |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | Timestamp when the data source was last modified |
creator | string | User who created the data source |
modifier | string | User who modified the data source |
encryptedModelProperties | string | Encrypted model properties |
encryptedTranslatorProperties | string | Encrypted translator properties |
This table supplies information on JBoss CLI templates.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Template ID |
name | string | Template name |
createScript | string | CLI script which creates a data source/resource adapter |
dropScript | string | CLI script which removes a data source/resource adapter |
creationDate | timestamp | Template creation date |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | Template last modification date |
creator | string | Name of the user who created the template |
modifier | string | Name of the user who last modified the template |
hiddenProps | string | Comma-separated list of properties that will be stored encrypted |
This table supplies information about modular connectors available on the server.
Column Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the modular connector required by the
procedure |
translator | string | Translator name of the modular connector |
version | integer | Version of the modular connector |
deployed | boolean | Flag indicating if the modular connector is deployed |
dependency | string | Base modular connectors. Connectors required to be deployed before deploying this modular connector |
This table is used by the license generator to validate the data sources provided in the allowedDatasources
Column Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Translator name |
javaClass | string | Translator java class |
This table holds SMTP settings.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | SMTP server hostname/address |
port | integer | SMTP server port |
ssl | boolean | TRUE if the SMTP server requires SSL |
starttls | boolean | TRUE if the SMTP server requires TLS |
username | string | Username to connect to SMTP server if required |
password | timestamp | Password to connect to SMTP server if required |
fromAddr | string | Address to be used as 'from' address |