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Job Types

Pipes supports the following types of jobs:

  • Predefined connector jobs
  • Built-in advanced replication jobs
  • Custom SQL jobs

Most connector and advanced replication jobs are defined in SQL, so they can be viewed and edited as SQL statements.

Predefined Connector Jobs

These jobs extract data from connectors and can have some parameters specific to the connector. They can be created from the data source page, and jobs for some data sources (Google Analytics, XML/JSON/CSV) can also be created via the corresponding wizards.

Built-in Advanced Replication Jobs

There are several types of such jobs:

  • Full/CopyOver
  • Incremental
  • Batch Update
  • History Update
  • Upsert Update

All of them can be created from the object browser in the Code Editor, and full/CopyOver and incremental replication jobs can also be created from the data source page. For more information, please see the subpage.

Custom SQL Jobs

These jobs can be created from the Code Editor - for more information, please refer to Creating Jobs.

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