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Creating Jobs

You can create a new job either in the Jobs tab (for predefined connector jobs and full/CopyOver and incremental jobs) or via the Code Editor (for custom SQL jobs).

Creating a Job in the Jobs Tab

To create a new job without leaving the Jobs tab, click the + New Job button. You will be taken to the job creation page:

The process is straightforward:

  1. Select the data source for the new job.
  2. Select data to replicate (use search for quicker access to the needed template, view, or table).
  3. Depending on your choice during the previous stage, you may need to select the replication type of the new job (full or incremental).

Creating a Job via the Code Editor

This is a Pipes Pro feature

To create a new job using the Code Editor, open the tab:

Here, you have two possibilities: use the Browser to find the entity you need and create a job for it, or click the + Create SQL Job button in the top right corner.

Creating a Job using the Browser

You can create a new job from the Browser in several easy steps:

  1. Select the data source you need.
  2. Find the entity you need, click on it, then click + Create New Job and + Create Replication Job:
  3. You will then be taken to the job creation window:
  4. Select the job type (see Job Types for more information on each type), and fill in the fields according to the selected type.
  5. Check and fine-tune the advanced options - they are similar for all types: number of parallel runs allowed, whether or not to retry the job in case of failure, and run timeout in minutes.
  6. Define the schedule for the new job.

Creating a Job using the + Create SQL Job Button

If you are an advanced SQL user and would prefer to write your own script for a new job, you can do so here. Make sure to include a destination for the job result (e.g. by using SELECT INTO or INSERT INTO).

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