Upgrade Guide
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This guide describes the steps required to perform the Data Virtuality Server upgrade by transferring all the settings to the new version. The steps are numerous, and some may be time-consuming, but the server downtime is much shorter than the upgrade process!
The process below is based on the assumption that the new version of Data Virtuality will be installed on the same server instead of the old one (the lowest version of the source Data Virtuality Server the upgrade was tested for is 2.0.51).
For complex installations, to minimize the downtime of the productive server, it may be advisable to install the Data Virtuality Server on a new server instance and swap the instances once the upgrade is done. This option is not covered in this guide, but you are welcome to contact our support team for more information!
Some steps are common and mandatory, and some steps are required only if your installation has certain features (to check if your installation has them, please see the Pre-update Checks section below):
- It uses a non-embedded configuration database;
- It uses LDAP authentication;
- There were customizations to the old server's settings.
The process may seem complicated, but our support team will be here for you! We encourage you to notify our support engineers about the planned time for the upgrade and reach out to them in case of any issues or if something in the guide is unclear.
For your convenience of planning, all steps are divided into three stages: before downtime, during downtime, and after downtime.
Here's what you will need to upgrade your Data Virtuality Server:
- Data Virtuality Server release package for the new version (ask our support team for it);
- What's New document (our support team will provide it along with the release package);
- Credentials for your Data Virtuality Server admin account (you need admin access to perform the upgrade);
- You may also need a facade (a specially designed set of queries) to export configuration from older versions. To check if you need a facade file and get the correct file for your version, please see our documentation on the Data Virtuality Upgrade Utility (Exporter) and ask our support team.
Pre-update Checks
Configuration Database Type
The Data Virtuality Server comes with a bundled PostgreSQL database. However, your installation may be using an external database. You can check which database your installation uses by opening the dvconfig.conf.props(.bat) file in the dvserver/bin/ folder. If a database with port 54322 is configured, it is the embedded one; otherwise, it is an external one.
From Version 2.4, we recommend using the embedded database as default. But using an external PostgreSQL database also continues to be a possibility.
LDAP Authentication
Here is the procedure you can use to check which authentication type is being used:
SELECT * FROM (CALL "SYSADMIN.getAuthMechanism"()) a;;
History Tables
The audit log functionality will be reset after the upgrade. If you want to keep the old logs, back up the history tables by replicating them into tables in the Analytical Storage.
You can find detailed information on history tables in the Logs and History section of System Tables.
Customized Settings
If your server has been patched, the upgrade may need additional steps depending on the patch(es). Please consult our support team before proceeding with the upgrade.
Upgrade Process
Before Downtime
- Check and review the What's New document for breaking changes (they are highlighted in red). No need to read through the entire document - look up your current version and compare it with the latest. If you are using the DV Synchronization Tool, please note that syncing may stop until both systems are updated in case the JDBC driver changes.
Check for failed data sources, connections, views, procedures, recommended optimizations (RecOpts), and jobs, and export them to a DWH table (e.g.
). This is important because the output of this check will be used after the upgrade for verification - to identify if any new objects got broken.
To do this, you can use one of the following commands depending on your version of the Data Virtuality Server:Below 2.1.19:
SQLSELECT name, translator AS details, 'DataSource' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.DataSources" WHERE failed = true UNION SELECT name, properties AS details, 'Connection' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.Connections" WHERE failed = true UNION SELECT name, failureReason AS details, 'View' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.ViewDefinitions" WHERE state <> 'READY' UNION SELECT name, failureReason AS details, 'Proc' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.ProcDefinitions" WHERE state <> 'READY' UNION SELECT "MatchDescriptor" AS name, 'sourceState: ' || "sourceState" || ', sourceStateComment: ' || "sourceStateComment" || ', ' || "dwhStateComment" || ', lastReplicationState: ' || "lastReplicationState" || ', lastReplicationStateComment: ' || "lastReplicationStateComment" AS details, 'RecOpt' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.RecommendedOptimizations" WHERE "sourceState" <> 'OK' OR "dwhState" <> 'OK' OR "lastReplicationState" <> 'OK' UNION SELECT "description" AS name, 'jobType: ' || "jobType" || ', lastExecutionStatus: ' || lastExecutionStatus || ', lastExecutionFailureReason: ' || "lastExecutionFailureReason" AS details, 'Job' AS type FROM "SYSADMIN.ScheduleJobs" WHERE "lastExecutionStatus" <> 'SUCCESS' ORDER BY type;;
2.1.19 and above:
- Download the new Data Virtuality Server release and extract it to a temporary directory. If upgrading a Data Virtuality Server running on Windows using the zip archive, unblock the archive file before extracting it (right-click on the file properties and select 'Unblock' from the context menu).
Go to <new Data Virtuality Server release folder>/dvserver/bin/cli-export-1.0 and execute export.sh (on Linux) or export.bat (on Windows). This will generate the CLI file and the SQL files for export.
Here are the calls for both operating systems:For Linux:
BASH./export.sh --username <account with admin permissons> --password <password> --host localhost --export-jboss-settings true --use-model-file true --use-maintenance-mode true [--dv-facade-file <path to facade file>]
For Windows:
BASHexport.bat --username <account with admin permissons> --password <password> --host localhost --export-jboss-settings true --use-model-file true --use-maintenance-mode true [--dv-facade-file <path to facade file>]
After executing the command, remember to check that the files were produced and are not empty. If no export is produced, please contact our support team before continuing.
If you use LDAP authentication, get the default admin role from dvconfig. To do this, connect to dvconfig:
Connect to the config db (the password is "dvconfig"): <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/ dvserver/pgsql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 54322 -U dvconfig dvconfig (Linux) or <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>\ DVServer\pgsql\bin\psql.exe -h localhost -p 54322 -U dvconfig (Windows);
Run the
statement:For source versions 2.3.x and 2.4.1:
SQLSELECT * FROM <dv configuration schema>.dv__ldap_permissions WHERE id = 1;
For source version 2.4.2:
SQLSELECT * FROM <dv configuration schema>.dv__ldap_permissions WHERE deleteonrestart=true;
The <dv configuration schema> is public for embedded configuration database. For non-embedded config, it is usually dvconfig, but can be different for each configuration. Please consult dvconfig.conf.props(.bat) or standalone.conf.props(.bat) to see the configuration of your system.
- Delete the license.lic file from the new release folder <new Data Virtuality Server release folder>/dvserver/standalone/data/datavirtuality (you do not need it as you already have your license which will be valid for the updated Data Virtuality Server as well).
- Copy the standalone.conf.props(.bat) file from the old to the new server, and remove config db settings if present.
- Adapt the standalone.conf(.bat) file with any additional settings from your previous version (check the old analytic_storage_on_different_host_dv value).
- If the old server had imported non-standard SSL certificates, it would be necessary to also add these certificates to the new server, to the certificate store file called <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/JDK/lib/security/cacerts. There are two options for doing so:
- If you have copies of the original certificate files, please import them into the certificate store as described in the documentation;
- Copy the bundled Java keystore file named cacerts from the old release (please back up the existing
file first). In versions below 2.4, it is located in the <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/JDK/jre/lib/security/cacerts folder, and in 2.4, its location is <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/JDK/lib/security/cacerts. Please copy the file into the <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/JDK/lib/security/ folder of the new server. It is recommended to use the first approach if possible because, with the second approach, some updated certificates which came with the newer Java version would not be used.
- In case of any custom or not covered above changes to the DV components like embedded JDK, embedded Postgres database, WildFly configuration, etc., transfer these settings to the new system.
- Change permissions on the dvserver folder and child items (check against permissions on the old release folder for comparison). This is mandatory for Linux (you can use
chown -R datavirtuality:datavirtuality dvserver
) and normally not required on Windows, unless there are specific requirements on your side. - The upgrade does not preserve audit log information. If necessary, export the audit log tables from the old server into a separate database, as the content of the audit tables will not be transferred during the upgrade. The audit tables are located in the SYSLOG schema in the Data Virtuality server. Please export or copy any tables containing the information you need to preserve for the future.
During Downtime
- Shut down the Data Virtuality Server.
- Check that the embedded PostgreSQL database (the process is <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/bin/postgres on Linux and postgres.exe on Windows) has stopped after the old server has been shut down.
If not, shut it down manually using <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/embeddedPg_stop.bat or <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/embeddedPg_stop.sh . If the PostgreSQL database is still running after that, use thekill
orkill -9
command on Linux or thetaskkill
command on Windows. - Rename the old server folder (for example, by adding the version number to its name), then move the new server to the final location.
Start the Data Virtuality Server.
- If you are using standard authentication: At this point, the Data Virtuality Server is configured with standard credentials (admin/admin). Please change the admin password before proceeding.
If you are using LDAP authentication: Connect to the config db (the password is "dvconfig"): <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/ dvserver/pgsql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 54322 -U dvconfig dvconfig.
Import JBoss settings via CLI files from the command line. These are the files you need:
BASH<Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/dvserver/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=<...>/yyyy-mm-dd-hh_mm_ss_dv_jboss_config_buffer.cli <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/dvserver/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=<...>/yyyy-mm-dd-hh_mm_ss_dv_jboss_config_concurrency.cli <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/dvserver/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=<...>/yyyy-mm-dd-hh_mm_ss_dv_jboss_config_jdbc_odbc.cli <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/dvserver/bin/jboss-cli.sh --file=<...>/yyyy-mm-dd-hh_mm_ss_dv_jboss_config_login_module.cli
If you are using LDAP authentication: Edit the dvserver-standalone.xml file: search for the correct login module, and add the
element. The value should be the role read in step 2.6.
For more detail, please see our guide on LDAP authentication.- Restart the Data Virtuality Server.
Import data sources with DSQL (the Data Virtuality command-line client). The file you need is yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss_dv-export-datasources.sql, and here's an example call for the import:
For Linux:
SQL./dsql.sh -u <account with admin permissions> -p <password> -h localhost --sourcefile <path to SQL file>
For Windows:
SQL./dsql.bat username=<account with admin permissions> password=<password> host=localhost sourcefile=<path to SQL file>
- Restore schemas, views, and procedures with DSQL (file yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss_dv-export-views-and-procedures.sql).
- If the old Data Virtuality Server version is older than 2.4.15:
- Open the file yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss_dv-export-etc.sql with a text editor
- and search for the command
EXEC SYSADMIN.setDefaultOptionValue("opt" => 'ALLOW_CARTESIAN', "val" => '...') OPTION $NOFAIL.
- If
, please comment out or remove that command.
- Restore optimizations, jobs, and schedules with DSQL (file yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss_dv-export-etc.sql).
- Please check the schedules of system jobs (all jobs having job type "backup", "cleanup", or "performance") for duplicated schedules. Delete duplicate schedules of system jobs if present.
Delete performance counters using this command:
SQLEXEC "SYSLOG.clearPerformanceLogs"();;
This is the end of the downtime and, effectively, the end of the upgrade. The rest of the steps are different checks to ensure that everything worked well and some cleaning up.
- Shut down the Data Virtuality Server.
After Downtime
- Check that the backup job runs and produces the backup SQL files. Also, make sure that backup SQL files are not stored directly in the dvserver directory, for example, not <Data Virtuality Installation Folder>/dvserver/backups but rather /home/<username>/backups, C:\Backups or similar location outside of Data Virtuality folder). Note that starting from version 2.3.13, the Data Virtuality Server has a default backup system job. You may want to configure this job (using SQL) and deactivate any previous backup jobs.
- Manually run jobs that were not executed because of the server downtime (or all, if the number of jobs is reasonable).
- Install the new Data Virtuality Studio.
- Connect to the server via the Data Virtuality Studio.
- If necessary, compare failed objects to the pre-update state and repair in the following order: data sources (modular connector deployment), procedures, views, jobs, and optimizations.
That's all! Some additional steps are required if you are using LDAP authentication or if there were certain custom changes to the old server:
- If you are not using LDAP authentication, change the admin password from the default one;
- If customizations were applied to the old server to configure HTTPS for the embedded web server, migrate them to the new server;
- If customizations were applied to default ports, migrate them to the new server;
- If anonymous SSL mode was changed to 1-way or 2-way SSL, migrate those settings to the new server;
- If customizations were applied for a proxy configuration, migrate them to the new server.
In this section, we describe how to revert the upgrade, but before proceeding, we would like to point out that a rollback should be a last resort. If something has come up during the upgrade, please contact our support team - they will be here to help!
That being said, this is how to perform the rollback:
- Stop the server if it is running.
- Check that the embedded PostgreSQL database (the process is <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/bin/postgres on Linux and postgres.exe on Windows) has stopped after the old server has been shut down.
If not, shut it down manually using <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/embeddedPg_stop.bat or <Data Virtuality Installation Folder> /dvserver/pgsql/embeddedPg_stop.sh . If the PostgreSQL database is still running after that, use thekill
orkill -9
command on Linux or thetaskkill
command on Windows. - Rename the dvserver folder to dvserver_<newRelease>_<date> (e.g., dvserver_241_2021-03-01).
Unzip the old dvserver folder by running this command on Linux or similar operations in Windows Explorer:
SQLcd /opt/datavirtuality unzip dvserver.zip
- Start the Data Virtuality Server.