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Cleanup Job Parameters

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Getting and Setting Cleanup Job Parameters

CleanUp job parameters define the conditions used to identify entries to be deleted (their age and usage frequency). These parameters can be viewed and set using the getJobProperty and setJobProperty procedures, respectively.

Getting a Cleanup Job Parameter

CALL "SYSADMIN.getJobProperty"(
    "jobid" => 2,
     "propertyName" => 'CALENDAR_FIELD_VALUE'
) ;;

Setting a Cleanup Job Parameter

CALL "SYSADMIN.setJobProperty"( 
	"jobid" => 2, 
	"propertyName" => 'CALENDAR_FIELD_VALUE', 
	"propertyValue" => '-17'
) ;;


Both procedures take the following parameters:

jobidID of the job; mandatory


Specifies the time measurement unit that is used to determine whether the entry is old enough to be deleted; at the moment, only the DAY_OF_MONTH calendar field type is supported


Specifies the value of the time interval that is used to determine whether the entry is old enough to be deleted; default: 14; mandatory for getJobProperty
FREQUENCYApplicable to optimizations; specifies optimisation usage frequency (optimizations with lower usage frequency are subject to deletion); default: 15

List of Cleanup Jobs Supporting and Not Supporting Parameters

Not all Cleanup jobs support these parameters; they are valid for the following:

  • Clean finished job logs task;
  • Clean finished query logs task;
  • Clean old and never materialized before optimizations task;
  • Clean old histories task;
  • Clean performance metrics task.

These parameters are not supported for the following tasks:

  • Clean invalid indexes task;
  • Clean stale replicator tables task.
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