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Managing Queue Handlers

Creating a Queue Handler

You can create a queue handler using the SYSADMIN.createQueueHandler procedure:

SYSADMIN.createQueueHandler(IN queueHandler string NOT NULL, IN threadCount string NOT NULL)

This procedure takes the following parameters:



queueHandlerUnique queue handler name
threadCountDefines how many jobs can be run in parallel with this handler. Must be greater than or equal to 0. 0 means no jobs can run and all jobs will be placed in queue

Modifying a Queue Handler

To change an existing queue handler, use the SYSADMIN.editQueueHandler procedure:

SYSADMIN.editQueueHandler(IN queueHandler string NOT NULL, IN threadCount string NOT NULL)

This procedure takes the following parameters:



queueHandlerQueue handler name to be edited
threadCountThread count for this queue handler. Must be greater than or equal to 0 for all handlers except system. For the system handler, must be greater than 0. 0 means no jobs can run and all jobs will be placed in queue. The service queue handler cannot be changed

Deleting a Queue Handler

To drop a queue handler, you can use the SYSADMIN.dropQueueHandler procedure:

SYSADMIN.dropQueueHandler(IN queueHandler string NOT NULL)

This procedure takes the following parameters:



queueHandlerQueue handler name to be dropped. service, system, and default handlers cannot be dropped

Cleaning Up a Job Queue

You can delete jobs from a queue using the SYSADMIN.cleanupJobQueue procedure:

SYSADMIN.cleanupJobQueue(IN jobQueueItemIDs string NOT NULL, IN queueHandler string NOT NULL)

This procedure takes the following parameters:



jobQueueItemIDsAn array of job queue item IDs. See SYSADMIN.JobQueue. To define one item ID, use the ('<itemID>',) notation
queueHandlerQueue handler. All jobs with this queue handler are deleted from the queue if this parameter is set

Only one parameter can be used. An error is displayed if both parameters are defined.


1. Deleting one item from the queue:

CALL SYSADMIN.cleanupJobQueue(jobQueueItemIDs => ('f1333218-95a4-11ec-8948-0a002700000a',))

2. Deleting two items from the queue:

CALL SYSADMIN.cleanupJobQueue(jobQueueItemIDs => ('f1333218-95a4-11ec-8948-0a002700000a','f1333218-95a4-11ec-8948-0a002700000b'))
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