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Configuration of JDBC Clients

If it is possible to provide Java VM options within their start script or via a configuration file, the configuration enabling the JDBC client to participate in Kerberos authentication can be done in that start script or configuration file. For details on the configuration of those clients, please refer to this page.

For some clients (like Tableau Desktop), it is not possible for JDBC clients to provide Java VM options within a start script or configuration file. For those clients, the configuration enabling the JDBC client to participate in Kerberos authentication may be individual. For information on the configuration of Tableau Desktop as a JDBC client, please go here.

For all JDBC clients participating in Kerberos authentication, the following steps are mandatory:

  • The configuration file dvclient.conf has to be provided. More details here;
  • A valid Kerberos token has to be present in the client operating system. This token can be requested using the command-line tool kinit. More information here;
  • The JDBC connection URL does not contain any Kerberos-specific details except that it is using the Kerberos-enabled port: jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mm[s]://<dvserver host>:31002.
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