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Tableau Desktop as JDBC Client


The configuration for Tableau Desktop as a JDBC client differs from most JDBC clients because the necessary configuration options cannot be passed directly as Java VM options to Tableau Desktop using a start script or a configuration file. 

Hence, for Tableau Desktop, the options are configured using the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and by direct configuration in a configuration file of the embedded Tableau Desktop Java.

Tableau JDBC Connector

For full Kerberos authentication in Tableau, please do not use the CData Virtuality connector provided in the Tableau Extension Gallery. Instead, download and use this version of the connector. Install the connector in the same way as the version from the Tableau Extension Gallery. Please note that you cannot use both versions of the connector in parallel on the same system.


The first part of the configuration is provided as the system environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:


Please note that <realm> is the name of your Kerberos realm.

Here is an example:


The second part of the configuration is provided in the Tableau Desktop Java configuration file located in C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau <version>\bin\jre\conf\security.

Within this file, search for # Default login configuration file and specify the location of the dvclient.conf file by adding a line as shown below (please note that the path separator must be a forward slash):

# Default login configuration file

Here is an example:

# Default login configuration file

The mandatory steps for all JDBC clients participating in Kerberos authentication are described here.

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