Docker is a platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It uses a container-based approach to virtualization, making it lightweight and portable. With Docker, you can package an application and its dependencies into a single container that can be easily moved between environments.
CData Virtuality image is available from the Docker Hub.
Although CData Virtuality image can run without any volumes attached or ports exposed, we strongly recommend attaching a volume so that CData Virtuality is able to persist needed data. All the data the platform has to keep is concentrated in the /opt/datavirtuality/dvserver/standalone internal folder, so it should be bound to an external volume. In addition, we also recommend exposing platform ports to have a possibility to communicate with the platform. It is listening on the following ports:
Port | Description |
8080/tcp | Plain HTTP for server REST API |
31000/tcp | Plain JDBC |
31001/tcp | SSL JDBC |
35432/tcp | Plain ODBC |
35433/tcp | SSL ODBC |
A single JDBC port is sufficient to be able to manage the platform with the desktop client, so the minimum recommended run command to start the image is the following:
docker run --name dvserver --detach -p 31000:31000 -v <OS PATH>:/opt/datavirtuality/dvserver/standalone datavirtuality/dvserver:3.0.6
CData Virtuality relies upon PostgreSQL Database as an internal configuration database. The image already contains an embedded PostgreSQL database, and if no external database is set, the platform will use an embedded one. In this case, the database files are being stored in the pgsql directory on the attached volume. It is also possible to use an external PostgreSQL database v.9 - v.13, the following environment variables must be set in the container:
Variable | Description |
| IP address or DNS name of the database server |
| Port the server is listening to |
| Database name |
| Username for the connection |
| User's password |
| Schema |