Installing CData Virtuality ODBC (Linux)
To use the CData Virtuality ODBC Driver on Linux, you need to install and configure the driver and a driver manager. The CData Virtuality ODBC Driver currently supports only unixODBC as driver manager.
Installing unixODBC
unixODBC provides the odbcinst
and isql
command line utilities needed to install, configure, and test the driver. To check if unixODBC is installed, you can execute the following command:
$ which isql
If unixODBC is not installed, the suggested way of installing unixODBC is to use the Linux operating system default package repositories. In the most popular Linux distributions unixODBC is included in the package repository by default. If it is not available, it can be obtained at the unixODBC homepage or using the following command (as sudo
Debian / Ubuntu
$ apt-get install unixodbc
RedHat / CentOS
$ yum install unixODBC
Installing CData Virtuality ODBC Driver
- Download the package from the CData Virtuality web interface.
- Install the driver using one of the distribution packages:
- RPM: separate packages for RedHat, CentOS
- DEB: one package for Debian and Ubuntu
As sudo
, execute the following commands:
Debian / Ubuntu
$ dpkg -i dvodbc_<version>_<architecture>.deb
Some dependecies should be fulfilled on RedHat and CentOS before installing the RPM driver. Yum will refuse to install the driver, as it is not signed, but will nevertheless show the missing dependencies:
RedHat / CentOS
$ yum install dv-odbc-<version>-<architecture>.rpm
For example, on CentOS 5.8, it will detect a dependency on libtool-ltdl and unixODBC64-libs. To install the driver, execute the following commands as sudo:
RedHat / CentOS
$ yum install libtool-ltdl unixODBC64-libs
$ rpm -i dv-odbc-<version>-<architecture>.rpm
Configuring unixODBC and CData Virtuality ODBC Driver
You can configure ODBC by editing the odbcinst.ini
and odbc.ini
files. To determine the configuration file location, use this command:
$ odbcinst -j
Configuring the Driver via odbcinst.ini
The configuration in odbcinst.ini lists the installed and configures ODBC database drivers.
[CData Virtuality Unicode(x64)]
Description = CData Virtuality ODBC Driver (Unicode 9.2)
# Driver - the actual location of the file might differ on different Linux distributions
Driver = /usr/lib/
Debug = 0
CommLog = 1
UsageCount = 1
FileUsage = 1
# This entry alters the default thread serialization level. Adaption is mandatory for versions prior unixODBC 2.3.0.
Threading = 0
The actual location of the file might differ on different Linux distributions. To locate the file, you can use the
$ find / -iname '' 2>/dev/null
The threading level needs to be adapted for versions prior to unixODBC 2.3.0. That applies especially for CentOS versions 5 and 6.
Configuring Connection via odbc.ini
The connection can be set up either in ~/.odbc.ini
(user level) or in the global odbc.ini
(system level) file:
[ODBC Data Sources]
# ODBC Data Source name is set here. Can be any arbitrary name.
database1 = My Cool Database
# configuration for the ODBC Data Source
# Description
Description = CData Virtuality example DSN
# Driver must match the name configured in odbcinst.ini
Driver = CData Virtuality Unicode(x64)
# User credentials
Username = admin
Password = admin
# Address of Server
Servername =
# CData Virtuality Server listening port - 35433 for SSL connections, 35432 for non-SSL connections until not configured differently on CData Virtuality Server
Port = 35432
# Database name - must be datavirtuality
Database = datavirtuality
# SSL mode
SSLmode = disable
# Show SystemTables
# The driver will treat system tables as regular tables in SQLTables.
ShowSystemTables = No
# Send to backend on connection
ConnSettings =
# If true, the driver automatically uses declare cursor/fetch to handle SELECT statements
UseDeclareFetch = 1
Connection Test
To check if the ODBC connection is working correctly, you can use the isql
isql connection
$ isql -v database1 <username> <password>