Installing CData Virtuality Studio (Windows)
Technical Specifications
CData Virtuality Studio is an Eclipse RCP-based Java application. It includes a bundled java runtime environment (JRE). For system requirements, please refer to this page.
We strongly recommend having the CData Virtuality Server and Studio on the same version. Updating the CData Virtuality Server requires a rollout of a newer CData Virtuality Studio version to all desktop users.
Downloading the CData Virtuality Studio Installer
The CData Virtuality Server download page (by default, http://serverHost:8080/downloads.html) contains a Studio version matching the version number of the Server. Alternately, you can find it in the CData Virtuality Server file system: <dvserver_install_path>/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war/dvstudio.
When installing the CData Virtuality Suite (a special all-in-one package containing the Server, the Studio, and the ODBC drivers) on a Windows Server machine, the wizard will also install a current CData Virtuality Studio.
For Windows, there is an executable installation wizard for a 32/64-bit system available.
Start the installation by running the installer. Administration permissions are not required.
You can choose between two installation options:
- "Only for me": the default installation path will be like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\CData Virtuality Studio;
- "Anyone who is using this computer" (available when running the installer as Administrator): the default installation path will be like C:\Program Files\CData Virtuality Studio.
The CData Virtuality Studio does not require a specific path to be installed: it will find its files relative to the executable CData Virtuality Studio.exe file.
Alternative Deployment (Unattended Installation)
You can also copy the CData Virtuality Studio folder (containing the CData Virtuality Studio.exe file) to a different machine. Please note that this will disable the option to uninstall via the wizard: you will be able to uninstall by removing the CData Virtuality Studio folder.
Updating the CData Virtuality Studio
You can safely install a newer CData Virtuality Studio over the old installation when using the wizard. For the alternative deployment, please remove the current installation directory completely, then follow the alternative deployment instructions.
Configuration and Paths
By default, the CData Virtuality Studio uses the working directory (called Eclipse Workspace) in C:\Users\<username>\.dvstudio to store connection information and open tabs and their content.
You can configure this path in the CData Virtuality Studio\configuration\config.ini file: osgi.instance.area=@user.home/.dvstudio
To run multiple instances of the CData Virtuality Studio simultaneously, this folder must be different for each instance. Otherwise, you will see the following error message: "Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use by another Eclipse application".
Memory configuration
The java memory used in the CData Virtuality Studio can be configured in the CData Virtuality Studio\CData Virtuality Studio.ini file as follows:
These values are sufficient for most cases, but can be increased if out-of-memory errors appear.
The required ports are as follows:
Port | Value |
incoming | none |
outgoing |
The network access will only target the CData Virtuality Server.