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Kubernetes, Openshift, and Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes and Openshift that allows you to manage and deploy your applications on a Kubernetes cluster. It uses charts - packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources, to make it easy to deploy and manage your applications. With Helm, you can install, upgrade, and roll back your applications with a simple command-line interface.

CData Virtuality Helm Chart

The chart is available via GitHub and deploys a StatefulSet with a single pod consisting of two mandatory and one optional container: CData Virtuality main mandatory container, a PostgreSQL v13 sidecar container (which is also mandatory as CData Virtuality requires a PostgreSQL configuration database for normal work) and an optional Filebeat container that allows collecting all CData Virtuality logs and upload them to an external logs collection database.


To use the charts, Helm version 3 must be configured for your Kubernetes cluster. For instructions on how to set up Kubernetes and Helm clusters, please refer to the relevant documentation:


To install the latest version of the chart, add the Hashicorp helm repository and run helm install:

$ helm repo add dvplatform
"dvplatform" has been added to your repositories

$ helm install dvplatform dvplatform/dvplatform



The Helm chart for CData Virtuality is mainly ready to run. Some values may need to be adjusted, either by using your own values or by editing the default values file included in the chart.


To use Openshift with CData Virtuality, some values in the Helm chart need to be updated: namely, the openshift value in the global section and the entire route section.

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