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Managing Schedules

Enabling/Disabling a Schedule

SYSADMIN.EnableSchedule(<IN biginteger id>, <IN boolean enabled> NOT NULL, <IN string uuid>)

This procedure takes the following parameters:

idID of the schedule to be enabled or disabled
enabledSpecifies if the schedule should be enabled or disabled; may be either TRUE or FALSE
uuidUUID of the schedule to be enabled or disabled

The schedule ID or job UUID must be specified.

uuid parameter in SYSADMIN.enableSchedule is available since v4.4

Deleting a Schedule

SYSADMIN.DeleteSchedule( <IN biginteger id>, <IN string uuid>  )

This procedure takes the following parameter:

idID of the schedule to be deleted
uuidUUID of the schedule to be deleted

uuid parameter in SYSADMIN.DeleteSchedule is available since v4.1

Modifying a Schedule

SYSADMIN.UpdateSchedule( <IN biginteger id>, <IN string type>, <IN biginteger intervl>, <IN biginteger startDelay>, <IN string cronExpression>, <IN boolean enabled>, <IN biginteger chainedToScheduleId>, <IN string chainCondition>, <IN string chainString>, <IN string owner>, <IN string queueHandler>, <IN string uuid> )

This procedure takes the following parameters:

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idID of the schedule to be modified

Can take one of four possible values; depending on the value, some other parameters are required or disregarded:

  • interval: intervl and startDelay parameters are used, cronExpressionchainedToScheduleId, and chainCondition are disregarded
  • cron: cronExpression and startDelay parameters are used, intervl, chainedToScheduleId, and chainCondition are disregarded
  • once: only startDelay and the enabled parameters are used
  • chained:  only chainedToScheduleId and chainCondition parameters are used
intervlHow often to repeat the job in minutes. If this parameter is used, the cronExpression parameter is disregarded
startDelayInitial delay before running the job (only before the 1st iteration, all subsequent iterations are fired in accordance with interval/cron schedule settings)
cronExpressionProvides the Quartz Cron Expression to specify the schedule. If this parameter is used, the intervl parameter is disregarded, but the startDelay parameter is used. This means that depending on the actual configuration, the event may or may not fire at this specific time; however, the trigger will not fire before this time. If we start a schedule at 17:59 with cron string having '18:00' and set the start delay to 2 minutes, the event will actually fire at 18:00 of the following day
enabledEnables the execution of the schedule according to interval or cronExpression parameters
chainedToScheduleIdID of the parent schedule, i.e. this schedule will be executed after the parent schedule if chainCondition is fulfilled

Can take the following possible values:

  • UNCONDITIONAL: this schedule is always executed after the parent schedule)
  • SUCCESS: this schedule is only executed if the parent schedule succeeds
  • FAILURE: this Schedule is only executed if the parent Schedule fails

If NULL is provided, UNCONDITIONAL is set as default

chainStringExpression string when complex dependencies are used; see the section further down for a detailed explanation. If the created schedule depends only on one other schedule then either chainedToScheduleId is not NULL and chainString is NULL, or chainedToScheduleId is NULL, chainCondition is NULL, and chainString is not NULL
ownerName of the schedule owner. Owner could be set to the value that is not equal to the current user only by members of admin-role
queueHandlerName of queue handler
uuidUUID of the schedule to be modified

The schedule ID or UUID must be specified.

Parameter owner can also be modified by using procedure SYSADMIN.changeResourceOwnerAndExecutor()

owner parameter in SYSADMIN.updateSchedule is available since v4.1

uuid parameter in SYSADMIN.updateSchedule is available since v4.5

SYSADMIN.changeResourceOwnerAndExecutor procedure is available since v4.5

Resetting a Schedule


This procedure resets a schedule.

SYSADMIN.resetSchedule( <IN biginteger id> )

This procedure takes the following parameter:

idID of the schedule to be reset

Please note that it creates the mark so that the schedule counts its conditions from that point in time.

SYSADMIN.resetSchedule is available since v4.0.7



See Also

Create Dependent Replication Jobs for a step-by-step guide on how to create a dependent replication job and define a schedule for it

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