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Optimization Jobs

The optimization jobs perform a full replication of data sources related to the recommended optimization into the Analytical Storage. If the job is scheduled more often than once, a new materialized table will be created and assigned to the optimization with every run. Stale tables, which are outdated because a new replication has been done in the meantime, will be deleted by the cleanUp job.

Here is how to create a job for a recommended optimization:

SYSADMIN.createOptimizationJob(IN recOptId biginteger, IN allowIndexCreation string, IN gatherNativeStats boolean, IN indexCreationByStatus string, IN parallelRunsAllowed integer, IN retryCounter integer, IN retryDelay integer, IN runTimeout integer, IN jobName string, IN uuid string, IN recOptUuid string, OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

This procedure returns the id of the newly created job which can then be used for changing it, if necessary:

SYADMIN.changeOptimizationJob(IN jobId biginteger, IN allowIndexCreation string, IN gatherNativeStats boolean, IN indexCreationByStatus string, IN parallelRunsAllowed integer, IN retryCounter integer, IN retryDelay integer, IN runTimeout integer, IN uuid string, IN recOptUuid string, OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

Both procedures use the following parameters:

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recOptIdID of the recommended optimization corresponding to the job to be created. recOptId or recOptUuid or both should be set
jobIdId of the optimization job to be changed (for changeOptimizationJob)
allowIndexCreationString representing the types of the indexes that the system must create after completing the replication. See the ALLOW_INDEX_CREATION section in Default Options for information on which values are allowed. This parameter is optional and the default value is ALL
gatherNativeStatsFlag to define if native statics on the materialized table should be gathered or not when the replication has been completed. This parameter is optional and the default value is TRUE
indexCreationByStatusString representing the status that the indexes must have in order to be created after completing the replication. Please refer to Recommended Index Statusfor a list of possible values. The default value is the value of the recommended optimization's allowIndexCreationByStatus field.
parallelRunsAllowedNumber of parallel runs the job can have; If the number is reached, further starts of the particular job will be ignored. Default: 1
retryCounterNumber of retry attempts before the job is set to FAILED state
retryDelayDelay in seconds between the retry attempts
runTimeout Individual job timeout in minutes. If no runTimeout is set, configuration set via default value option JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT will be considered for the job; if runTimeout is reached before the job is finished, the job terminates with the INTERRUPTED state
jobNameJob's unique identifier; please see jobName for more information
uuidCustom uuid of the job to be created
recOptUuidUUID of the recommended optimization corresponding to the job to be created. recOptId or recOptUuid or both should be set

Here are some examples with and without optional parameters:

CALL SYSADMIN.createOptimizationJob(recOptId => 5) 

CALL SYSADMIN.createOptimizationJob(recOptId => 5, allowIndexCreation => 'JOIN, MANUAL') 

CALL SYSADMIN.createOptimizationJob(recOptId => 5, allowIndexCreation => 'NONE', gatherNativeStats => FALSE)

uuid and recOptUuid parameters in SYSADMIN.createOptimizationJob and changeOptimizationJob are available since v4.1

Deleting a Scheduler Job

This special procedures deletes a scheduler job by id or uuid, only one parameter can be used:

SYSADMIN.deleteSchedulerJob(IN id biginteger, IN uuid string)
uuid parameter in SYSADMIN.deleteSchedulerJob is available since v4.1

Incremental Optimization Jobs

This special type of optimization jobs supports incremental load of data into materialized tables. The CData Virtuality Server updates the rows in the materialized table that corresponds to the evaluation of the newRowCheckExpression parameter, deleting (optionally) and inserting the corresponding rows.

The first run of such a job will be a full replication and include the creation of a new materialized table. It is directly followed by an incremental load, as the first full replication run can take some time and new data may have arrived at the source meanwhile. All further runs will not create new materialized tables: data will be added to the existing one in accordance with the settings of the incremental optimization schedule jobs.

And here is how to create a schedule job for such incremental update:

SYSADMIN.createIncrementalOptimizationJob(IN recOptId biginteger, IN newRowCheckExpression string NOT NULL, IN identityExpression string, IN deleteOldData boolean NOT NULL, IN gatherNativeStats boolean, IN parallelRunsAllowed integer, IN retryCounter integer, IN retryDelay integer, IN runTimeout integer, IN jobName string, IN uuid string, IN recOptUuid string, OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

This procedure returns the id of the newly created job which can then be used for changing it, if necessary:

SYSADMIN.changeIncrementalOptimizationJob(IN jobId biginteger, IN newRowCheckExpression string NOT NULL, IN identityExpression string, IN deleteOldData boolean NOT NULL, IN gatherNativeStats boolean, IN parallelRunsAllowed integer, IN retryCounter integer, IN retryDelay integer, IN runTimeout integer, IN uuid string, IN recOptUuid string, OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

Both procedures use the following parameters:

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recOptIdID of the recommended optimization corresponding to the schedule job to be created. recOptId or recOptUuid or both should be set
jobIdId of the incremental optimization job to be changed (for changeIncrementalOptimizationJob)
newRowCheckExpressionString representing the check expression for the incremental optimization schedule job.  All field names used within a newRowCheckExpression should be wrapped in double quotes
identityExpressionString representing the identity expression for the incremental optimization schedule job expressed in SQL language. If this parameter is null, no identity expressions will be used to delete old rows from the materialized table. All field names used within an identityExpression should be wrapped in double quotes
deleteOldDataDetermines how data which is already in the materialized table and has a matching check expression or a matching identity expression is treated; see below for more information
gatherNativeStatsFlag to define if native statics on the materialized table should be gathered or not when the replication has been completed. This parameter is optional and the default value is FALSE
parallelRunsAllowedNumber of parallel runs the job can have; If the number is reached, further starts of the particular job will be ignored. Default: 1
retryCounterNumber of retry attempts before the job is set to FAILED state
retryDelayDelay in seconds between the retry attempts
runTimeout Individual job timeout in minutes. If no runTimeout is set, configuration set via default value option JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT will be considered for the job; if runTimeout is reached before the job is finished, the job terminates with the INTERRUPTED state
jobNameJob's unique identifier; please see jobName for more information
uuidCustom uuid of the job to be created
recOptUuidUUID of the recommended optimization corresponding to the job to be created. recOptId or recOptUuid or both should be set

uuid and recOptUuid parameters in SYSADMIN.createIncrementalOptimizationJob and SYSADMIN.changeIncrementalOptimizationJob are available since v4.1

Here is how the deleteOldData parameter works:

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner

deleteOldDataidentity expression
is used
data matching
row-check expression
will be deleted
in materialized table
data no
longer present
at source and
row-check expression
will be lost in
materialized table
in source" means
TRUEnoyesyesthe value in the source is
equal or greater
then the maximal value
in materialized table
FALSEnononothe value in the source is
greater than the
maximal value in
materialized table

* Technically, some data will be deleted, but only data

    • which is still present in the source;
    • which has a matching row-check-expression in source;
    • whose identity-expression is already present in materialized table.

It will be inserted into the materialized table again with the new values from the source within a replication job, so effectively those rows are updated.

Here are some examples with different values:

CALL SYSADMIN.createIncrementalOptimizationJob(recOptId => 159, newRowCheckExpression => 'YEAR(orderDate)', identityExpression => null, deleteOldData => true)

CALL SYSADMIN.createIncrementalOptimizationJob(recOptId => 159, newRowCheckExpression => 'YEAR(orderDate)', identityExpression => 'id', deleteOldData => false)

CALL SYSADMIN.createIncrementalOptimizationJob(recOptId => 159, newRowCheckExpression => 'YEAR(orderDate)', identityExpression => 'id', deleteOldData => false, gatherNativeStats => true)

The accessState  of the corresponding materialized table (in SYSADMIN.MaterializedTable) will be set to UPDATING during the execution of the incremental update bob to inform the user that an incremental job is running on the current materialized table. The old (non-updated) values from this materialized table will be returned unless the update has finished. If an error occurs during the incremental update, accessState will be set to INCOMPLETE.

If the server is killed when an incremental job is updating a materialized table, its state will be set to INCOMPLETE when the server restarts.

At the moment, we only support incremental updates on a single table (Recommended Optimizations with type MAT_TABLE). If an incremental optimization job for a MAT_JOIN is created, an error message will be shown to the user.

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