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Virtual Schemas, Views, Procedures and Functions


This table supplies information on virtual schemas.

Column Name




bigintegerVirtual schema ID
namestringVirtual schema name
deletablebooleanFlag to signal whether virtual schema can be deleted or not
creationDatetimestampTimestamp when the virtual schema was created
lastModifiedDatetimestampTimestamp when the virtual schema was last modified
creatorstringName of the user who created the schema
modifierstringName of the user who last modified the schema


This table supplies information on view definitions.

Column Name




stringView name
definitionstringSQL script defining how to create the view
creationDatetimestampTimestamp when the view was created
lastModifiedDatetimestampTimestamp when the view was last modified
statestringState of the view (e.g. READY, WARNING, FAILED)
failureReasonstringReason why the view has FAILED state
inSyncWithSourcebooleanFlag to signal whether the view is in sync with the source tables or not
notInSyncReasonstringReason why a view is not in sync with the source
creatorstringName of the user who created the view definition
modifierstringName of the user who last modified the view definition


This table supplies information on procedure definitions.

Column Name




stringProcedure name
definitionstringSQL script defining how to create the procedure
creationDatetimestampTimestamp when the procedure was created
lastModifiedDatetimestampTimestamp when the procedure was last modified
statestringState of the procedure (e.g. READY, WARNING, FAILED)
failureReasonstringReason why the procedure has FAILED state
creatorstringName of the user who created the procedure
modifierstringName of the user who last modified the procedure


This table supplies information on function definitions.

Column Name




stringFunction name
definitionstringSQL script defining how to create the function
creationDatetimestampTimestamp when the function was created
lastModifiedDatetimestampTimestamp when the function was last modified
statestringState of the function (e.g. READY, WARNING, FAILED)
failureReasonstringReason why the function has FAILED state
creatorstringName of the user who created the function
modifierstringName of the user who last modified the function

SYSADMIN.FunctionDefinitions is available since v4.8

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