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This default option controls whether a data lineage plan is generated and stored for each executed SQL query or not. It can take the following values:

  • Data lineage plan is automatically generated at runtime for each executed SQL query and stored to the configuration database;
  • XML representation of the data lineage plan for SQL query can be retrieved using the SYSADMIN.getDataLineage procedure or EXPLAIN command;
  • SYSLOG.getQueryLogDataLineage procedure returns a stored lineage plan for a specific entry in the SYSLOG.QueryLogs table


  • Data lineage plan is not autogenerated at runtime and thus is not stored;
  • XML representation of the data lineage plan for a specific query can only be obtained via the SYSADMIN.getDataLineage procedure. The EXPLAIN command returns NULL as a value for the DATA_LINEAGE_XML column;
  • SYSLOG.getQueryLogDataLineage returns NULL for the queries executed after setting this value for the ENABLE_DATA_LINEAGE option as there are no stored plans for them;
  • Default value


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