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Connection and Data Source Management

In the CData Virtuality Server, different data sources can be queried using specific connectors. On this page, you will find the syntax and lists of parameters for dedicated stored procedures; for more general information on their use, please refer to the Connecting Data Sources chapter.


This procedure creates a connection:

SYSADMIN.createConnection(IN name string, IN jbossCLITemplateName string, IN connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties string, IN encryptedProperties string)

It takes the following parameters:

nameName of the new connection
jbossCLITemplateNameName of the CLI template used
connectionOrResourceAdapterPropertiesProperties of the new connection, optional
encryptedPropertiesEncrypted properties; optional

The actual JNDI name will be formed from the given name and the CLI template name joined with the minus sign (like template-name).


This procedure imports a connection which will not fail if a connection cannot be established:

SYSADMIN.importConnection(IN name string, IN jbossCLITemplateName string, IN connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties string, IN encryptedProperties string)

It takes the following parameters:

nameName of the imported connection
jbossCLITemplateNameName of the CLI template used
connectionOrResourceAdapterPropertiesProperties of the new connection; optional
encryptedPropertiesEncrypted properties; optional

The actual JNDI name will be formed from the given name and the CLI template name joined with the minus sign (like template-name).


This procedure removes a connection:

SYSADMIN.removeConnection(IN name string)

It takes a single parameter: name of the connection to be removed.


This procedure creates a data source:

SYSADMIN.createDataSource(IN name string, IN translator string, IN modelProperties string, IN translatorProperties string, encryptedModelProperties string, encryptedTranslatorProperties string)

It takes the following parameters:

nameName of the new data source
translatorName of translator
modelPropertiesModel properties; optional
translatorPropertiesTranslator properties; optional
encryptedModelPropertiesEncrypted model properties; optional
encryptedTranslatorPropertiesEncrypted translator properties; optional
If the data source is based on a modular connector, the modular connector should be deployed via the SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector procedure before creating the data source. Please refer to Modular Connectors Management for more details.


This procedure creates a data source together with a connection it is missing or replaces the existing one if any of the data source or connection parameters differ from the existing data source or connection definition:

SYSADMIN.createOrReplaceDatasource(IN name string, IN translator string, IN modelProperties string, IN translatorProperties string, IN encryptedModelProperties string, IN encryptedTranslatorProperties string, IN connectionTemplateName string, IN connectionProperties string, IN connectionEncryptedProperties string, IN enableReplace boolean DEFAULT 'false')

It takes the following parameters:

nameName of the data source and its connection
translatorName of translator
modelPropertiesModel properties; optional
translatorPropertiesTranslator properties; optional
encryptedModelPropertiesEncrypted model properties; optional

Encrypted translator properties; optional

connectionTemplateNameName of the CLI template used
connectionPropertiesProperties of the connection; optional
connectionEncryptedPropertiesEncrypted properties; optional
enableReplaceIf set to TRUE, the procedure will try to replace an existing data source and connection with the same name if any of the parameters differ from the existing definition
If the data source is based on a modular connector, the modular connector should be deployed via the SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector procedure before creating the data source. Please refer to Modular Connectors Management for more details.


This procedure imports a data source:

SYSADMIN.importDataSource(IN name string, IN translator string, IN modelProperties string, IN translatorProperties string, encryptedModelProperties string, encryptedTranslatorProperties string)

It takes the following parameters:

nameName of the imported data source
translatorName of translator
modelPropertiesModel properties; optional
translatorPropertiesTranslator properties; optional
encryptedModelPropertiesEncrypted model properties; optional
encryptedTranslatorPropertiesEncrypted translator properties; optional
If the data source is based on a modular connector, the respective modular connector should be deployed via the SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector procedure before importing the data source. Please refer to Modular Connectors Management for more details.


This procedure removes the specified connection and then recreates it using the stored template name and properties:

SYSADMIN.recreateConnection(IN name string)


This procedure removes the specified data source:

SYSADMIN.removeDataSource(IN name string)


This procedure refreshes the tables:

SYSADMIN.refreshTables(IN schemaName string NOT NULL, IN tableNamePattern string NOT NULL)

It refreshed tables selected by specified pattern (an SQL pattern, as for LIKE clause).

The tableNamePattern value is case-sensitive.

SYSADMIN.refreshTables procedure available since v4.10


This procedure refreshes the specified data source:

SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource(IN name string, OUT reply integer NOT NULL RESULT)

The procedure may have one of the following return values:

Return valueDescription
-1Value returned when refreshing a virtual or system schema (VIEWS, SYS, SYSADMIN, PG_CATALOG, UTILS, SYSADMIN_VDB, SYSLOG, and INFORMATION_SCHEMA)
1Everything is OK
0The procedure has already been called by someone else

SYSADMIN.refreshTables and SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource Parallel Calls Behaviour

SYSADMIN.refreshTables Calls

Calls to SYSADMIN.refreshTables for tables or patterns from the same data source are queued and executed in the order they are invoked. This mechanism prevents concurrency issues by ensuring that calls are handled sequentially.

Combined SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource with SYSADMIN.refreshTables Calls

When SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource calls are combined with SYSADMIN.refreshTables, they are queued and executed in the same sequential manner.

Multiple SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource Calls

If two or more SYSADMIN.refreshDataSource calls for the same data source occur without SYSADMIN.refreshTables calls in between:

  • Only the first query is executed;
  • Subsequent calls will wait for the first query to complete and will receive the same status as the first query upon its completion.


This procedure refreshes the specified schema, physical or virtual:

SYSADMIN.refreshSchema(IN name string)


This procedure refreshes all data sources:



This procedure refreshes all schemas:



This procedure checks the connection with the given properties:

SYSADMIN.testConnection(IN jbossCLITemplateName string, IN connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties string, IN translator string, IN translatorProperties string, IN encryptedProperties string, IN encryptedTranslatorProperties string)

encryptedProperties and encryptedTranslatorProperties properties of SYSADMIN.testConnection are available since v4.4


This procedure returns metadata difference for the specified data source:

SYSADMIN.getDataSourceMetadataDiff(IN name string)


This procedure returns metadata differences for all data sources:



This procedure returns the list of data source catalogs:

SYSADMIN.getCatalogs"("connectionName" => 'connection_name')

It takes a single parameter, the connection name, and returns values which can be used in creating a data source:


Returned values

Additional Information



Connection without a projectId cannot be created


database list


database list


database list

SQL Server

database list


This procedure returns the list of data source schemas:

SYSADMIN.getSchemas"("connectionName" => 'connection_name')

It takes a single parameter, the connection name, and returns values that can be used in creating a data source:


Returned values

Additional Information


Schemas within a project

Connection without a projectId cannot be created


Namespace within a database

Connection without a database cannot be created


Schemas within a database

Without specifying a database, PostgreSQL only lists system schemas and the default one (public) for the default database (postgres)


Schemas within a database

Redshift cannot list schemas without specifying a database


Schema list per database

Lists all schemas if the db property is not specified in the connection. If it is specified, only schemas within this database are listed

SQL Server

Schema list per database

All schemas are listed regardless of a database being specified 


This procedure returns the properties hierarchy for a CData driver in JSON format. The default context is _datahubh.

SYSADMIN.getDataSourcePropertiesHierarchy(IN driverName string NOT NULL, IN context string, OUT hierarchy string)

Mandatory Parameters

The procedure has the following mandatory parameters:

driverNameThe name of the driver

SYSADMIN.getDataSourcePropertiesHierarchy available since v4.6

Connection Properties Validation

Connection properties are validated against the CLI templates when a connection is created, edited, deleted, and tested. Connection parameters not present in the CLI template are not accepted.

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