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Multiple Virtual Databases Support

CData Virtuality supports using several virtual databases in addition to the primary datavirtuality database. These secondary VDBs support the following features:

  • creating virtual schemas;
  • creating views;
  • creating stored procedures;
  • adding data sources;
  • managing users (including instances using LDAP authentication).
Speaking of managing users, users and user roles need to be created and fine-tuned for each virtual database separately (please refer to Access Control for more information). The only exception is the superadmin-role group: users with the role superadmin have full permissions for all virtual databases.

As of now, CData Virtuality does not support the following features for secondary VDBs:

  • Recommendations, recommended optimizations, etc.;
  • Jobs;
  • Visual web-based performance monitoring;
  • SMTP configuration;
  • Changing default options;
  • Changing CLI templates;
  • Deploying and undeploying modular connectors;
  • Access to CData Virtuality Web;
  • Git integration;

Creating a Virtual Database

To create a virtual database, you can use this statement:

CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.createVdb"("name" => 'string_name');;

Deleting a Virtual Database

A virtual database can be deleted by its ID with the following statement (you can look up IDs of all existing virtual databases in the SYSADMIN_VDB.VirtualDatabases table):

CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.dropVdb"("id" => biginteger_id);;
Please be aware that this operation cannot be undone, and a dropped virtual database is gone for good.

Concurrent Query Limits

There are no special limits for multiple virtual databases: the global concurrency limitations are applied.

Backing Up Secondary Virtual Databases

Currently, jobs, including backup jobs, are not supported for secondary virtual databases. To create a backup for any of them, you can use the CData Virtuality Exporter (please note that you need to be logged into the virtual database you want to back up).

See Also

Access Control for information on fine-tuning access to different virtual databases for different users

Virtual Database Management for a procedure to get the currently used virtual database

SYSADMIN_VDB Procedures for details on procedures for working with virtual databases

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