Generic ODBC/JDBC Connection
Connecting via ODBC Driver
The CData Virtuality Suite contains the CData Virtuality ODBC driver, enabling data consumption tools to connect to the CData Virtuality Server using the ODBC protocol. Before using such tools, the CData Virtuality ODBC driver must be installed, and the appropriate DSN must be created.
You can find the installation instruction for the CData Virtuality ODBC driver in the Administration Guide/Installation (Linux/Windows/macOS).
ODBC Parameters
Advanced Options 1/2
Parameter | Description |
Recognize Unique Indexes | Check this option |
Use Declare/Fetch | If TRUE , the driver automatically uses declare cursor/fetch to handle SELECT statements and keeps 100 rows in a cache. This is mostly a great advantage, especially if you are only interested in reading and not updating. It results in the driver not sucking down lots of memory to buffer the entire result set. If set to false, cursors will not be used and the driver will retrieve the entire result set. For very large tables, this is very inefficient and may use up all the Windows memory/resources. However, it may handle updates better since the tables are not kept open, as they are when using cursors. This was the style of the old podbc32 driver. However, the behavior of the memory allocation is much improved so even when not using cursors, performance should at least be better than the old podbc32 |
Parse Statements | Tell the driver how to gather the information about result columns of queries, if the application requests that information before executing the query. See also Server side prepare options below. If this option is enabled, the driver will parse an SQL query statement to identify the columns and tables and gather statistics about them such as precision, nullability, aliases, etc. It then reports this information in SQLDescribeCol, SQLColAttributes, and SQLNumResultCols. When this option is disabled (the default), the query is sent to the server to be parsed and described. If the parser can not deal with a column (because it is a function or expression, etc.), it will fall back to describing the statement in the server. The parser is fairly sophisticated and can handle many things such as column and table aliases, quoted identifiers, literals, joins, cross-products, etc. It can correctly identify a function or expression column, regardless of the complexity, but it does not attempt to determine the data type or precision of these columns |
Ignore Timeout | Ignore SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT set using SQLSetStmtAttr() . Some tools issue SQLSetStmtAttr(.., SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT, ...) internally and sometimes it is difficult for users to change the value |
Unknown Sizes | This controls what SQLDescribeCol and SQLColAttributes will return as to precision for character data types (varchar, text, and unknown) in a result set when the precision is unknown. This was more of a workaround for pre-6.4 versions of PostgreSQL not being able to return the defined column width of the varchar data type.
Data Type Options | Affects how some data types are mapped:
Max Varchar: | The maximum precision of the Varchar and BPChar(char[x]) types. The default is 254 which actually means 255 because of the null terminator. Note, if you set this value higher than 254, Access will not let you index on varchar columns! |
Cache Size: | When using cursors, this is the row size of the tuple cache and the default is 100 rows. If not using cursors, this has no meaning |
Batch Size: | Chunk size when executing batches with arrays of parameters. Setting 1 to this option forces one by one execution (the behavior before) |
MaxLongVarChar: | The maximum precision of the LongVarChar type. The default is 4094 which actually means 4095 with the null terminator. You can even specify (-4) for this size, which is the odbc SQL_NO_TOTAL value |
Use transaction on Declare/Fetch |
Advanced Options 2/2
Parameter | Description |
Read Only | Whether the data source will allow updates |
Show System tables | The driver will treat system tables as regular tables in SQLTables. This is good for Access so you can see system tables |
LF <-> CR/LF conversion | Convert Unix style line endings to DOS style |
Updatable Cursors | Enable the updatable cursor emulation in the driver |
bytea as LO | Allow the use of bytea columns for Large Objects |
Row Versioning | Allows applications to detect whether data has been modified by other users while you are attempting to update a row. It also speeds the update process since every single column does not need to be specified in the where clause to update a row. The driver uses the "xmin" system field of PostgreSQL to allow for row versioning. Microsoft products seem to use this option well. See the <a "https:="""" faq.html"="" style="text-decoration: ; text-align: left;">faq for details on what you need to do to your database to allow for the row versioning feature to be used |
Display Optional Error M | Display optional(detail, hint, statement position etc) error messages |
True is -1 | Represent TRUE as -1 for compatibility with some applications |
Server side prepare | If set, the driver uses server-side prepared statements. See also Parse Statement option. Note that if a query needs to be described before execution, e.g. because the application calls SQLDescribeCol() or SQLNumResultCols() before SQLExecute(), the driver will send a Parse request to the server even if this option is disabled. In that case, the query that is sent to the server for parsing will have the parameter markers replaced with the actual parameter values, or NULL literals if the values are not known yet |
Int8 As | Define what datatype to report int8 columns as |
Numeric(without precision) As | Specify the map from numeric items without precision to SQL data types. numeric(default), varchar, double or memo(SQL_LONGVARCHAR) can be specified |
Extra Opts | Combination of the following bits:
Level of rollback on errors | Specifies what to rollback should an error occur:
OID Options |
Connect Settings: | The driver sends these commands to the backend upon a successful connection. It sends these settings AFTER it sends the driver "Connect Settings". Use a semi-colon (;) to separate commands. This can now handle any query, even if it returns results. The results will be thrown away however! |
TCP KEEPALIVE setting (by sec) | Specifies the TCP keepalive settings:
Advanced Options 3/X
Parameter | Description |
Distributed Transaction related settings: Allow connections unrecoverable by MSDTC? | How to test distributed transactions:
libpq parameters:(I) | Specify libpq connection parameters with conninfo style strings e.g. sslrootcert=c:\\myfolder\\myroot sslcert=C:\\myfolder\\mycert sslkey=C:\\myfolder\\mykey. Though host, port, dbname, user, password, sslmode, keepalives_idle or keepalive_interval parameters can be set using this(pqopt) option, the use is not recommended because they are ordinarily set by other options. When some settings for those parameters conflict with other ordinary options, connections are rejected |
See Also
Connecting via JDBC Driver
For data consumption tools that support connecting via a JDBC driver, we have one. If you have the CData Virtuality Suite installed, the file is found in ..\CData Virtuality Suite\Drivers, and if not, it can be downloaded from the server. For more information on the driver and its installation, please see the dedicated subpage in this section.