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Generic ODBC/JDBC Connection

Connecting via ODBC Driver

The CData Virtuality Suite contains the CData Virtuality ODBC driver, enabling data consumption tools to connect to the CData Virtuality Server using the ODBC protocol. Before using such tools, the CData Virtuality ODBC driver must be installed, and the appropriate DSN must be created.

You can find the installation instruction for the CData Virtuality ODBC driver in the Administration Guide/Installation.

See Also

Connecting F# via ODBC

Connecting Excel via ODBC

Connecting Qlik via ODBC

Connecting Tableau via ODBC

Connecting via JDBC Driver

For data consumption tools that support connecting via a JDBC driver, we have one. If you have the CData Virtuality Suite installed, the file is found in ..\CData Virtuality Suite\Drivers, and if not, it can be downloaded from the server. For more information on the driver and its installation, please see the dedicated subpage in this section.

See Also

Connecting SQuirreL via JDBC

Connecting R via JDBC

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