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Jobs, Schedules, and History

The Jobs tab displays information on the jobs running in your instance.


This tab displays essential information on all jobs running in your instance.


Click this button to view detailed information on a specific job


Click this button to edit the job, view its history, disable, or delete it


New Job

This tab provides a wizard for creating a new job for already connected data sources.

The + Create View and + Create Custom SQL Job buttons will take you to the Code Editor.

New Job.png


CData Virtuality supports several types of schedules: various types of interval schedules (daily, weekly, monthly, and hourly) and after another job schedules (also known as chained schedules). For more details, please see Schedules.

To define or edit a schedule for an existing job, click the Expand button in the rightmost part of the job’s row, and then click + Manage Schedules:

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 22-20-46.png

In the pop-up window, select the required type of schedule, indicate the time, click + Add Schedule, and then click Save and Close:

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 22-22-32.png

If necessary, you can set up several schedules for the same job.

Jobs History

This tab shows detailed information on the job runs. If a run failed, the failure reason will be provided - to view it, move the cursor over the words Failure reason. Clicking the words Failure reason will copy the text of the error message into the clipboard for communicating it to our support team, for example.

Jobs History.png

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