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Web UI

The Web UI lets you quickly set up and manage your CData Virtuality installation. In this section, we will describe each element of the interface and how you can get the most out of them; this page gives a short overview of each element and links to more detailed descriptions.


The Dashboard gives an overview of your CData Virtuality installation and its status and also provides a log of all runs with an easy way to view only failed runs if needed. Please find a detailed description here.

Data Warehouses

This page displays your data warehouse which is the destination for your data replication and materialized data. A detailed description of this page is here.


This page displays all sources connected to your CData Virtuality installation. You can manage the sources you have already added and add new ones here. This page is described in more detail here.


This tab displays the jobs running on your CData Virtuality instance and gives quick access to detailed information about them, adding new jobs, and editing existing ones. Schedules for the jobs can also be managed from this page. You can find more information here.

Code Editor

The Code Editor lets you write and run SQL queries, as well as build CSV and XML/JSON queries. For more information, see here.


In some cases, queries may be sped up - CData Virtuality has a specially designed system for recommending optimizations. As you use it, recommendations will be shown in this tab which is described in more detail here.

Data Shop

This page displays published data products which you can then access and download. For a detailed description, see here.


This section is available via the menu which appears upon clicking on your name in the top right corner of CData Virtuality pages. It gives you access to your data warehouse settings, account information, notifications management, and jobs execution status settings. All preferences are described in more detail here.

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